drive-up - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük


Meanings of "drive-up" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
drive away ahuyentar [v]
drive conducir [v]
drive manejar [v]
I lead/drive conduzco [v]
drive impulso [m]
drive crazy trastornar [v]
drive (a vehicle) manejar [v]
drive impulsar [v]
drive away espantar [v]
drive back repeler [v]
drive crazy enloquecer [v]
Irregular Verb
test-drive test-drove - test-driven [v]
drive drove - driven [v]
drive drive [m]
drive impulsor [m]
drive empuje [m]
drive empujón [m]
drive-in cinema autocine [m]
rally drive raid [m]
drive vigor [m]
drive paseo [m]
drive unidad [f]
disk drive disquetera [f]
drive tracción [f]
drive pujanza [f]
drive pulsión [f]
drive impulsor [adj]
drive (a vehicle) guiar [v]
drive mad desquiciar [v]
drive hincar [v]
drive dirigir [v]
drive away disipar [v]
drive ashore aconchar [v]
drive away ojear [v]
drive impeler [v]
drive empujar [v]
go for a drive pasear en coche [v]
drive mad enloquecer [v]
drive pilotar [v]
drive propulsar [v]
drive tripular [v]
drive ir en automóvil [v]
drive mad dementar [v]
drive energía [f]
drive (crazy, mad) traer [v]
drive-in movie theater autocine [m]
drive crazy desesperar [v]
drive arrear [v]
drive clavar [v]
private drive adarve (árabe) [m]
drive-in cinema autocine [m]
drive-in autocine [m]
drive-in theater autocine [m]
sex drive celo [m]
drive shaft cuerpo de bomba [m]
hard drive disco duro [m]
hard drive disco rígido [m]
drive empuje [m]
drive impulso [m]
jump drive lápiz de memoria [m]
thumb drive lápiz de memoria [m]
drive metido [m]
drive rapto [m]
worm drive tornillo sin fin [m]
drive belt correa de transmisión [f]
disk drive disquetera [f]
drive disquetera [f]
drive ida [f]
jump drive memoria [f]
jump drive memoria usb [f]
drive tracción [f]
drive away alejar [v]
drive to distraction enloquecer [v]
drive back arredrar [v]
drive a wedge calzar [v]
drive a cart carretear [v]
drive crazy chalar (caló) [v]
drive a coach cochear [v]
drive condenar [v]
drive a vehicle conducir [v]
drive a business conducir [v]
drive off desaparcar [v]
drive mad desquiciar [v]
drive empujar [v]
drive someone mad encarnizar [v]
drive in the lane encarrilar [v]
drive crazy enloquecer [v]
drive fomentar [v]
drive guiar [v]
drive hincar [v]
drive impeler [v]
drive impulsar [v]
drive into incrustar [v]
drive ir [v]
drive away levantar [v]
drive llevar [v]
drive manejar [v]
drive menar [v]
drive flies away mosquear [v]
drive around pasear [v]
drive pilotar [v]
drive piles pilotear [v]
drive back rechazar [v]
drive back repeler [v]
drive tomar [v]
drive tripular [v]
drive drenaje [m]
drive accionador [m]
drive accionamiento [m]
drive control [m]
drive motor [m]
hard drive (device) disco duro [m]
drive-in autocine [m]
sex drive libido [m]
four-wheel drive vehicle todoterreno [m]
drive (impulso) instinto [m]
drive camino (de entrada) [m]
beating the bush to drive animals to a corral or place where they can be roped ojeo [m]
drive assembly conjunto de accionamiento [m]
drive-thru autoservicio [m]
economy drive dinamismo económico [m]
economy drive plan de ahorro [m]
affectional drive impulso afectivo [m]
drive viaje [m]
disc drive disquetera [f]
drive agresividad [f]
drive shaft (eje de) transmisión [f]
drive campaña [f]
drive through window ventanilla de autoservicio [f]
drive-in window ventanilla de autoservicio [f]
a person who is employed to drive a motor car chófer [m/f]
a person who is employed to drive a motor car chofer [m/f]
right-hand drive que se conduce por la derecha [adj]
left-hand drive con el volante a la izquierda [adj]
drive circular [v]
drive home remachar [v]
drive in hundir [v]
drive forward impulsar [v]
drive or ride for pleasure pasear [v]
drive indebt endeudar [v]
drive crazy encorajinar [v]
drive arrastrar [v]
drive back rebotar [v]
drive flies away mosquear [v]
drive mad cabrear [v]
drive revocar [v]
drive insane enajenar [v]
drive expulsar [v]
drive mad enajenar [v]
drive crazy chiflar [v]
drive hard escapar [v]
drive out arrancar [v]
drive over atropellar [v]
drive crazy chalar [v]
drive crazy alocar [v]
drive insane enloquecer [v]
drive volver [v]
drive crazy desquiciar [v]
drive dangerously close behind another vehicle chupar rueda [v]
drive dangerously close behind another vehicle conducir pegado a [v]
drive dangerously close behind another vehicle conducir muy cerca de otro vehículo [v]
drive dangerously close behind another vehicle conducir sin distancia de seguridad [v]
drive urgir [v]
drive apresurar [v]
drive presionar [v]
drive aguijar [v]
drive jalear [v]
drive llevar [v]
drive away largar [v]
drive motivar [v]
drive conducir (vehículo) [v]
drive manejar (vehículo) [v]
drive llevar (pasajero) [v]
drive someone mad volver loco a alguien [v]
drive someone crazy volver loco a alguien [v]
drive round the corner doblar la esquina [v]
drive someone do something conducir a alguien a hacer algo [v]
drive someone despair hacer desesperar a alguien [v]
drive someone do something llevar a alguien a hacer algo [v]
drive someone drink llevar a alguien a la bebida [v]
test-drive someter a prueba de carretera [v]
go for a drive ir a dar una vuelta en coche [v]
drive a car andar en carro [v]
drive a bus conducir un autobús [v]
drive a car andar en auto [v]
drive to work conducir al trabajo [v]
drive recklessly conducir de forma temeraria [v]
drive on the left conducir por la izquierda [v]
drive back to conducir de vuelta a [v]
drive a car conducir un coche [v]
drive a car manejar un coche [v]
go for a drive dar un paseo en coche [v]
drive into a corner acular [v]
can not drive no poder conducir [v]
be killed by a drive-by shooting ser víctima de un tiroteo desde un vehículo en movimiento [v]
drive somebody wild excitar [v]
drive profit obtener beneficios [v]
drive the car too fast conducir a demasiada velocidad [v]
drive a motor vehicle conducir un vehículo de motor [v]
drive the point home hacer hincapié [v]
drive somebody to the wall hacer que alguien se suba por las paredes [v]
drive someone out of his mind hacer que alguien pierda lo sesos [v]
drive somebody up the wall hacer que alguien se suba por las paredes [v]
drive out of the body sacar del cuerpo [v]
drive the cattle llevar el ganado [v]
be not allowed to drive no ser permitido conducir [v]
be not allowed to drive no estar permitido manejar [v]
drive past one's school pasar por delante de la escuela en un vehículo [v]
drive somebody into a corner poner entre la espada y la pared [v]
drive sleep away dormirse mientras se está estudiando [v]
drive out of the body extraer del cuerpo [v]
drink and drive beber y conducir [v]
be killed by a drive-by shooting ser asesinado de un tiroteo desde un vehículo en movimiento [v]
drive (someone) from pillar to post ir de un lugar a otro [v]
drive a bit fast conducir un poco deprisa [v]
drive a hard bargain regatear [v]
drive a car/bus conducir un automóvil/autobús [v]
drive a lorry [uk] conducir un camión [v]
drive a motor vehicle conducir un automotor [v]
drive a nail colocar un clavo [v]
drive a truck conducir un camión [v]
drive a tunnel conducir por un túnel [v]
drive across the border conducir a través de la frontera [v]
drive across the bridge conducir por un puente [v]
drive an improvement conducir a una mejora [v]
drive anybody to crime llevar a alguien al crimen [v]
drive at (..) km an hour conducir a (…) kilómetros por hora [v]
drive at a speed exceeding a legal limit conducir a una velocidad que sobrepasa el máximo legal [v]
drive at (..) km per hour conducir a (…) kilómetros por hora [v]
drive fast conducir rápido [v]
drive nuts volver loco [v]
drive into debt endeudarse [v]
drive off the track salirse del carril [v]
drive in a stake clavar una estaca [v]
drive over the border cruzar la frontera en un vehículo [v]
drive on coast (highway) conducir en una autopista [v]
drive on the right conducir por el lado derecho [v]
drive on the shoulder conducir por el arcén [v]
drive somebody mad volver a alguien loco [v]
drive somebody into a corner acorralar a alguien [v]
drive past one's school conducir por delante de la escuela de uno [v]
drive sleep away quedarse dormido [v]
drive somebody nuts volver chalado a alguien [v]
drive somebody to distraction distraer a alguien [v]
drive someone home llevar a alguien a casa en coche [v]
drive somebody up the wall irritar a alguien [v]
drive somebody wild volver a alguien loco (sexualmente) [v]
drive somebody to the wall irritar a alguien [v]
drive someone suicide conducir a alguien al suicidio [v]
drive someone to desperation conducir a alguien a la desesperación [v]
drive someone out of his mind volver a alguien loco [v]
drive someone to do something provocar que alguien haga algo [v]
drive the car too fast llevar el coche demasiado rápido [v]
drive the cattle transportar el ganado [v]
drive something to extinction causar la extinción [v]
drive the enemy into the sea empujar al enemigo hacia el mar [v]
drive traffic to one's website llevar el tráfico web hacia el sitio web de uno [v]
drive the enemy forces into the sea empujar las fuerzas enemigas hacia el mar [v]
drive the point home enfatizar algo [v]
drive to desperation llevar a la desesperación [v]
drive to despair hacer que alguien se desespere [v]
drive traffic to one's website desviar el tráfico hacia la propia página web [v]
drive toward someone dirigirse hacia alguien en un vehículo [v]
drive profit lograr beneficios [v]
drive tractor conducir un tractor [v]
drive fast conducir rápido [v]
be not allowed to drive prohibirse conducir [v]
drive a hard bargain saber regatear [v]
drive nuts sacar de las casillas [v]
drink and drive tomar y manejar [v]
drive the point home hacer entender [v]
drive somebody nuts volver loco a alguien [v]
drive across the bridge atravesar un puente en un vehículo [v]
drive traffic to one's website incrementar el número de visitantes en la web de uno [v]
drive a nail clavar un clavo [v]
drive a motor vehicle conducir un automóvil [v]
drive an improvement conllevar una mejora [v]
drive (someone) from pillar to post correr la voz [v]
drive across the border cruzar la frontera en un vehículo [v]
drive into debt endeudar a alguien [v]
an hours drive away a una hora de distancia en coche [adv]
advertising drive campañas publicitarias extensivas y vinculadas [f/pl]
a person lacking drive or personality agua tibia [n] PA CU CL PE
drive unidad de disco
common drive accionamiento común
a drive for funds una campaña para recaudar dinero
pen drive memoria usb
four-wheel drive tracción a cuatro ruedas
front-wheel drive vehículo de tracción delantera
hard drive disco rígido
hard drive disco duro
front-wheel drive tracción delantera
four-wheel drive la tracción a cuatro ruedas
drive-by shooting disparos desde un automóvil
toy drive campaña de colecta de juguetes
drive deseo [m]
dark lantern used to drive partridges into the net calderuela [f]
drive fuerza [f]
drive entrada [f]
drive paseata [f]
drive carretear [v]
drive out arrojar [v]
drive ahincar [v]
drive, urge horses, mules arrear [v]
drive into a position of difficulty arrinconar [v]
drive away desechar [v]
drive from a castle desencastillar [v]
drive out an evil spirit desendemoniar [v]
drive the ball through the rings choclar [v]
drive a coach cochear [v]
drive away desterrar [v]
drive (a vehicle) conducir [v]
drive away echar [v]
drive away by adjuration exorcizar [v]
drive out expulsar [v]
drive a horse at great speed escapar [v]
drive esclavizar [v]
drive in encajar [v]
drive into hincar [v]
drive espantar [v]
trap game/drive it within shot lacear [v]
drive a bargain after long discussion regatear [v]
drive back repercutir [v]
beat/drive with a mallet macear [v]
drive back rebatir [v]
drive rodear [v]
drive mover [v]
drive in conducir hacia dentro [v]
drive in meter a la fuerza [v]
drive out an evil spirit desendiablar [v]
drive obligar [v]
drive paseo en coche [m]
left (right) hand drive mando [m]
drive avenida [f]
drive exigencia [f]
drive presión [f]
drive manada de reses [f]
drive urgencia [f]
left hand drive conducción a la izquierda [f]
drive estimular [v]
drive aguijonear [v]
drive arrojar [v]
drive reducir [v]
drive inducir [v]
drive echar [v]
drive forzar [v]
drive meter [v]
drive manejar (caballos) [v]
drive cochear [v]
drive away echar fuera [v]
drive off echar fuera [v]
drive mad hacer perder la cabeza [v]
drive a bargain regatear [v]
drive a bargain sacar provecho [v]
drive off desterrar [v]
drive on seguir la marcha [v]
drive a nail home dar en el clavo [v]
turn (to send, drive, or let go) enviar [v]
drive in a nail clavar un clavo en su lugar
drive avance [m]
cattle drive for round-up levante [m] VE
hard drive hard disk (inglés) [m] US SV PR
computer's hard drive hard disk (inglés) [m] US SV PR
line drive (soccer) jierrazo [m] DO
line drive liniazo [m] CU PR
drive in drive in [m] PR
four-wheel drive vehicle doble [m] CR
artificial scarcity to drive up prices peculado [m] NI BO
four wheel drive doble [m] CR
four wheel drive doble tracción [m] CR EC BO
drive shaft brazuelo [m] ES local
person beginning to drive camarón [m] EC
four-wheel drive yip (inglés) [m] GT NI CO VE
an individual's drive agresividad [f] PA DO PR BO
cd-rom drive compactera [f] AR UY
thumb drive llave maya [f] CR
usb flash drive llave maya [f] CR
jump drive llave maya [f] CR
pen drive llave maya [f] CR
flash-drive llave maya [f] CR
test drive paloma [f] CO
tied bundle of leaves of chacapa that witch doctors use to drive away evil spirits shacapa [f] PE:E
tied bundle of leaves of chacapa that witch doctors use to drive away evil spirits shacapa [f] PE:E
four wheel drive chancha [f] CR
four wheel drive doble tracción [f] CR CU CO EC BO PY UY
small pot or dark-lantern used by hunters to drive partridges into the net calderuela [f] disused
person beginning to drive camarona [f] EC
drive rasmia [f] ES local
four-wheel drive barrero [adj] AR UY
in front wheel drive enmochado [adj] VE
drive mad alocar [v] MX CAM PE BO
drive manejar [v] LAM
drive in enterrar [v] CL HN PR
drive a ball (as in golf) tincar [v] AR BO
drive (a vehicle) manejar [v] AMER
drive someone into a corner apergollar [v] CU
drive by alcanzar [v] AR UY
drive a person crazy with love fustanear [v] VE
drive a post vertically into the ground by filling the hole amacizar [v] MX
be too drunk to drive estar demasiado borracho para conducir [v] ES
be too drunk to drive estar demasiado borracho para manejar [v] AMER
lose one's drive desestimularse [v] NI CU
take away someone's drive to complete a task desestimular [v] NI CU EC PE BO PY
drive very quickly descachimbar [v] HN
detain and drive to a police station or detention center cargar [v] BO
drive someone to one or several specific places carretear [v] PR
drive a away a person or animal from a place corretear [v] GT CL
drive a vehicle weaving in and out of traffic conejear [v] CL
drive cattle cochar [v] PR
drive cattle to perform activities such as milking, counting or weighing jardear [v] VE
drive without a license desplacar [v] PR
drive someone crazy destarabillar [v] PR
drive off estorrentar [v] CR
drive someone crazy destrampar [v] MX
drive enjuagar [v] DO
drive someone to distraction destarabillar [v] PR
drive someone to distraction destrampar [v] MX
drive away estorrentar [v] CR
drive a tractor patrolear [v] NI
drive cattle to the corral picar [v] VE
drive a river boat pipantear [v] HN NI
drive very slowly ranear [v] SV
drive a gypsy cab ruletear [v] VE
take a drive rolear (inglés roll) [v] HN
drive the streets looking for fares ruletear [v] MX HN SV CR
drive an illegal taxicab ruletear [v] VE
drive a taxi ruletear [v] GT
drive around ruletear [v] VE
drive a pirate taxi ruletear [v] VE
drive tirar [v] CU DO
drive a taxi taxiar [v] SV
be drive conhortarse [v] disused
be drive aconhortarse [v] disused
purposefully drive slowly in order to pick up more passengers aguantar [v] EC
drive crazy aloquecer [v] disused
drive to distraction aloquecer [v] disused
drive livestock amenazar [v] disused
drive aquejar [v] disused
drive a mule arrear [v] disused
drive a herd arrear [v] disused
drive arribar [v] disused
drive crazy barahustar [v] disused
drive crazy barajustar [v] disused
drive crazy baraustar [v] disused
drive botear [v] CU
drive a cattle cabestrear [v] VE
drive mad dementar [v] rare
drive crazy dementar [v] rare
drive in the lane encarrillar [v] disused
put into four-wheel drive enchanchar [v] CR
drive fincar [v] disused
drive lievar [v] disused
drive manejar [v] LA
drive a taxi illegally negrear [v] BO
drive a taxi ruletear [v] MX SV VE
drive tirar [v] CU CO CL
drive impulsora [adj/f]
four-wheel drive barrera [adj/f] AR UY
drive someone nuts sacar de las casillas a alguien [v]
drive someone nuts volver loco a alguien [v]
drive someone up the wall traer frito a alguien [v]
take for a drive ir a dar un paseo en coche [v]
drive crazy sacar de quicio [v]
drive oneself into the ground trabajar hasta caer rendido [v]
drive round and round dar vueltas y vueltas [v]
drive somebody over the edge hacer perder la paciencia a alguien [v]
drive somebody over the edge llevar a alguien a la locura [v]
drive somebody over the edge enloquecer a alguien [v]
drive somebody over the edge enfurecer a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the bend exasperar a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the bend enfurecer a alguien [v]
drive somebody over the edge molestar a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the bend desconcertar a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the twist enfurecer a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the bend hacer enojar a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the twist hacer enojar a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the twist desconcertar a alguien [v]
drive somebody round the twist exasperar a alguien [v]
drive somebody to drink impulsar a alguien a beber [v]
drive someone around the bend enfurecer a alguien [v]
drive someone around the bend exasperar a alguien [v]
drive someone around the bend hacer enojar a alguien [v]
drive someone bananas hacer perder la chaveta a alguien [v]
drive someone bananas enloquecer a alguien [v]
drive someone batty hacer perder la chaveta a alguien [v]
drive someone batty enloquecer a alguien [v]
drive someone batty enfurecer a alguien [v]
drive someone batty exasperar a alguien [v]
drive someone batty desconcertar a alguien [v]
drive someone batty hacer enojar a alguien [v]
drive someone batty hacer enervar a alguien [v]
drive someone bonkers enfurecer a alguien [v]
drive someone bonkers exasperar a alguien [v]
drive someone bonkers desconcertar a alguien [v]
drive someone bonkers hacer enojar a alguien [v]
drive someone bonkers hacer enervar a alguien [v]
drive someone crazy hacer perder la cordura a alguien [v]
drive someone crazy hacer perder la chaveta a alguien [v]
drive someone crazy enloquecer a alguien [v]

Meanings of "drive-up" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 8 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
drive [m] drive
drive (inglés) [m] PR gear stick
drive in [m] PR drive in
drive (inglés) [m] PR gear shift
disk drive disk addressing
supersonic wave drive (swd) gestor de onda supersónica
arc form drive (afd) unidad en forma de arco
supersonic direct-drive motor (sdm) motor de gestión directa supersónica