schedule - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "schedule" in German English Dictionary : 71 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
schedule Fahrplan [m]
schedule Terminplaner [m]
schedule Zeitablaufplan [m]
schedule Flugplan [m]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule Terminplan [m]
schedule Stundenplan [m]
schedule Liste [f]
schedule Tabelle [f]
schedule Verzeichnis [n]
schedule Programm [n]
schedule planen
schedule Ablaufplan [m]
schedule Fahrplan [m]
schedule Flugplan [m]
schedule Plan [m]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule Aufstellung [f]
schedule Tabelle [f]
schedule Kursbuch [n]
schedule festsetzen [v]
schedule ansetzen [v]
schedule Aufstellung
schedule Ablaufplan
schedule Ablaufplan [m]
schedule Plan [m]
schedule Aufstellung [f]
Quality Management
schedule planen [v]
Swiss Law
schedule Anhang [m]
schedule Plan [m]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule Terminplan [m]
schedule Aufstellung [f]
schedule Tabelle [f]
schedule Liste [f]
schedule Verzeichnis [n]
schedule ansetzen [v]
schedule planen [v]
schedule einplanen [v]
schedule Tab.
schedule Terminplan [m]
schedule tabellarische Übersicht
schedule Zeitablaufplan [m]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule Liste [f]
schedule Plan [m]
schedule Flugplan [m]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule Ablaufplan [m]
schedule Fahrplan [m]
schedule vorsehen [v]
schedule planen [v]
Model Railroading
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule Fahrplan [m]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule Fahrplan [m]
schedule planen [v]
schedule (Zeit)Plan [m]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule einplanen [v]
schedule planen [v]
schedule ansetzen [v]
SAP Terms
schedule Terminplan [m]
schedule Terminraster [m/n]
schedule einplanen [v]
schedule ansetzen [v]
schedule planen [v]
schedule Zeitplan [m]
schedule einplanen [v]
schedule planen [v]
schedule ansetzen [v]

Meanings of "schedule" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 360 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
not on schedule außerplanmäßig [adj]
on schedule planmäßig [adj]
on schedule fahrplanmäßig [adj]
behind the schedule hinter dem Zeitplan [adj]
behind the schedule verspätet [adj]
behind the schedule später als geplant [adj]
behind the schedule im Rückstand [adj]
day's schedule Tagesplan [m]
activity schedule Tätigkeitsablaufplan [m]
weekly schedule Wochenplan [m]
time schedule Terminplan [m]
time schedule Ablaufplan [m]
schedule performance index Terminentwicklungsindex [m]
training schedule Ausbildungsplan [m]
playing schedule Spielplan [m]
manufacturing schedule Herstellungsplan [m]
schedule of fees Gebührentarif [m]
tight schedule voller Terminkalender [m]
tight schedule straffer Zeitplan [m]
tight time schedule knapper Zeitplan [m]
event schedule Veranstaltungskalender [m]
tight schedule vollgepackter Zeitplan [m]
manufacturing schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
tight schedule voller Zeitplan [m]
boat schedule Schiffsfahrplan [m]
binding schedule bindender Zeitplan [m]
binding schedule verbindlicher Zeitplan [m]
busy schedule voller Terminkalender [m]
busy schedule voller Terminplan [m]
busy schedule enger Zeitplan [m]
enclosed approximate shipping schedule beigefügter ungefährer Versandplan [m]
enclosed approximate shipping schedule beigelegter ungefährer Versandplan [m]
general time schedule genereller Zeitplan [m]
general time schedule allgemeiner Ablaufplan [m]
heavy schedule voller Terminkalender [m]
heavy schedule voller Terminplan [m]
aging schedule Fälligkeitstabelle [f]
proposal schedule Angebotszeitplanung [f]
schedule change Terminplanänderung [f]
train schedule information Bahnfahrplanauskunft [f]
schedule of fees Gebührenordnung [f]
schedule of fees Entgeltordnung [f]
schedule change Zeitplanänderung [f]
fee schedule Gebührenordnung [f]
completion ahead of schedule Fertigstellung vor dem Programm [f]
firing schedule Brennschema [n]
schedule (of events) Programm (Ereignissen) [n]
schedule plan Zeitraster [n]
schedule of fees Gebührenverzeichnis [n]
schedule template Termingerüst [n]
busy schedule volles Programm [n]
heavy schedule volles Programm [n]
run a work schedule einen Dienstplan führen [v]
gradually reduce one's training schedule abtrainieren [v]
have a full schedule einen vollen Terminkalender haben [v]
have a full schedule terminlich ausgelastet sein [v]
be behind schedule dem Zeitplan hinterherhinken [v]
cancel because of problems with one's schedule aus terminlichen Gründen absagen [v]
schedule planen [v]
schedule festlegen [v]
schedule a unit eine Einheit zuordnen [v]
schedule something etwas anberaumen [v]
schedule verzeichnen [v]
schedule (in Liste) aufführen [v]
schedule unter Denkmalschutz stellen [v]
throw the budget out of kilter/to knock the schedule off kilter das Budget/den Zeitplan durcheinanderbringen [v]
to schedule erfassen [v]
stay on schedule den Zeitplan einhalten [v]
to gradually reduce one's training schedule austrainieren [v]
be able to schedule planbar sein [v]
to schedule termingemäß [v]
submit something on schedule etwas fristgerecht einreichen [v]
fit something in to one's schedule etwas terminlich einrichten [v]
to schedule pünktlich [v]
arrive on schedule pünktlich ankommen [v]
add to schedule dem Plan hinzufügen [v]
add to schedule dem Programm hinzufügen [v]
be ... minutes behind schedule … Minuten hinter dem Zeitplan sein [v]
be ... minutes behind schedule … Minuten hinter dem Plan sein [v]
be behind the schedule im Verzug sein [v]
be behind the schedule hinter dem Zeitplan sein [v]
be behind the schedule Verspätung haben [v]
be behind the schedule später als geplant sein [v]
fall behind the schedule hinter dem Zeitplan zurückbleiben [v]
fall behind the schedule hinter den Zeitplan fallen [v]
include in the schedule in den Zeitplan aufnehmen [v]
boat schedule Abfahrtszeiten der Boote [pl]
analytic schedule System der Risikoermittlung
behind schedule im Rückstand
behind schedule in Verzug
summary schedule kurze Aufstellung
The train was on schedule. Der Zug war pünktlich.
sleep-wake schedule disorder Störung des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus
right on schedule genau im Zeitplan
because of problems with one's schedule aus Termingründen
ahead of schedule dem Plan voraus
ahead of schedule dem Zeitplan voraus
ahead of schedule früher als vorgesehen
ahead of schedule früher als geplant
ahead of schedule schneller als geplant
ahead of schedule vor der Zeit
ahead of schedule vor Fälligkeit
on schedule planmäßig [adv]
on schedule fahrplanmäßig
on schedule nach Plan
according to schedule planmäßig
according to schedule fahrplanmäßig
according to schedule nach Plan
according to the rotation schedule turnusgemäß
ahead of schedule dem Zeitplan voraus
ahead of schedule schneller als geplant
on schedule nach Plan
The ship was on schedule. Das Schiff kam fahrplanmäßig an.
What's on the schedule for today? Was steht für heute auf dem Programm?
on schedule planmäßig [adj]
on schedule termingerecht [adv]
on schedule planmäßig [adv]
according to schedule termingerecht [adv]
on schedule rechtzeitig [adv]
work schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
delivery schedule Lieferzeitplan [m]
job schedule Arbeitsablaufplan [m]
production schedule Ablaufplan [m]
production schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
production schedule Produktionsplan [m]
appointment schedule Terminplan [m]
day's schedule Tagesplan [m]
task schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
manufacturing schedule Produktionsplan [m]
time schedule Zeitplan [m]
cost schedule Kostensatz [m]
manufacturing schedule Fertigungsplan [m]
redemption schedule Tilgungsplan [m]
appointment schedule Terminkalender [m]
production schedule Produktionszeitplan [m]
flight schedule Flugplan [m]
training schedule Ausbildungsplan [m]
redemption schedule Zahlungsplan [m]
production schedule Fertigungsplan [m]
advertising schedule Werbeplan [m]
cost schedule Kostentabelle [f]
supply schedule Angebotsschema [n]
demand schedule Nachfrageschema [n]
production schedule Fertigungsprogramm [n]
weighting schedule Gewichtungsschema [n]
schedule of prices Preisverzeichnis [n]
schedule planen [v]
schedule for the expenses die Kostentabelle
rolling schedule beweglicher Plan
rolling schedule gleitender Plan
the schedule for the expenses die Kostentabelle
on schedule wie geplant
production schedule Fertigungszeitplan
redemption schedule Zahlungsplan [m]
redemption schedule Tilgungsplan [m]
amortisation schedule Tilgungsplan [m]
amortization schedule Tilgungsplan [m]
payment schedule Zahlplan [m]
repayment schedule Tilgungsplan [m]
repayment schedule Rückzahlungsplan [m]
schedule of depreciation Abschreibungsplan [m]
balance sheet in schedule form Betriebsübersicht [f]
accounting schedule Buchungsschema [n]
job schedule Arbeitsablaufplan [m]
production schedule Fertigungsplan [m]
task schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
cost schedule Kostentabelle [f]
weighting schedule Gewichtungsschema [n]
rolling schedule gleitender Plan
rolling schedule beweglicher Plan
Quality Management
inspection and test schedule Prüfplan [m]
inspection schedule Prüfablaufplan [m]
inspection and test schedule Prüfablaufplan [m]
Work Safety
schedule of occupational diseases Berufskrankheitenliste [f]
schedule of notifiable occupational diseases Liste der meldepflichtigen Berufskrankheiten
schedule (to a document/an Act of Parliament) Anhang [m]
EU Terms
work schedule Arbeitszeitregelung [f]
cleaning schedule (in community living) Putzplan [m]
work schedule Ablaufplan [m]
work schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
work schedule Dienstplan [m]
cleaning schedule (in community living) Putzliste [f]
cleaning schedule (in community living) Putzeinteilung (beim gemeinsamen Wohnen) [f]
cleaning schedule (in community living) Putzeinteilung [f]
work schedule Dienstliste [f]
work schedule Diensteinteilung [f]
on schedule plangerecht [adj]
inspection schedule Prüfablaufplan [m]
production schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
lubrication schedule Schmierplan [m]
maintenance schedule Wartungsplan [m]
delivery schedule Lieferplan [m]
flying schedule Flugplan [m]
lubricating schedule Schmierplan [m]
shipping schedule Liefertermin [m]
time schedule Terminplan [m]
time schedule Zeitplan [m]
testing schedule Prüfplan [m]
supply schedule Lieferumfang [m]
schedule plan Terminplan [m]
personnel deployment schedule Personaleinsatzplan [m]
schedule monitoring Terminüberwachung [f]
testing schedule Prüfliste [f]
manufacturing schedule Fabrikationsprogramm [n]
schedule terminieren [v]
schedule planen [v]
schedule tabellarisch zusammenstellen [v]
not on schedule außerplanmäßig
erection schedule Montageterminplan [m]
field erection quality control schedule Montageüberwachungsplan [m]
schedule of assemblies Baugruppen-Belegungsplan [m]
time-schedule controller Zeitplanregler [m]
ageing schedule Fälligkeitstabelle [f]
schedule (of lessons) Stundenplan [m]
training schedule Schulungsplan [m]
Schedule of studies Studienverlauf [m]
course schedule Stundenplan [m]
class schedule Stundenplan [m]
(course) schedule Stundenplan [m]
examination schedule Prüfungsplan [m]
dosage schedule Dosierungsschema [n]
bending schedule Bewehrungsplan [m]
bar bending schedule Armierungsplan [m]
time schedule Bauzeitplan [m]
time schedule Bauzeitenplan [m]
time schedule Ablaufplan [m]
payment schedule Zahlplan [m]
construction schedule Bauablaufplan [m]
bending schedule Stahlliste [f]
steel schedule Stahlliste [f]
bar schedule Stahlliste [f]
bending schedule Biegeliste [f]
construction schedule Bauprogramm [n]
building schedule Bauprogramm [n]
schedule of prices Einzelpreisverzeichnis [n]
annealing schedule Kühlplan [m]
assembly schedule Lieferplan [m]
assembly schedule Montageplan [m]
time schedule Terminplan [m]
work schedule Arbeitsplan [m]
test schedule Prüfprogramm [n]
Control Engineering
time schedule controller Zeitablaufsteuereinrichtung [f]
schedule of accounts Kontenplan [m]
on schedule pünktlich [adv]
on schedule planmäßig [adv]
schedule of flights Flugplan [m]
on schedule planmäßig [adv]
on schedule pünktlich [adv]
driving schedule Fahrzyklus [m]
maintenance schedule Wartungsplan [m]
test schedule Prüfschema [n]
arrival schedule Ankunftsfahrplan [m]
departure schedule Abfahrtsplan [m]
departure schedule Abfahrtsfahrplan [m]
traffic schedule Verkehrsplanung [f]
delivery schedule Lieferplan [m]
payment schedule Finanzierungsplan [m]
time schedule Bauzeitplan [m]
delivery schedule Lieferzeitplan [m]
production schedule Fertigungsprogramm [n]
ahead of schedule dem Zeitplan voraus
Model Railroading
departure schedule Abfahrtsfahrplan [m]
arrival schedule Ankunftsfahrplan [m]
rail schedule Bahnfahrplan [m]
rail schedule Zugfahrplan [m]
rail schedule Bahnplan [m]
train schedule Bahnfahrplan [m]
train schedule Bahnplan [m]
arrival schedule Ankunftsfahrplan [m]
departure schedule Abfahrtsfahrplan [m]
railroad schedule [us] Eisenbahnfahrplan [m]
railway schedule [uk] Eisenbahnfahrplan [m]
schedule [us] Fahrplan [m]
schedule [us] Zugfahrplan [m]
train schedule Zugfahrplan [m]
tram schedule [uk] Straßenbahnfahrplan [m]
streetcar schedule [us] Straßenbahnfahrplan [m]
train schedule information Bahnfahrplanauskunft [f]
schedule speed Reisegeschwindigkeit [f]
schedule compilation [us] Fahrplankonstruktion [f]
schedule [us] Kursbuch [n]
production schedule Fertigungsplan [m]
forward schedule of changes (fsc) Änderungszeitplan [m]
SAP Terms
on schedule termingerecht [adv]
on schedule termintreu [adv]
schedule record Terminsatz [m]
run schedule Ausführungsplan [m]
staffing schedule Planstellenbesetzungsplan [m]
schedule master record Terminstammsatz [m]
loan redemption schedule Tilgungsplan [m]
maintenance schedule Wartungsterminplan [m]
schedule printout Einteilungsdruck [m]
work break schedule Arbeitspausenplan [m]
master production schedule Produktionsplan [m]
interest schedule Zinsplan [m]
planned cost schedule Plankostenverlauf [m]
depreciation schedule Abschreibungsplan [m]
repayment schedule Tilgungsplan [m]
calendar for billing schedule Rechnungsterminkalender [m]
inspection schedule Prüfablaufplan [m]
daily work schedule Tagesarbeitszeitplan [m]
run schedule header Serienauftrag [m]
staffing schedule Stellenbesetzungsplan [m]
course schedule Kursablauf [m]
schedule line category Einteilungstyp [m]
payment schedule Zahlungsterminplan [m]
monthly work schedule Monatsarbeitszeitplan [m]
course schedule Seminarablauf [m]
general schedule Gesamtterminplan [m]
vesting schedule Übertragungsplan [m]
period work schedule Periodenarbeitszeitplan [m]
delivery schedule Lieferabruf [m]
shift schedule Schichtplan [m]
work schedule Arbeitszeitplan [m]
run schedule quantity Produktionseinteilung [f]
order item schedule line Bestelleinteilung [f]
cost-schedule planning Kostenverlaufsplanung [f]
delivery schedule history Einteilungsdokumentation [f]
schedule line Lieferplaneinteilung [f]
schedule control Terminsteuerung [f]
schedule line number Einteilungsnummer [f]
schedule review Terminkontrolle [f]
work schedule rule Arbeitszeitplanregel [f]
schedule line quantity Einteilungsmenge [f]
schedule line Einteilung [f]
delivery schedule maintenance Einteilungspflege [f]
delivery schedule number Lieferabrufnummer [f]
schedule variance Terminabweichung [f]
schedule deviation Terminabweichung [f]
schedule model Ablaufmuster [n]
schedule line date Einteilungsdatum [n]
schedule line delivery date Einteilungsdatum [n]
master schedule item Leitteile [pl]
billing schedule Rechnungstermine [pl]
provisional schedule line unverbindliche Einteilung
provisional schedule line geplante Einteilung
schedule line with production go-ahead Einteilung mit Produktionsfreigabe
schedule conflict Terminkonflikt
Software Testing
test schedule Testplan [m]
Electrical Engineering
generation schedule Kraftwerkseinsatzplan [m]
economic loading schedule wirtschaftliche Auslastung [f]
schedule speed Reisegeschwindigkeit [f]
intermediate test schedule Teil-Prüfprogramm [n]
full test schedule Gesamt-Prüfprogramm [n]
basic test schedule Grund-Prüfprogramm [n]
maintenance schedule Wartungsplan [m]
broadcasting schedule Sendeplan [m]
training schedule Trainingsplan [m]
to gradually reduce one's training schedule abtrainieren [v]
route schedule Tourenplan [m]
shooting schedule Drehplan [m]
screening schedule Spielplan [m]
screening schedule Programmplan [m]
screening schedule Programmplanung [f]
movie schedule Kinoprogramm [n]
schedule festsetzen [v]
Paper Terms
schedule planner Terminplaner [m]
Mechanical Engineering
test schedule Testprogramm [n]
test schedule Prüfprogramm [n]
production schedule Fertigungsplan [m]