aircraft - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "aircraft" in German English Dictionary : 13 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
aircraft Flugzeug [n]
aircraft Luftfahrzeug [n]
aircraft Flugzeug [n]
EU Terms
aircraft Flugzeug [n]
aircraft Fluggerät [n]
aircraft Flugzeug [n]
aircraft Fluggerät [n]
aircraft Luftfahrzeug [n]
aircraft Luftfahrzeuge [pl]
aircraft Fluggeräte [pl]
aircraft Flugzeuge [pl]
aircraft Flugzeug [n]
aircraft Flugzeug [n]

Meanings of "aircraft" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
automatic aircraft control Autopilot [m]
body of the/an aircraft Rumpf [m]
body of the/an aircraft Flugzeugrumpf [m]
aircraft fleet Flugzeugpark [m]
naval aircraft carrier Flottenflugzeugträger [m]
aircraft manufacturer Flugzeughersteller [m]
aircraft construction Flugzeugbau [m]
high-wing aircraft Hochdecker [m]
aircraft company Flugzeugbauer [m]
aircraft manufacturer Flugzeugbauer [m]
aircraft carrier Flugzeugträger [m]
aircraft engineer Flugzeugingenieur [m]
bomber aircraft Bomber [m]
fleet of aircraft Flugzeugflotte [f]
drone aircraft (unmanned reconnaissance aircraft) Drohne [f]
shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile Fliegerfaust [f]
aircraft factory Flugzeugfabrik [f]
aircraft bomb Fliegerbombe [f]
aircraft cargo Flugzeugfracht [f]
aircraft cargo Luftfracht [f]
aircraft engineer Flugzeugingenieurin [f]
aircraft supplies industry Luftfahrtzulieferindustrie [f]
aircraft technology Flugzeugtechnik [f]
aircraft travel Flugzeugreise [f]
aircraft technology Flugzeugtechnologie [f]
pirate aircraft Piratenflugzeug [n]
model aircraft Modellflugzeug [n]
model aircraft Flugmodell [n]
trainer aircraft Schulflugzeug [n]
training aircraft Schulflugzeug [n]
long haul aircraft Langstreckenflugzeug [n]
amphibious aircraft Amphibienflugzeug [n]
short haul aircraft Kurzstreckenflugzeug [n]
medium-haul aircraft Mittelstreckenflugzeug [n]
single-seater aircraft einsitziges Flugzeug [n]
anti-aircraft gun Flugabwehrgeschütz [n]
delta wing aircraft Deltaflugzeug [n]
aircraft spotting Flugzeugebeobachten [n]
stealth aircraft Tarnkappenflugzeug [n]
hired aircraft Charterflugzeug [n]
cargo aircraft Frachtflugzeug [n]
bomber aircraft Bombenflugzeug [n]
fire fighting aircraft Brandbekämpfungsflugzeug [n]
marshal (aircraft) einweisen [v]
marshal (aircraft) einwinken [v]
marshal (aircraft) einwinken (Luftfahrzeug) [v]
flight-test (an aircraft) (ein Flugzeug) einfliegen [v]
force down an aircraft ein Flugzeug zur Landung zwingen [v]
ground an aircraft ein Luftfahrzeug am Boden festhalten [v]
hijack an aircraft ein Flugzeug entführen [v]
bring to the ground (an aircraft) (ein Flugzeug) abschießen [v]
bring to the ground (an aircraft) vom Himmel holen [v]
scramble something (aircraft) einen Alamstart durchführen (lassen) [v]
pirate aircraft Piratenflugzeuge [pl]
military aircraft Militärflugzeuge [pl]
model aircraft Flugmodelle [pl]
model aircraft Modellflugzeuge [pl]
models of aircraft Flugzeugtypen [pl]
long range-aircraft Langstreckenflugzeuge [pl]
trainer aircraft Schulflugzeuge [pl]
training aircraft Schulflugzeuge [pl]
aircraft gas-turbines Gasturbinen des Flugzeugs [pl]
aircraft gas-turbines Flugzeuggasturbinen [pl]
landing of aircraft Landen von Luftfahrzeugen
lead aircraft führendes Luftfahrzeug
hot pursuit effected by an aircraft Nacheile durch ein Luftfahrzeug
aboard an aircraft an Bord eines Flugzeugs
strayed aircraft vom Kurs abgekommenes Luftfahrzeug
swept wing aircraft Flugzeug mit gepfeilten Tragflächen
radar picket aircraft Luftfahrzeug {n} für vorgeschobene Radarüberwachung
fighter aircraft Kampfflieger [m]
anti-aircraft auxiliary Flakhelfer [m]
medium-haul aircraft Mittelstreckenmaschine [f]
bring to the ground (an aircraft) herunterholen [v]
aircraft passenger insurance Fluggastversicherung [f]
aircraft insurance Luftfahrtversicherung [f]
aircraft industry Luftfahrtindustrie [f]
aircraft hull insurance Flugzeugkaskoversicherung [f]
aboard an aircraft an Bord eines Flugzeugs
aircraft mortgage Flugzeughypothek [f]
unlawful seizure of aircraft widerrechtlche Inbesitznahme von Luftfahrzeugen
Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft (Tokyo Convention) Übereinkommen über strafbare und bestimmte andere an Bord von Luftfahrzeugen begangene Handlungen (Tokio-Konvention)
EU Terms
aircraft carrier Flugzeugträger [m]
aircraft fleet Luftverkehrsflotte [f]
fighter aircraft Kampfflugzeug [n]
military aircraft Militärflugzeuge [pl]
freight in the aircraft an das Frachtgut im Flugzeug [v]
propeller-driven aircraft Propellerflugzeug
canard-type aircraft Ententypflugzeug
propeller aircraft Propellerflugzeug
aircraft stabilization Flugzeugstabilisierung
aircraft pylon Außenlastträger
aircraft power plant Flugzeugtriebwerk
aircraft control Flugzeugsteuerung
amphibious aircraft Amphibienluftfahrzeug
launching of aircraft Flugzeugstart
sea mine adapted to be launched from aircraft Abwurfseemine
rear of the wing of aircraft control surface Flügelhinterkante der Flugzeugsteuerfläche
kite aircraft Drachenflugzeug
channelwing aircraft Stauflügelfahrzeug
out of the aircraft vom Flugzeug aus
aircraft control surface Flugzeugsteuerfläche
aircraft launching gear Flugzeugstartvorrichtung
indication in the aircraft Anzeige im Flugzeug
all-wing aircraft Nurflügelflugzeug
aircraft armament Flugzeugbewaffnung
aircraft wing Flugzeugtragfläche
towing aircraft Flugzeugschlepp
control aircraft Flugzeugsteuerung
convertible aircraft Verwandlungsflugzeug
anti-aircraft defence Flugzeugabwehr
aircraft control according to attitude Strahlablenkung
aircraft parts Flugzeugteile
on aircraft am Luftfahrzeug
to aircraft fuselage am Flugzeugrumpf
turboprop aircraft Turboprop-Flugzeug
aircraft speed Fluggeschwindigkeit
aircraft weighing apparatus Flugzeugwaage
aircraft wing Flugzeugflügel
in the aircraft im Flugzeug
front of the wing aircraft control surface Flügelvorderkante der Flugzeugsteuerfläche
supersonic type aircraft Überschallluftfahrzeug
Magnus effect of aircraft Magnuseffekt von Flugzeug
aircraft aerial Flugzeugantenne
droppable out of the aircraft vom Flugzeug aus abwerfbar
power plant control of aircraft Triebwerksregelung von Flugzeug
model aircraft Modellflugzeug
aircraft fuselage Flugzeugrumpf
aircraft toilet Bordtoilette
air-conditioning of the aircraft Flugzeugklimatisierung
aircraft carrier Flugzeugträger
man-power aircraft Muskelkraftflugzeug
jettisonable out of the aircraft vom Flugzeug aus abwerfbar
aircraft undercarriage Flugzeugfahrgestell
mikrolight aircraft Ultraleichtflugzeug
aircraft crew Flugzeugbesatzung
state aircraft (used in police services) staatliche Luftfahrzeuge [pl]
state aircraft (used in police services) Staatsluftfahrzeuge [pl]
rotary wing aircraft Drehflügler [m]
rotor aircraft Drehflügler [m]
multirole combat aircraft (MRCA) Tornado [m]
aircraft crash Flugzeugabsturz [m]
aircraft earth station Luftfahrzeug-Erdfunkstelle [f]
twin boom aircraft Doppelrumpfflugzeug [n]
rotor aircraft Drehflügelflugzeug [n]
rotary wing aircraft Drehflügelflugzeug [n]
combat aircraft Kampfflugzeug [n]
strike aircraft Kampfflugzeug [n]
transport aircraft Transportflugzeug [n]
gull-wing aircraft Knickflügelflugzeug [n]
fixed-wing aircraft Starrflügelflugzeug [n]
cargo aircraft Lastenflugzeug [n]
medium-range aircraft Mittelstreckenflugzeug [n]
variable-geometry aircraft Schwenkflügelflugzeug [n]
passenger aircraft Passagierflugzeug [n]
supersonic aircraft Überschallflugzeug [n]
combat aircraft Kampfflugzeug [n]
aircraft engine Flugtriebwerk [n]
launching aircraft Flugzeug für Raketenstarts
aircraft engineering Flugzeugtechnik [f]
bomber (bomb-carrying military aircraft) Bomber [m]
one-man anti-aircraft missile Einmann-Fla-Rakete [f]
aircraft construction Flugzeugbau [m]
aircraft noise Fluglärm [m]
aircraft measurement Flugzeugmessung [f]
aircraft noise reduction Fluglärmminderung [f]
aircraft noise act Fluglärmgesetz [n]
sport aircraft Sportflugzeug [n]
aircraft exhaust Flugzeugabgas [n]
military aircraft Militärflugzeug [n]
aircraft icing Luftfahrzeugvereisung [f]
weather reconnaissance aircraft Wettererkundungsflugzeug [n]
meteorological aircraft Wetterflugzeug [n]
weather reconnaissance aircraft Wettererkundungsflugzeuge [pl]
aircraft engine Flugzeugmotor [m]
aircraft carrier Flugzeugträger [m]
aircraft operations Flugbetrieb [m]
aircraft manufacturer Flugzeughersteller [m]
aircraft construction Flugzeugbau [m]
aircraft frame Flugzeugzelle [f]
aircraft control Flugzeugsteuerung [f]
aircraft industry Luftfahrtindustrie [f]
aircraft factory Flugzeugfabrik [f]
aircraft accessories Flugzeugzubehör [n]
aircraft instrument Fluginstrument [n]
aircraft engine Flugtriebwerk [n]
aircraft fuel Flugbenzin [n]
aircraft brakes Flugzeugbremsen [pl]
agricultural aircraft Agrarflugzeug [n]
agricultural aircraft Agrarflugzeuge [pl]
aircraft accident Flugunfall [m]
aircraft accident report Flugunfallbericht [m]
aircraft captain Flieger [m]
aircraft captain Flugkapitän [m]
aircraft captain Luftfahrzeugführer [m]
aircraft captain Pilot [m]
aircraft cemetery Flugzeugfriedhof [m]
aircraft carrier Flugzeugträger [m]
aircraft company Flugzeugbauer [m]
aircraft construction Flugzeugbau [m]
aircraft designer Flugzeugkonstrukteur [m]
aircraft dispatcher Flugplaner [m]
aircraft dispatcher Flugvorbereiter [m]
aircraft fleet Flugzeugpark [m]
aircraft formation Flugzeugverband [m]
aircraft manufacturer Flugzeughersteller [m]
aircraft maintenance record Flugzeug-Wartungsbericht [m]
aircraft market Fluggerätemarkt [m]
aircraft noise Flugzeuglärm [m]
aircraft pilot Pilot [m]
aircraft pilot Flugkapitän [m]
aircraft pilot Flieger [m]
aircraft pilot Luftfahrzeugführer [m]
aircraft tire Flugzeugreifen [m]
aircraft tyre Flugzeugreifen [m]
body of an aircraft Flugzeugrumpf [m]
body of an aircraft Rumpf [m]
chine (aircraft tyres) Wasserabweiser (Flugzeugreifen) [m]
chine (aircraft tyres) Wasserabweiser [m]
delta-wing aircraft Deltaflügler [m]
fixed-wing aircraft Starrflügler [m]
fleet of aircraft Flugzeugpark [m]
high-wing aircraft Hochdecker [m]
model of aircraft Flugzeugtyp [m]
rotary wing aircraft Drehflügler [m]
skewed-wing aircraft Schrägflügler [m]
swing-wing aircraft Schwenkflügler [m]
variable geometry aircraft Schwenkflügler [m]
vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL) Senkrechtstarter [m]
wireless aircraft service Flugfunkdienst [m]
aircraft construction Flughafenbau [m]
aircraft fuselage Flugzeugrumpf [m]
nighttime aircraft noise Nachtfluglärm [m]
fighter aircraft Jäger [m]
aircraft company Flugzeughersteller [m]
low-wing aircraft Tiefdecker [m]
coast reconnaissance aircraft Küstenaufklärer [m]
aircraft mechanic Flugzeugmechaniker [m]
aircraft container Luftfrachtcontainer [m]
medium-haul aircraft Mittelstreckenflieger [m]
low-flying aircraft Tiefflieger [m]
protective aircraft shelter Flugzeugschutzbau [m]
aircraft arrestment Flugzeugfang [m]
aircraft operating agency Luftfahrzeughalter [m]
aircraft proximity Flugabstand [m]
aircraft operator Luftfahrzeughalter [m]
aircraft stand Luftfahrzeugstandplatz [m]
aircraft noise Fluglärm [m]
aircraft position Luftfahrzeugstandort [m]
VTOL aircraft Senkrechtstarter [m]
occupant of an aircraft Luftfahrzeuginsasse [m]
aircraft emergency Luftnotfall [m]
spar (aircraft) Holm [m]
miniature aircraft index Kleinstluftfahrzeugindex [m]
short takeoff and landing aircraft Fastsenkrechtstarter [m]
aircraft parking position Flugzeugabstellplatz [m]
aircraft lift Flugzeugaufzug [m]
aircraft tug Flugzeugschlepper [m]
aircraft balance Flugzeugschwerpunkt [m]
aircraft icing indicator Flugzeugvereisungsanzeiger [m]
main plane (aircraft) Tragflügel [m]
wide-bodied aircraft Großraumjet [m]
hold (aircraft) Haltearm [m]
twin-engine jet aircraft Zwillingstriebwerksdüsenjet [m]
spoiler (aircraft) Spoiler [m]
stabilizer (aircraft) Stabilisierungsflügel [m]
stabilizer (aircraft) Stabilisator [m]
aircraft accident Havarie [f]
aircraft arresting system Flugzeugfangeinrichtung [f]
aircraft dispatcher Flugplanerin [f]
aircraft designer Flugzeugkonstrukteurin [f]
aircraft dispatcher Flugvorbereiterin [f]
aircraft electronics Flugzeugelektronik [f]
aircraft electronics Luftfahrtelektronik [f]
aircraft electronics Avionik [f]
aircraft electronics Avionik (Fachgebiet und Bordgeräte) [f]
aircraft electronics Bordelektronik [f]
aircraft navigation Flugzeugnavigation [f]
aircraft measurement Flugzeugmessung [f]
aircraft trim Flugzeugtrimmung [f]
aircraft warning lights Kaminbefeuerung (Flugsicherung) [f]
aircraft warning lights Kaminbefeuerung [f]
climbing rate (aircraft) Steiggeschwindigkeit (Flugzeug) [f]
climbing rate (aircraft) Steiggeschwindigkeit [f]
commercial aircraft Verkehrsmaschine [f]
doomed plane (crashed aircraft) Unglücksmaschine (abgestürztes Flugzeug) [f]
electric aircraft equipment Bordelektrik [f]
port-side (left side of a ship/aircraft) Backbordseite [f]
shuttle aircraft Pendelmaschine [f]
aircraft classification number Lastwirkungsklassifikationszahl [f]
light aircraft pilot licence Leichtflugzeug-Pilotenlizenz [f]
vehicle and aircraft engineering Fahrzeug- und Flugzeugtechnik [f]
aircraft fleet Flugzeugflotte [f]
aircraft classification number Aircraft Classification Number [f]
light aircraft pilot licence Pilotenlizenz für Leichtflugzeuge [f]
tactical element of two aircraft Rotte [f]
aircraft pallet Luftfrachtpalette [f]
aircraft load factor Flugauslastung [f]
aircraft movement Flugbewegung [f]
aircraft performance Flugleistung [f]
aircraft movement message Luftfahrzeugbewegungsmeldung [f]
aircraft proximity Luftfahrzeugannäherung [f]
aircraft category Luftfahrzeugkategorie [f]
aircraft-to-station bearing Eigenpeilung [f]
aircraft accident notification Flugunfallmeldung [f]
aircraft manoeuvre Flugbewegung [f]
aircraft movement Luftfahrzeugbewegung [f]
aircraft recovery Rückführung [f]
aircraft accident investigation Flugunfalluntersuchung [f]
aircraft identification Luftfahrzeugkennung [f]
aircraft piloting Führung [f]
skin (aircraft) Außenhaut [f]
aircraft axis Flugzeugachse [f]
aircraft equipment Flugzeugausrüstung [f]
aircraft light Flugzeugbeleuchtung [f]
aircraft category Flugzeugkategorie [f]
aircraft identification Flugzeugkennung [f]
aircraft effectivity Flugzeugnutzleistung [f]
skin (aircraft) Oberfläche [f]
main plane (aircraft) tragende Fläche [f]
spoiler (aircraft) Unterbrecherklappe [f]
throttle (aircraft) Drossel [f]
out-of-trim (aircraft) Vertrimmung [f]
aircraft classification Luftfahrzeugklasse [f]
aircraft mains Luftfahrzeugstromversorgung [f]
range (of an aircraft) Reichweite [f]
aircraft catapult Flugzeugkatapult [n]
aircraft exhaust Flugzeugabgas [n]
aircraft operating manual Flugzeug-Betriebshandbuch [n]
aircraft weapons delivery system fliegendes Waffeneinsatzsystem [n]
air-sea rescue aircraft Seenotflugzeug [n]
air-sea rescue aircraft Seenotrettungsflugzeug [n]
all-metal aircraft Ganzmetallflugzeug [n]
all-weather aircraft Allwetterluftfahrzeug [n]
body of an aircraft Rumpfwerk [n]
body of the/an aircraft Rumpfwerk [n]
catapult aircraft Katapultflugzeug [n]
commercial aircraft Verkehrsflugzeug [n]
delta-wing aircraft Deltaflugzeug (Flugzeug) [n]
delta-wing aircraft Deltaflugzeug [n]
fixed-wing aircraft Starrflügel-Flugzeug [n]
flying wing aircraft Nurflügel-Flugzeug [n]
heavier-than-air aircraft aerodynamisches Luftfahrzeug (Luft- und Raumfahrt) [n]
lighter-than-air aircraft Luftfahrzeug [n]
long-haul aircraft Langstreckenflugzeug [n]
long-range aircraft Langstreckenflugzeug [n]
medium haul aircraft Mittelstreckenflugzeug [n]
medium range aircraft Mittelstreckenflugzeug [n]
operational aircraft Einsatzflugzeug [n]
reference aircraft Bemessungsflugzeug [n]
reference aircraft Referenzflugzeug (Flughafenplanung) [n]
tanker aircraft Tankflugzeug [n]
tiltrotor aircraft Kipprotorflugzeug [n]
tiltwing aircraft Kippflügelflugzeug [n]
turbojet aircraft Turbinenflugzeug [n]
short haul aircraft Kurzstreckenflugzeug [n]
short range aircraft Kurzstreckenflugzeug [n]
shuttle aircraft Pendelflugzeug [n]
subsonic aircraft Unterschallflugzeug [n]
swing-wing aircraft Schwenkflügelflugzeug [n]
ultralight aircraft Ultraleichtflugzeug [n]
variable geometry aircraft Schwenkflügelflugzeug [n]
vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL) Senkrechtstartflugzeug [n]
vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL) Vertikelstartflugzeug [n]
stealth aircraft Stealthflugzeug [n]
wide-body aircraft Großraumflugzeug [n]
raiding aircraft feindliches Flugzeug [n]
aircraft tail Flugzeugheck [n]
passenger aircraft Passagierflugzeug [n]
rescue aircraft Rettungsflugzeug [n]
aircraft factory Flugzeugwerk [n]
coast reconnaissance aircraft Küstenaufklärungsflugzeug [n]
search aircraft Suchflugzeug [n]
army aircraft Armeeflugzeug [n]
air-to-air refueling aircraft Luftbetankungsflugzeug [n]
fighter aircraft Jagdflugzeug [n]
aircraft operating manual Handbuch zum Flugzeug [n]
jet combat aircraft strahlgetriebenes Kampfflugzeug [n]
short distance reconnaissance aircraft Nahaufklärungsflugzeug [n]
taxiing aircraft rollendes Flugzeug [n]
sporting aircraft Sportflugzeug [n]
long range aircraft Langstreckenflugzeug [n]
shepherd aircraft Lotsenflugzeug [n]
rescue aircraft Rettungsluftfahrzeug [n]
jet aircraft Strahlflugzeug [n]
state aircraft Staatsluftfahrzeug [n]
lead aircraft Führungsluftfahrzeug [n]
lost aircraft Luftfahrzeug [n]
hospital aircraft Sanitätsluftfahrzeug [n]
aircraft radio Bordfunkgerät [n]
military aircraft Militärluftfahrzeug [n]
transport aircraft Transportluftfahrzeug [n]
light aircraft Leichtflugzeug [n]
type of aircraft Luftfahrzeugmuster [n]
STOL aircraft Kurzstartflugzeug [n]
Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) Wartungshandbuch [n]
aircraft call sign Luftfahrzeugrufzeichen [n]
tail first configuration aircraft Entenflugzeug [n]
qc aircraft QC-Flugzeug [n]
quick-change aircraft Quick-Change-Flugzeug [n]
canard wing aircraft Entenflugzeug [n]
throttle (aircraft) Drosselklappenventil [n]
folding-wing aircraft Klappflügelflugzeug [n]
folding-wing aircraft Faltflügelflugzeug [n]
rtol aircraft RTOL-Flugzeug [n]
rotating wing aircraft Drehflügelflugzeug [n]
canard wing aircraft kopfgesteuertes Flugzeug [n]
aircraft balance Flugzeuggleichgewicht [n]
aircraft longitudinal field Flugzeuglängsfeld [n]
aircraft lateral field Flugzeugquerfeld [n]
short takeoff and landing aircraft Kurzstartflugzeug [n]
short takeoff and landing aircraft Kurzstart-Kurzlande-Flugzeug [n]
fixed-wing aircraft Starrflügelluftfahrzeug [n]
rotor aircraft Drehflügelflugzeug [n]
executive aircraft Geschäftsflugzeug [n]
aircraft mains Luftfahrzeugverteilernetz [n]
business aircraft Geschäftsflugzeug [n]
t-tail (aircraft) T-Leitwerk [n]
ctol aircraft CTOL-Flugzeug [n]
lifting-body aircraft Tragrumpf-Schwebekörper-Flugzeug [n]
transonic aircraft Transsonikflugzeug [n]
quiet short takeoff and landing aircraft geräuscharmes Kurzstart- und Landeflugzeug [n]
quiet takeoff and landing aircraft geräuscharm startendes und landendes Flugzeug [n]
stretched aircraft verlängertes Flugzeug [n]
composite aircraft Doppelflugzeug [n]
rotary wing aircraft Drehflügelflugzeug [n]
all-cargo aircraft Nur-Frachtflugzeug [n]
pre-production aircraft Vorserienflugzeug [n]
aircraft tail unit Luftfahrzeugleitwerk [n]
aircraft call signal Luftfahrzeugrufzeichen [n]
hypersonic aircraft Überschallflugzeug [n]
production aircraft Serienflugzeug [n]
composite aircraft Zwillingsflugzeug [n]
subsonic aircraft Unterschall-Luftfahrzeug [n]
all-cargo aircraft reines Frachttransportflugzeug [n]
transonic aircraft Überschallflugzeug [n]
medium-range aircraft Mittelstreckenflugzeug [n]
vtol aircraft VTOL-Flugzeug [n]
stol aircraft STOL-Flugzeug [n]
turnround (aircraft) [uk] Wenden [n]
supersonic aircraft Überschallflugzeug [n]
aircraft engine emissions Flugzeugtriebwerksemissionen [f/pl]
aircraft overhaul rating Flugzeugüberholungsdaten [n/pl]
aircraft maintenance rating Flugzeugwartungsdaten [n/pl]
marshal aircraft einwinken [v]
recover aircraft rückführen [v]
aircraft pilot führen [v]
marshal aircraft einweisen [v]
abandon aircraft aufgeben [v]
port-side (left side of a ship/aircraft) Backbord [n/m]
aircraft accident investigations Flugunfalluntersuchungen [pl]
aircraft accidents Flugunfälle [pl]
aircraft accident notifications Flugunfallmeldungen [pl]
aircraft accident reports Flugunfallberichte [pl]
aircraft accidents Havarien [pl]
aircraft arresting systems Flugzeugfangeinrichtungen [pl]
aircraft captains Piloten [pl]
aircraft captains Flugkapitäne [pl]
aircraft captains Flieger [pl]
aircraft captains Luftfahrzeugführer [pl]
aircraft carriers Flugzeugträger [pl]
aircraft cemeteries Flugzeugfriedhöfe [pl]
aircraft catapults Flugzeugkatapulte [pl]
aircraft companies Flugzeugbauer [pl]
aircraft designers Flugzeugkonstrukteurinnen [pl]
aircraft designers Flugzeugkonstrukteure [pl]
aircraft dispatchers Flugvorbereiter [pl]
aircraft dispatchers Flugplanerinnen [pl]
aircraft dispatchers Flugplaner [pl]
aircraft dispatchers Flugvorbereiterinnen [pl]
aircraft formations Flugzeugverbände [pl]
aircraft instruments Bordinstrumente [pl]
aircraft landing lights Flugzeug-Landescheinwerfer [pl]
aircraft maintenance records Flugzeug-Wartungsberichte [pl]
aircraft manufacturers Flugzeughersteller [pl]
aircraft landing lights Landescheinwerfer [pl]
aircraft operating manuals Flugzeug-Betriebshandbücher [pl]
aircraft pilots Piloten [pl]
aircraft pilots Flieger [pl]
aircraft pilots Luftfahrzeugführer [pl]
aircraft pilots Flugkapitäne [pl]
aircraft tires Flugzeugreifen [pl]
aircraft tyres Flugzeugreifen [pl]
air-sea rescue aircraft Seenotrettungsflugzeuge [pl]
air-sea rescue aircraft Seenotflugzeuge [pl]
all-metal aircraft Ganzmetallflugzeuge [pl]
catapult aircraft Katapultflugzeuge [pl]
commercial aircraft Verkehrsflugzeuge [pl]
commercial aircraft Verkehrsmaschinen [pl]
delta-wing aircraft Deltaflugzeuge [pl]
drone aircraft Drohnen [pl]
drone aircraft Drohnenflugzeuge [pl]
fixed-wing aircraft Starrflügel-Flugzeuge [pl]
flying wing aircraft Nurflügel-Flugzeuge [pl]
long-haul aircraft Langstreckenflugzeuge [pl]
medium haul aircraft Mittelstreckenflugzeuge [pl]
medium range aircraft Mittelstreckenflugzeuge [pl]
protective aircraft shelters Flugzeugschutzbauten [pl]
reference aircraft Bemessungsflugzeuge [pl]
reference aircraft Referenzflugzeuge [pl]