apex - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "apex" in Spanish English Dictionary : 35 result(s)

English Spanish
apex ápex [m]
apex ápice [m]
apex vértice [m]
apex cúspide [f]
apex culmen [m]
apex fastigio [m]
apex extremo [m]
apex fastigio [m]
apex tope [m]
apex apogeo [m]
apex pico [m]
apex cima [f]
apex punta [f]
apex sumidad [f]
apex cumbre [f]
apex culminación [f]
apex auge [m]
apex cúspide [f]
apex ápice [m]
apex ápice [m]
apex vértice [m]
apex cúspide [f]
apex ápex [m]
apex el vértice
apex la cúspide
apex cúspide [f]
apex fastigio [m]
apex ápice [m]
apex enganche superior [m]
apex parte superior [f]
apex enganche superior
apex parte superior
apex vértice [m]
apex cima [f]
apex cúspide [f]

Meanings of "apex" in English Spanish Dictionary : 1 result(s)

Spanish English
apex [m] apex (pl: apices)

Meanings of "apex" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 73 result(s)

English Spanish
apex predator superdepredador [m]
apex funds fondos de instituciones financieras de segundo piso
apex institution organización de segundo piso
apex institution institución financiera de segundo piso
apex loan préstamo en cascada
apex loan préstamo piramidal
apex organization organización de segundo piso
apex organization institución financiera de segundo piso
apex institution institución principal
apex institution banco principal
apex step vértice escalonado
upper apex cresta anticlinal
apex angle ángulo en el vértice
apex of a lode vértice de un filón
apex-matching plate placa de adaptación del vértice
minor apex face cara de ápice menor
major apex face cara de ápice mayor
shoot apex brote apical [m]
root apex ápice de la raíz [m]
the apex of a cone el vértice de un cono
apex of a vein brotazón de veta [m]
apex of the lung ápice pulmonar [m]
apex cardiogram apexcardiograma [m]
apex cardiogram apexicardiograma [m]
apex (pl: apices) vértice [m]
apex (pl: apices) apex [m]
apex cordis vértice cardíaco
apex beat latido de la punta
apex pneumonia neumonía del vértice
apex of the lung ápex del pulmón
apex pulmonis vértice pulmonar
apex murmur soplo de la punta
apex beat latido apexiano
apex pneumonia neumonía apical
apex impulse impulso apical
apex of arytenoid cartilage vértice del cartílago aritenoides
apex cornus posterioris apex cornus posterioris
apex cuspidis dentis vértice de la cúspide del diente
apex of dens vértice dental
apex of head of fibula apex de la cabeza del peroné
apex of heart vértice del corazón
apex of lung vértice del pulmón
orbital apex apex orbital
apex of patella vértice de la rótula
apex of petrous part of temporal bone vértice de la porción petrosa del hueso temporal
apex of prostate vértice de la próstata
root apex vértice de la raíz del diente
apex of sacrum vértice del sacro
apex satyri apex satyri
apex of urinary bladder vértice de la vejiga
apex beat latido apexiano
notch of apex of heart incisura del vértice del corazón
apex pneumonia neumonía apical
root apex ápice radicular [m]
Construction Machinery
apex shoe zapata apex
blind apex subafloramiento [m]
apex of the trajectory vértice de la trayectoria
apex fare precio de la excursión de reserva por adelantado [m]
apex fare precio apex
anticlinal apex ápice del anticlinal [m]
apex of anticline ápice del anticlinal [m]
anticlinal apex culminación del anticlinal
apex predator superpredador [m]
British Slang
go base over apex quedarse/caerse boca abajo [v]
base over apex con las ruedas para arriba
base over apex dado vuelta
stem apex ápice del las ramas [m]
stem apex ápice del vástago [m]
a leafy tree up to 5 m high, with bipinnate leaves, fruits arranged in clusters formed at the apex of the branches charán [m] EC PE
a tree up to 10 m tall with sharp apex and entire edges, green or yellowish flowers, fleshy fruits that turn purple red when ripe (siparuna panamensis) limoncillo [m] PA
a shrub up to 2 m in height, with spines about 1 cm long in its branches, obtuse and rounded base and apex leaves (randia ciliolata) agalla [f] CU
a perennial grass, up to 1 m high, with several thin and green stems, alternate leaves, from ovate to lanceolate, sharp at the apex and rounded at the base, green flowers (polygala hondurana) ipecacuana [f] HN NI CR BO
a perennial grass, up to 1 m high, with several thin and green stems, alternate leaves, from ovate to lanceolate, sharp at the apex and rounded at the base, green flowers (polygala hondurana) picuana [f] HN