pain - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "pain" in Spanish English Dictionary : 84 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
pain dolor [m]
pain fregado [m]
pain doler [v]
pain traspaso [m]
pain sufrimiento [m]
pain pena [f]
pain pupa [f]
pain dolor [m]
pain quebranto [m]
pain redolor [m]
pain resentimiento [m]
pain agonía [f]
pain machaquería [f]
pain pena [f]
pain pesar [v]
pain lágrimas [f/pl]
pain fastidio [m]
pain pesado [m]
pain puñeta [f]
pain espina [f]
pain pejiguera [f]
pain martingala [f]
pain apesadumbrar [v]
pain disgustar [v]
pain apenar [v]
pain afligir [v]
pain condenar [v]
pain achaque [m]
pain ahogamiento [m]
pain ahogo [m]
pain alangari [m]
pain afecto [m]
pain sinsabor [m]
pain tormento [m]
pain sentimiento [m]
pain molestia [f]
pain pesadez [f]
pain pesadumbre [f]
pain chinche [m/f]
pain castigar [v]
pain hacer padecer [v]
pain acongojar [v]
pain inquietar [v]
pain atormentar [v]
pain angustiar [v]
pain tósigo [m] fig.
pain agüizote [m] MX
pain baticor [m] disused
pain dolido [m] disused
pain enjeco [m] disused
pain friega [f] MX HN CU DO VE EC BO CL AR
pain rollo [m]
pain rollo [m]
pain tábano [m]
pain lata [f]
pain gaita [f]
pain machaconería [f]
pain pelma [m/f]
pain plasta [m/f]
pain fastidiar [v]
pain roncha [f] VE
pain pedorro [m]
pain incordio [m]
pain enrolle [m]
pain coñazo [m]
pain latazo [m]
pain malaje [m]
pain mareo [m]
pain martirio [m]
pain pedorra [f]
pain jácara [f]
pain joroba [f]
pain plepa [f]
pain fregada [f]
pain matraca [f]
pain latoso [m/f]
pain paliza [m/f]
pain palizas [m/f]
pain matracas [m/f]
pain penuria [f]
pain clavo [m]
pain quebranto [m]
General Medicine
pain dolencia [f]
pain dolor [m]

Meanings of "pain" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
sharp (pointed, pain) agudo [adj]
neck pain dolor de cuello [m]
pain-killer poisoning galicismo [m]
pain in the side ijar [m]
sharp pain pinchazo [m]
slight pain yaya [m]
pain in the side ijada [f]
acute or severe pain clavo [m]
dull pain dolor latente [m]
nephritic pain dolor nefrítico [m]
dull pain dolor sordo [m]
pain in the ass engorro [m]
sharp pain latigazo [m]
stabbing pain latigazo [m]
low back pain lumbago [m]
pain in the ass machacón [m]
piercing pain pinchazo [m]
sharp pain ramalazo [m]
deep pain rayo [m]
tingling pain in the teeth dentera [f]
pricking pain of a tumour entrepunzadura [f]
pain in the side ijada [f]
low back pain lumbalgia [f]
pain in the neck machaquería [f]
sharp pain puntada [f]
stabbing pain puntada [f]
shooting pain punzada [f]
deep pain rayada [f]
pain or ailment reliquia [f]
pain and suffering roña [f]
pain in the ass machaca [m/f]
in pain adoleciente [adj]
in pain adolorado [adj]
in pain adolorido [adj]
in pain agónico [adj]
tolerating pain aguantador [adj]
causing pain atenazador [adj]
showing signs of pain caridoliente [adj]
in pain dolido [adj]
in pain doliente [adj]
in pain doliente [adj]
in pain dolorido [adj]
having pain in one's gut entripado [adj]
a pain in the neck inaguantable [adj]
a pain in the butt inaguantable [adj]
cause pain to the horse asentarse [v]
cause pain atenacear [v]
cause pain atormentar [v]
give pain atormentar [v]
cause physical pain atormentar [v]
feel physical pain atormentarse [v]
react violently to pain atorozonarse [v]
suffer intense pain or discomfort for a long time cocerse [v]
complain of pain dolerse [v]
have a shooting pain punzar [v]
be in great pain rabiar [v]
be in pain resentirse [v]
have pain in sentirse [v]
lumbar pain lumbago [m]
a drug numbing the pain in the body analgésico [m]
extreme pain tormento [m]
breakthrough pain dolor repentino [m]
back pain dolor de espalda [m]
child's word to express pain pupa [f]
stabbing pain puntada [f]
stabbing pain punzada [f]
deliverance from pain or poverty redención [f]
absence of the sense of pain analgesia [f]
measuring pain algometría [f]
extreme pain congoja [f]
extreme pain of mind or body agonía [f]
extreme pain of mind or body angustia [f]
extreme pain angustia [f]
pain au chocolat napolitana [f]
pain in the ass machacona [f]
biting (pain) punzante [adj]
that causes the reduction in pain sensitivity anestésico [adj]
causing pain or distress angustioso [adj]
that causes pain or discomfort infernal [adj]
that causes persistent mild pain persistente [adj]
that causes great pain or anguish lacerante [adj]
that causes pain doloroso [adj]
that causes irritation or pain irritante [adj]
that causes pain dolorido [adj]
writhe in pain rabiar [v]
cause pain hacer daño [v]
deliver from pain or poverty redimir [v]
give a shooting pain punzar [v]
(a sorrow, pain) to sooth aliviar (una pena, un dolor) [v]
(a sorrow, pain) to stop aliviar (una pena, un dolor) [v]
(a sorrow, pain) to sooth calmar (una pena, un dolor) [v]
(a sorrow, pain) to stop calmar (una pena, un dolor) [v]
(one's pain) to stop desaparecer (un dolor) [v]
(one's pain) to disappear desaparecer (un dolor) [v]
(one's pain) to wear off desaparecer (un dolor) [v]
(a sorrow, pain) to stop detener (un dolor) [v]
(pain) to shoot up dispararse (el dolor) [v]
(pain) to shoot through dispararse el dolor (por algo) [v]
(one's pain) to stop irse (un dolor) [v]
(one's pain) to go irse (un dolor) [v]
(one's pain) to go írsele a alguien (un dolor) [v]
(a sorrow, pain) to stop superar (una pena/la tristeza) [v]
enjoy causing pain/discomfort ensañarse [v]
feel sorry for other people's pain condolerse [v]
feel pain sufrir [v]
be in pain sufrir dolor [v]
be in pain dolerse [v]
cause pain provocar dolor [v]
endure the pain aguantar el dolor [v]
stand the pain aguantar el dolor [v]
withstand the pain aguantar el dolor [v]
cause pain causar dolor [v]
cause pain producir dolor [v]
stand the pain tolerar el dolor [v]
tolerate the pain tolerar el dolor [v]
be a pain in the neck dar la tabarra a alguien [v]
inflict pain to apenar [v]
roar with pain rugir de dolor [v]
writhe in pain retorcerse de dolor [v]
be racked with pain retorcerse de dolor [v]
squirm in pain retorcerse de dolor [v]
writhe with pain revolcarse de dolor [v]
writhe in pain revolcarse de dolor [v]
squirm with pain revolcarse de dolor [v]
squirm in pain estar abatido por el dolor [v]
writhe in pain estar abatido por el dolor [v]
twist in pain estar abatido por el dolor [v]
bear the pain soportar el dolor [v]
writhe about (in pain) entortijarse [v]
ease one's pain aliviar el dolor [v]
ease someone's pain aliviar el dolor de alguien [v]
dull the pain aliviar el dolor [v]
dull one's pain aliviar el dolor [v]
dull the pain mitigar el dolor [v]
alleviate one's pain aliviar el dolor [v]
aggravate the pain empeorar el dolor [v]
expression of pain, fright huy [interj]
expressing one's own physical pain uy [interj]
it expresses a fear or pain ¡achachay! (del quechua) [interj]
pain in the ass gallito fino [n] CO PY
pain in the ass gallito de pelea [n] VE:W
pain in the ass gallo gallito [n] BO
intense pain in one's eye punzada de clavo [n] CU
stabbing pain pinchazo
sharp pain latigazo
stab of pain ramalazo
pain in the neck plomazo
(a sorrow, pain) to sooth aliviar (una pena, un dolor)
a pain in the arm un dolor en la mano
a sharp pain un dolor agudo
a sharp pain un dolor intenso
abdominal pain dolor abdominal
abdominal pain dolor en el abdomen
on pain of bajo pena de
sharp pain dolor agudo
royal pain real rollo
breakthrough pain dolor irruptivo
mitigation of pain alivio [m]
slight pain dolorcillo [m]
pain through over-exertion descoyuntamiento [m]
smart pungent pain escocimiento [m]
smart, pungent pain escozor [m]
spot on the face or body caused by acute pain ramalazo [m]
dull ache or pain left after an illness or injury redolor [m]
that which causes pain verdugo [m]
slight pain dolorcito [m]
pain/ache in the head cefalea [f]
violent pain of body/mind agonía [f]
cessation (pain) calma [f]
tingling pain in the teeth dentera [f]
arthritic pain in the hip coxalgia [f]
pricking pain of a tumour entrepunzadura [f]
burning pain escocedura [f]
resistance to pain and disease euforia [f]
sharp pain punzada [f]
childish word to express pain pupa [f]
affected with pain apasionado [adj]
insensitive to pain impasible [adj]
piercing (pain) terebrante [adj]
splitting (severe pain) agudo [adj]
piercing (pain) agudo [adj]
cause pain apenar [v]
give pain amargar [v]
show great grief/pain asparse [v]
cause pain to afligir [v]
cause pain atormentar [v]
excite (pain/sorrow) dar [v]
suffer intense and continued pain cocerse [v]
ease pain desahogar [v]
feel pain doler [v]
be in pain doler [v]
put in pain desconsolar [v]
allay pain entretener [v]
feel a burning pain escocer [v]
suffer pain penar [v]
cause pain punzar [v]
suffer dreadful pain rabiar [v]
be in pain sufrir [v]
heart-rending (causing great mental pain and sorrow) agudo [adj]
have a pain in one's back tener dolor de espaldas [v]
have a pain in one's back tener dolor de riñones [v]
be in pain padecer [v]
on pain of death bajo pena de muerte [adv]
upon pain of death bajo pena de muerte [adv]
on pain of death so pena de muerte [prep]
under pain of bajo pena de [prep]
under pain of so pena de [prep]
upon pain of death so pena de muerte [prep]
exaggerated expression of feelings/emotions/pain aspavento [m] AR
exaggerated expression of feelings/emotions/pain aspamento [m] AR UY
exaggerated expression of feelings/emotions/pain aspamiento [m] AR UY
ulcer pain brinco [m] SV
a sudden sharp pain ahínco [m] PA rur.
muscle pain caused by agitation, cooling off or lifting heavy objects aire [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA DO CO PE
persistent pain delema [m] HN
persistent pain dolama [m] HN NI PA HN DO
persistent pain dolimiento [m] SV
stabbing pain cimbrón [m] EC
sharp, sudden, and passing pain cimbrón [m] EC
pinch on the arm that produces a lot of pain gato [m] CU
muscle pain relief cream guayacón [m] EC:S disused
pain after childbirth intuerto [m] NI
sharp, sudden, and passing pain hincón [m] NI EC PE
acute and sudden pain produced by a tumor or boil jalón [m] DO
pain of a pinch or puncture on the body jincón [m] NI
pain in the ass embromón [m] MX BO rare
pain in the ass embromón [m] DO AR:Nw
very intense pain dolorón [m] MX
pain in the ass loco peligroso [m] NI
pain in the ass macaneador [m] BO PY
pain in the neck sangrigordo [m] CU PR derog.
pain in the neck sangrón [m] MX SV CU BO:W
torture consisting of simultaneously slapping both ears to cause pain and loss of balance teléfono [m] CL disused
stomach pain torcejón [m] AR:Nw
short and sharp belly pain torcejón [m] AR:Nw
pain from a stomach ulcer brinco [m] SV
pain-in-the-neck chilmolero [m] MX
sharp pain cimbrón [m] EC
stabbing pain cimbrón [m] EC
pain in the ass coñazo [m] derog.
sharp pain piquete [m] EC
pain in the neck vaina [f] CAM SA CU
pain in the side costalgia [f] disused
sensation of pain and irritation caused by a burn or contact of the skin with certain substances/plants ardezón [f] CR
someone expressing feelings/emotions/pain in an exaggerated manner (for a person) aspamentera [f] AR UY
chronic pain chivadera [f] GT
persistent pain, infirmity, or affliction causa [f] PR rur.
sharp pain hincada [f] VE
pain in the ass embromona [f] MX BO rare
pain in the ass embromona [f] DO AR:Nw
pain in the ass loca peligrosa [f] NI
pain in the ass macaneadora [f] BO PY
kidney pain patilla de león [f] GT
renal pain patilla de león [f] GT
diarrhea, vomiting, pain, and trembling legs peste de la flor del día [f] HN
stabbing pain picada [f] CO
stabbing pain picada [f] PE rare
pain in the ass petaca [f] GT
pain in the ass plegada [f] SV
continuous pain quejura [f] PR
intense pain puntada [f] VE
chest pain puntada de costado [f] VE
pain in the neck sangrigorda [f] CU PR derog.
pain in the neck sangrona [f] MX SV CU BO:W
pain in the ass varilla [f] VE
pain-in-the-neck chilmolera [f] MX
pain in the ass jodienda [f] derog.
stabbing pain punción [f] disused
that removes pain despenador [adj] disused
in pain adolamado [adj] GT HN SV
expressing feelings/emotions/pain in an exaggerated manner (for a person) aspamentero [adj] AR UY
expressing feelings/emotions/pain in an exaggerated manner (for a person) aspamentoso [adj] AR UY
shrunken from cold/fear/pain amurrungado [adj] VE
who feels pain or fatigue in their legs desocado [adj] DO
feeling pain in a joint due to a dislocation (someone) decoyuntao [adj] DO
who has pain in fractured bones (someone) deschincacado [adj] NI
who is in pain descolado [adj] UY
not feeling pain (person) cullu [adj] BO
in pain (person) chibado [adj] MX
suffering from kidney pain (person) erriñonado [adj] PR
in physical pain escaerado [adj] PR rare
in physical pain escairado [adj] PR rare
having severe pain in the neck escelebrado [adj] PR
pain in the neck sangrón [adj] MX SV CU BO:W DO PR
pain in the neck catete [adj] CL
relieving pain and shame despenador [adj] disused
relieve from pain despenar [v] disused
remain constant (pain in a part of the body) achantarse [v] VE:Sw
have spasmodic muscle pain (particularly in the calves) arratonarse [v] CR
feel sudden pain atrincarse [v] PA rur.
suppress pain amolarse [v] MX
shrink from cold/fear/pain amurrungarse [v] VE:W
repress pain amolarse [v] MX
bend over due to stomach cramps or any other pain entortijarse [v] DO PR
have a fever and feel pain in one's joints escoyuntarse [v] PR
(for a spirit or soul in pain) to appear espeluznarse [v] HN
give massages with certain ointments to alleviate pain componer [v] PR
suffer because of a physical, moral, or sentimental pain or from a desperate economic situation karkatir [v] BO:W,C rur.
suffer because of a physical, moral, or sentimental pain or from a desperate economic situation katatir [v] BO:W,C rur.
cause pain ponchar (inglés punch) [v] GT
cause pain repisar [v] HN SV
cause pain or illness adolecer [v] disused
relieve pain and shame despenar [v] disused
groan in pain lastimarse [v] rare
moan in pain lastimarse [v] rare
cause stomach pain or indigestion patear [v] CR UY
cause pain tormentar [v] disused
expresses pain (particularly caused by a burn) ¡atatay! [interj] BO
expresses the pain produced by a burn ¡astaray! [interj] EC:S
expresses the pain produced by a burn ¡astarau! [interj] EC:S
expresses pain atatao [interj] PE
expresses pain ¡atatau! [interj] BO:E,C,S
expresses pain ¡atatau! (del quechua) [interj] PE
expresses pain ¡au! [interj] HN NI VE EC BO CL
expresses pain ¡ayáu! [interj] EC
expresses pain ¡ayayáu! [interj] EC BO
expresses pain ¡au! [interj] EC
expressing effort, sweat, or pain ¡cuerea! [interj] NI
pointed (pointed, pain) aguda [adj/f]
affected with pain apasionada [adj/f]
that removes pain despenadora [adj/f] disused
to be a pain in the neck ser un plomo [v]
be a pain in the backside poner a alguien como hoja de perejil [v]
be a pain in the backside poner a alguien a parir [v]
be a pain in the ass tocar las pelotas [v]
give someone a pain molestar a alguien [v]
writhe (due to pain) hacerse un ovillo [v]
share someone's pain compartir el dolor de alguien [v]
share someone's pain compartir la pena de alguien [v]
share someone's pain compartir el sufrimiento de alguien [v]
be racked with pain estar muerto de dolor [v]
feel great pain llorar lágrimas de sangre [v]
be a pain in the neck poner a parir [v]
be a pain in the neck poner a parir chayotes [v]
cause pain no saber a rosquillas algo [v]
writhe with pain revolverse de dolor [v]
writhe in pain revolverse de dolor [v]
squirm with pain revolverse de dolor [v]
be a pain in the neck ser una pulga en la oreja [v]
be such a pain ser una pulga en la oreja [v]
be a pain ser una pulga en la oreja [v]
cause great pain tener letras gordas [v]
wallow in pain hacerse carne [v]
in pain en un grito [adv]
under pain of a expensas de [prep]
under pain of so pena de [prep]
be a pain in the neck es hablar por demás [expr]
pain in the neck doble nueve [n] CU
constant sharp pain dolor con armonía [n] PA rur.
pain in the neck dolor de espalda [n] DO VE
pain in the neck dolor de parto [n] CU DO VE
pain in the neck domingo siete [n] GT
pain in the ass doble nueve [n] CU
pain in the ass dolor de espalda [n] DO VE
pain in the ass dolor de parto [n] CU DO VE
pain in the ass domingo siete [n] GT
a pain in the neck muy pesado
be a pain in the neck ser peor que un dolor de muelas
no pain, no gain el que algo quiere, algo le cuesta
where there is love there is pain donde hay amor hay dolor
pain in the ass grano en el culo
feeling no pain tocar la lira mientras arde roma
feeling no pain no sentir dolor
feeling no pain estar ebrio
on pain of something so pena de algo
on pain of something bajo pena de algo
on/under pain of death bajo pena de muerte
pain in the neck sangre de chinche [f] CU rare
pain in the neck sangre de chinche [f] VE
being a pain in the ass en la de amansa gatos [adj] DO disused
pain in the neck de porra [adj] DO BO AR:Nw
pain in the ass de porra [adj] DO BO AR:Nw
be a pain in the neck ser un sangrón [v] AMER
suffer severe pain ver animitas [v] DO
make a bull spin around due to the pain caused from lashings bailar un toro [v] DO
have a muscular pain coger un aire [v] CR CU DO
feel an intense physical pain ver chivos [v] BO
suffer from physical pain parecer caballo cholenco [v] NI
be afflicted by some pain or illness estar atacado [v] PR
be a pain in the ass about something tener giro [v] CU
overwhelm with pain and suffering hacer bolsa [v] BO:W,C
cause pain hacer ver a judas [v] PE
cause pain and pleasure to a woman during intercourse hacer crujir [v] BO
have horrible pain doler feo [v] MX
have pain in one's legs or feet doler las de zenate [v] HN
have intense pain doler feo [v] MX
feel intense pain doler feo [v] MX
be in pain parecer caballo cholenco [v] NI
feel pity, pain or offense sentir feo [v] MX SV NI
be a pain in the neck ser la arena en su zapato [v] HN
be a pain in the neck ser piedra en el zapato [v] PR
be a pain in the neck ser un hígado [v] MX PR
be a pain in the neck ser una bomba atómica [v] CU
be a pain ser una prenda [v] PA
suffer upper body muscle pain soplar aire [v] PY
feel blinding pain ver a judas calato [v] PE
feel blinding pain ver al diablo calato [v] PE
feel blinding pain ver animitas [v] DO
feel blinding pain ver burros negros [v] CL
feel blinding pain ver chivos [v] BO
feel blinding pain ver cocuyitos [v] PA
be a pain dar trato [v] disused
being a pain in the ass en la de amansa gatos [adv] DO disused
do you have pain? ¿tiene dolor?
do you have pain in the joints? ¿le duelen las articulaciones?
do you have pain in your chest? ¿tiene dolor en el pecho?
can you describe the pain? ¿puede describir el dolor?
do you have pain in the neck or back? ¿tiene dolor en el cuello o la espalda?
no pain no gain el que no arriesga no gana
no pain no gain el que quiere celeste, que le cueste
no pain no gain lo que cuesta vale
it causes too much pain es muy doloroso
do you have any pain? ¿tienes algún dolor?
do you have any pain? ¿tiene algún dolor?
after all the pain you caused me después de todo el dolor que me causaste
after all the pain you caused me después de todo el sufrimiento que me causaste
sorry for being a pain perdón por ser una molestia
he looks like he's in pain parece que está dolorido
he looks like he's in pain parece que le duele algo
what a pain! ¡qué macana! BO PY AR UY
I can't stand this pain no aguanto este dolor
all this pain is an illusion todo este dolor es una ilusión
all this pain is an illusion todo es mentira
what pain! ¡qué dolor!
what a pain! ¡qué faena!
what a pain! ¡qué marrón!
what a pain! ¡qué lata!
sorry for being a pain in the neck perdón por ser una molestia
i feel your pain siento tu dolor
i have a pain in my leg me duele la pierna
have a pain tener dolor [v]
feel acute pain ver las estrellas [v]
he's a pain in the neck es un pesado
no pain, no gain el que quiere celeste, que le cueste
on pain of so pena de
no pain, no gain para ser bella hay que ver estrellas VE
pain (in the neck) peñazo [m]
pain in the neck pelmazo [m]
pain in the ass coñazo [m]
pain in the ass fastidio [m]
pain in the ass incordio [m]
pain in the arse coñazo [m]
pain in the arse fastidio [m]
pain in the arse incordio [m]
pain in the neck pesado [m]
pain in the ass hinchapelotas [m]
acute pain dolor de viuda [m]
sharp pain dolor de viuda [m]
acute pain dolor de viudo [m]
sharp pain dolor de viudo [m]
pain in the neck incordio [m]
pain in the ass mamón [m]
pain in the ass quebradero de cabeza [m]
pain in the neck tábano [m]
pain in the butt tábano [m]
pain in the ass tábano [m]
pain in the ass molestia [f]
pain in the arse molestia [f]
pain in the neck pesada [f]
pain in the neck joroba [f]
pain in the neck joroba [f]
pain in the neck machaconería [f]
pain in the ass mamona [f]
pain in the ass muerte [f]
be a pain dar la murga [f]
pain in the neck chinche [m/f]
pain in the ass tocapelotas [m/f]
pain in the ass palizas [m/f]
pain in the neck plasta [m/f]
pain in the butt plasta [m/f]
be a pain in the neck tener sangre de chinches [v]
be a total pain dar el coñazo [v]
be a total pain dar la coña [v]
be a pain dar la tabarra [v]
be a pain dar el peñazo [v]
be a pain dar guerra [v]
be in pain estar en un ay [v]
give pain escarabajear [v]
scream in pain aullar de dolor [v]
put an animal out of its pain acortar la agonía a un animal [v]
be a pain ser la peste [v]
be a pain in the neck ser un hígado [v]
be a pain in the neck ser un plomo [v]
be a total pain in the ass ser como un dolor de muelas [v]
be a total pain in the ass ser como un dolor de huevos [v]
be a pain ser pesado [v]
be a pain in the neck ser un pelma [v]
be such a pain ser una mosca cojonera [v]
be a pain ser una mosca cojonera [v]
be a pain in the neck ser una piedra en el zapato [v]
be such a pain ser una piedra en el zapato [v]
be a pain in the neck ser una mosca cojonera [v]
be a pain ser una piedra en el zapato [v]
double up with pain devanarse/doblarse de dolor [v]
have pain all over one's body tener gata [v]
suffocate a dying person to relieve them from pain apretar el codo [v]
suffocate a dying person to relieve them from pain hincar el codo [v]
scream in pain rabiar de dolor [v]
cry out in pain rabiar de dolor [v]
cause pain fastidiar [v]