kingdom - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "kingdom" in Spanish English Dictionary : 12 result(s)

English Spanish
kingdom reino [m]
kingdom mundo [m]
kingdom reino [m]
kingdom corona [f]
kingdom monarquía [f]
kingdom corona [f]
kingdom monarquía [f]
kingdom extensión de tierra [f]
kingdom región [f]
kingdom imperio [m]
kingdom realme [m] disused
kingdom reino [m]

Meanings of "kingdom" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 95 result(s)

English Spanish
pound (unit of currency of the united kingdom) libra [f]
man from castile kingdom, spain castellano [m]
pecuniary service that the kingdom of castile did on the marriage of the kings chapín de la reina [m]
man from the kingdom of hanover hannoveriano [m]
officer in charge of silk contributions in the kingdom of granada jeliz (árabe) [m]
title given to second-class nobles in the ancient kingdom of aragon mosén [m]
christian kingdom tax for moors and jews alfarda (árabe) [f]
woman from castile kingdom, spain castellana [f]
woman from the kingdom of hanover hannoveriana [f]
extension of a kingdom, province, or district latitud [f]
man/woman from the kingdom of candia candiota [m/f]
native of a kingdom or country regnícola [m/f]
from the kingdom of candia candiota [adj]
pertaining to the kingdom of candia candiota [adj]
from castile kingdom, spain castellano [adj]
from the kingdom of hanover hannoveriano [adj]
pertaining to the kingdom of hanover hannoveriano [adj]
from the kingdom of navarre navarro [adj]
pertaining to the kingdom of navarre or navarre, spain or inhabitants navarro [adj]
native of a kingdom or country regnícola [adj]
keys of the kingdom llaves de la iglesia [f/pl]
united kingdom reino unido [m]
bogle (united kingdom) espíritu maligno [m]
be the heir to the kingdom ser el heredero del reino [v]
u.k. (united kingdom) r.u. (reino unido)
kingdom hall salón de reino
kingdom of spain reino de españa
kingdom of sweden reino de suecia
hashemite kingdom of jordan reino hachemita de jordania
middle kingdom imperio medio
united kingdom reino unido
the united kingdom el reino unido
kingdom of spain el reino de españa
island kingdom reino insular
middle of a kingdom/place comedio [m]
small coin of the kingdom of valencia realete [m]
kingdom (nation or sovereign state) potencia [f]
native of a kingdom regnícola [m/f]
animal kingdom reino animal [m]
sub-kingdom subreino [m]
elevator (united kingdom) escalera móvil [f]
perpend (united kingdom) parar mientes [v]
(in granada in the former kingdom) customs where growers presented silk to pay taxes established by moorish kings alcaecería [f] disused
man/woman from the kingdom of candia candiote [m/f] disused
from the kingdom of candia candiote [adj] disused
blast somebody to kingdom come matar a alguien con una bomba
blast somebody to kingdom come volar a alguien en pedazos
blow somebody to kingdom come enviar a alguien al otro mundo
blow someone or something to kingdom come enviar a alguien al otro mundo
blow somebody to kingdom come enviar a alguien al reino de los cielos
till kingdom come cuando las ranas críen pelo
till kingdom come hasta que san juan baje el dedo
till kingdom come por tiempo indefinido
till kingdom come hasta el día del juicio final
till kingdom come por un tiempo muy largo
till kingdom come hasta el fin del mundo
till kingdom come eternamente
till kingdom come hasta que colón baje el dedo
until kingdom come eternamente
until kingdom come hasta el día del juicio final
thy kingdom come venga a nosotros tu reino
keys to the kingdom las llaves del reino
a good mind possess a kingdom más vale saber que hablar [old-fashioned]
go to kingdom come irse al reino de los cielos [v]
send to kingdom come matar [v]
send to kingdom come enviar al otro mundo [v]
united kingdom (uk) reino unido (r.u.)
united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland reino unido de gran bretaña e irlanda del norte
animal kingdom reino animal
plant kingdom reino vegetal
united kingdom prospective diabetes study (ukpds) estudio prospectivo sobre diabetes del reino unido
off side (united kingdom) lado derecho [m]
united kingdom [uk] reino unido
plant kingdom reino vegetal
vegetable kingdom reino vegetal
plant kingdom reino vegetal
floral kingdom reino floral
kingdom of thailand reino de tailandia
kingdom of the netherlands reino de los países bajos
mineral kingdom reino mineral
plant kingdom reino vegetal
animal kingdom reino animal
floral kingdom imperio florístico
biogeographical kingdom reinos biogeográficos
phytogeographical kingdom reino fitogeográfico
meridional kingdom reino meridonal
united kingdom atomic energy authority organismo regulador británico
kingdom of heaven reino de los cielos [m]
god's kingdom reino de los cielos [m]
god's kingdom reino de dios [m]
kingdom of heaven reino de los cielos
a species within the kingdom plantae, family rubiaceae (hamelia axillaris) buzunuco [m] DO
a species within the kingdom plantae, family rubiaceae (hamelia axillaris) bozonuco [m] DO
a species within the kingdom plantae, family fabaceae (eysenhardtia adenostylis) chichilmeco [m] HN NI
a species within the kingdom plantae, family fabaceae (eysenhardtia adenostylis) chichimeco [m] HN NI