gesture - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "gesture" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 43 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
gesture gesto [m]
gesture ademán [m]
gesture llamada [f]
gesture seña [f]
gesture gesticulación [f]
gesture gesticular [v]
gesture demostración [f]
gesture signo [m]
gesture coquito [m]
gesture gesto [m]
gesture mohín [m]
gesture rasgo [m]
gesture signo [m]
gesture visaje [m]
gesture demostración [f]
gesture expresión [f]
gesture gestualidad [f]
gesture muestra [f]
gesture semeja [f]
gesture señal [f]
gesture seña [f]
gesture accionar [v]
gesture detalle [m]
gesture señal [f]
gesture gestual [adj]
gesture mohín [m]
gesture alcocarra [f]
gesture acción [f]
gesture hacer gestos [v]
gesture accionar [v]
gesture figura [f]
gesture acatadura [f] disused
gesture figura [f] rare
gesture seña [f] LA
gesture coco [m]
gesture pote [m]
gesture catadura [f]
gesture pujar [v]
gesture acto de cortesía
gesture rasgo [m]
gesture gesto [m]
gesture compás [m]
gesture neuma [m/f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "gesture" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 80 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
rapid hand gesture batimán (francés) [m]
nice gesture detalle [m]
angry gesture estufido [m]
wild gesture jeribeque [m]
funny gesture momo [m]
hand gesture for pointing derisively at a person higa [f]
gesture or movement to deceive distract llamada [f]
funny gesture monería [f]
gesture of thankfulness agradecimiento [m]
gesture with hand hacer gestos con la mano [v]
gesture while talking manotear [v]
middle finger (gesture used to insult someone) dedo malcriado [n] BO
gesture indicating scorn or contempt desgaire [m]
gesture of annoyance regaño [m]
lewd posture/gesture in women desenvoltura [f]
queer gesture contorsión [f]
expressiveness of face/gesture expresión [f]
affected gesture figurería [f]
rude gesture upon leaving arrendón [m] NI
gesture involving wrinkling the nose and snorting that some children make when asked cusuquito [m] HN:W SV
gesture or attitude, usually of contempt or pride estilo [m] SV
gesture showing intent to do something mate [m] GT HN SV NI
funny gesture micura [m] SV
angry gesture a child makes piquito [m] DO
rude gesture respingo [m] HN
gesture of being in a bad mood truño [m] DO
gesture that gives one away amague [m] GT NI PR EC
affected gesture caída [f] PA
gesture made before someone begins to cry cucharita [f] NI PA PR
challenging gesture or attitude of a fun or supporter fanaticada [f] EC
offensive hand gesture guatusa [f] NI
offensive hand gesture guatuza [f] NI
absurd gesture made with hands mariguanza [f] CL
funny gesture macacada [f] UY
angry action or gesture rebascada [f] PR rur.
rude gesture seña [f] MX
facial gesture showing nonchalance zafada [f] SV
gesture of disapproval made by hitting the palm of one hand with the fist of the other tapa [f] CL
mocking gesture pretending to strum a guitar chinchinga [f] NI
absurd hand gesture mariguanza [f] DO CL
hand gesture señal de borrica frontina [f] disused
make a gesture like pulling out a gun from under the shirt camisearse [v] NI
make a gesture agestarse [v] disused
gesture to leave tomar el sombrero [v]
as a gesture en señal [adv]
token gesture gesto simbólico
mocking gesture waving hand from one's nose pito catalán [m] PA AR UY
angry gesture trompa de lechón de a peso [f] DO
show anger or a bad mood with a lip gesture estirar la bemba [v] PA CU
display anger with a gesture of the mouth estirar el hocico [v] CU
make a gesture with one's hands to mock hacer narices [v] BO
gesture a lot parecer mono haciendo muecas [v] NI
what a thoughtful gesture! ¡qué gesto considerado!
what a thoughtful gesture! ¡qué detallista eres!
gesture towards someone hacer gestos a alguien [v]
gesture to someone hacer gestos a alguien [v]
as a gesture of goodwill como gesto de buena voluntad
as a goodwill gesture como gesto de buena voluntad
as a gesture of goodwill en señal de buena voluntad
exaggerated gesture zorrocloco [m]
a gesture of devotion un gesto de devoción
a gesture of submission un gesto de sumisión
hand gesture mate [m] SV
rude gesture roterío [m] CL derog.
rude gesture relajo [m] UY
real or faked gesture made before someone begins to cry cuchara [f] HN PR
exaggerated gesture for laughs miquería [f] GT SV CO
agreeable (behavior or gesture) comprador [adj] BO PY AR UY
captivating (behavior or gesture) comprador [adj] BO PY AR UY
display anger or a bad mood with a gesture of the mouth estirar trompa [v] NI CO
display anger with a gesture of the mouth estirar la bemba [v] PA CU
silence someone with a hand gesture pintar huevos [v] MX derog.
pointing gesture gesto de señalar
gesture technology tecnología de gesto
suicide gesture gesto suicida
suicide gesture gesto suicida
suicide gesture gesto de suicidio
natural gesture gestos naturales
gesture of willingness respingo [m]
threatening gesture amago [m]