swallow - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "swallow" in Spanish English Dictionary : 53 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
swallow trago [m]
swallow tragar [v]
swallow sorbo [m]
swallow golondrina [f]
swallow pasar [v]
swallow ingerir [v]
swallow comerse [v]
swallow tragarse [v]
swallow sorbo [m]
swallow chascar [v]
swallow comerse [v]
swallow deglutir [v]
swallow digerir [v]
swallow papar [v]
swallow pasar [v]
swallow tragar [v]
swallow bocanada [f]
swallow engullir [v]
swallow aguantar [v]
swallow mamar [v]
swallow comérselo [v]
swallow beber [v]
swallow ingurgitar [v]
swallow sorber [v]
swallow tragadero [m]
swallow vencejo [m]
swallow esófago [m]
swallow sima [f]
swallow hacer desaparecer [v]
swallow tragarse algo (creerse) [v]
swallow retractar [v]
swallow retirar [v]
swallow desdecir [v]
swallow tragar (un insulto) [v]
swallow tragarse (un insulto) [v]
swallow arandela [f] ES local
swallow sorber [v] fig.
swallow deglutir [v] formal
swallow creer a ciegas [v] fig.
swallow papar [v]
swallow tragar [v]
swallow tragarse [v]
swallow lastrar [v] AR UY
swallow trajelar [v]
swallow deglución [f]
swallow sumidero [m]
swallow andarina [f]
swallow andolina [f]
swallow andorina [f]
swallow deglutir [v]
swallow abismo [m]
swallow garganta [f]
swallow progne [f]

Meanings of "swallow" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 287 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
swallow (bird) golondrina [f]
(transitive) to swallow tragar [v]
swallow up sorber [v]
swallow up sumir [v]
swallow up tragarse [v]
chick of a swallow golondrino [m]
swallow (bird) golondrina [f]
swallow one's pride humillarse [v]
swallow one's pride anularse [v]
swallow one's pride humillarse [v]
swallow one's pride someterse [v]
swallow up tragarse [v]
pill to swallow trago amargo [m]
young swallow golondrino [m]
swallow up tragar [v]
and to swallow tragar [v]
swallow up engullir [v]
swallow up deglutir [v]
swallow hard tragar saliva [v]
swallow the medicine tragar el medicamento [v]
swallow the wrong way atragantarse [v]
bite-and-swallow morder y tragar [v]
can't swallow no poder tragar [v]
tail of a swallow cola de golondrina
chinese swallow alción [m]
male swallow golondrino [m]
swallow-tailed coat frac [m]
swallow-wort vencetósigo [m]
stone in the intestines of a swallow alidona [f]
swallow-wort hirundinaria [f]
swallow fish golondrina [f]
swallow-wort golondrinera [f]
swallow up devorar [v]
swallow without chewing papar [v]
swallow (food/drink) pasar [v]
make someone swallow false information embocar [v]
draught or draft (the act or an instance of drinking; a gulp or swallow) bebida [f]
swallow-tail (carpentry) cola de milano [f]
swallow-wort asclepiada [f]
swallow up absorber completamente [v]
any food that is dry and hard, difficult to swallow añugaperro [m] DO
torture involving forcing a prisoner to swallow a grain of corn on a string and loosening and tightening the string pescadito [m] HN delinq.
swift swallow salangana [f] PH
hard pill to swallow tragantona [f] fig.
large capsule difficult to swallow bala [f] PR
large pill hard to swallow bala [f] PR
large pill difficult to swallow bala [f] PR
swallow hard tragar saliva [v] fig.
swallow one's rs and ls golpear [v] CO:N
swallow one's r's and l's golpear [v] CO:N
swallow a roach matar [v] PR drug
swallow one's pride ñangotarse [v] PR
be a bitter pill to swallow ser un trago amargo [v]
be bitter pill to swallow ser un trago amargo [v]
swallow one's pride quitarse los pantalones [v]
swallow it hook line and sinker caer como chinos [v]
swallow it hook line and sinker caer como angelitos [v]
swallow one's words cantar la palinodia [v]
swallow one's words comerse sus palabras [v]
swallow one's words tragarse las palabras [v]
swallow one's words tragarse sus palabras [v]
strain at a gnat and swallow a camel colar un mosquito y tragarse un camello [v]
swallow feeling tragar saliva [v]
swallow the bait caer en el lazo [v]
swallow the bait caer en la trampa [v]
swallow the bait picar el anzuelo [v]
swallow the bait ser engañado [v]
swallow the bait caer en el anzuelo [v]
swallow the bait tragarse el anzuelo [v]
strain at gnats and swallow camels no ver el bosque por ver los árboles [v]
strain at gnats and swallow camels no ver la totalidad por quedar atrapado en los detalles [v]
strain at gnats and swallow camels no ver lo importante por detenerse en los detalles [v]
swallow a toad tragarse un sapo [v]
swallow one's pride tragarse el orgullo [v]
swallow one's pride dejar a un lado el orgullo [v]
swallow something hook, line, and sinker creerse algo por completo [v]
swallow something hook, line, and sinker creer algo a pie juntillas [v]
swallow the bait morder el anzuelo [v]
swallow the bait tragar el anzuelo [v]
swallow in large draughts beber con fruición [v]
swallow one's pride bajarse los pantalones [v]
swallow the bait picar el pez [v]
swallow the bait picar en el anzuelo [v]
swallow an insult chuparse un insulto [v]
swallow the bait tragarse las como puños [v]
swallow the bait tragarse las como ruedas de molino [v]
swallow a bitter pill tragar sapos [v]
swallow the pill tragar la píldora [v]
swallow the pill tragarse el sapo [v]
swallow a bitter pill tragar sapos y culebras [v]
swallow the pill tragarse la píldora [v]
swallow one's pride bajar los ojos [v]
swallow hard tragar saliva [v]
swallow one's pride echarse en tierra [v]
swallow one's pride echarse a tierra [v]
swallow one's pride echarse por tierra [v]
a bitter pill (to swallow) un trago amargo
to be taken in/swallow a lie tragarse la píldora
bitter pill to swallow situación dolorosa que debe ser aceptada
a bitter pill to swallow algo difícil de aceptar
bitter pill to swallow receta dolorosa
a bitter pill to swallow algo difícil de digerir
a bitter pill to swallow una píldora difícil de tragar
i wanted the ground to open up and swallow me ¡tierra trágame!
wish the ground would swallow me up quisiera que la tierra me tragase
wish the ground would swallow you up quisiera que la tierra te tragase
wish the ground would swallow me up quisiera que me trague la tierra
wish the ground would swallow you up quisiera que te trague la tierra
wish the ground would swallow you up ojalá te trague la tierra
swallow the bait morder el anzuelo
swallow the bait tragar el anzuelo
a bitter pill to swallow un trago amargo
hard to swallow difícil de tragar
hard to swallow difícil de creer
one swallow does not a summer make una golondrina no hace verano
one swallow does not make a summer una golondrina no hace primavera
swallow one's pride bajarse los pantalones [v] ES
swallow one's rs and ls hablar golpeado [v] CO:N
swallow one's pride comer jute [v] GT
swallow one's r's and l's hablar golpeado [v] CO:N
swallow one's pride mascar el freno [v] UY
swallow one's pride mascar el freno [v] GT
swallow a roach matar la changa [v] PR
hear something hard to swallow tragar en seco [v] PR
i wanted the ground to open up and swallow me quería que me tragara la tierra
i wanted the ground to open up and swallow me deseaba que me tragara la tierra
i wish the ground would open up and swallow me ojalá me tragara la tierra
i wish the ground would open up and swallow me desearía que me tragara la tierra
swallow up comer [v]
swallow down tragar [v]
it's a bitter pill to swallow es un trago amargo
bitter pill to swallow trago [m]
bitter pill to swallow píldora [f]
hard pill to swallow píldora [f]
hard pill to swallow tragantona [f]
swallow the bait acudir al paño [v]
swallow anything comulgar con ruedas de molino [v]
swallow one's words comerse las palabras [v]
swallow in haste embocar [v]
make someone swallow false information emborrar [v]
swallow without chewing embuchar [v]
swallow the bait morder el cebo [v]
swallow the bait tener buenas creederas [v]
swallow one's pride bajarse los pantalones [v]
swallow it tragarse alguien la píldora [v]
hard to swallow difícil de aceptar
hard to swallow difícil de digerir
hard to swallow difícil de tragar
hard to swallow difícil de creer
one swallow doesn't make a summer una golondrina no hace verano
one swallow doesn't make a summer una golondrina sola no hace verano (no se puede deducir una regla o norma general de un solo caso)
wish the ground would swallow me up desearía que la tierra me tragara
wish the ground would swallow you up desearía que la tierra te tragara
earth, swallow me up! ¡tierra, trágame!
earth, swallow me! ¡tierra, trágame!
may the earth swallow me ¡tierra, trágame!
wish the ground would swallow me up ¡tierra, trágame!
barn swallow (hirundo rustica) volandera [f] ES local
swallow one's pride ahuevar [v] HN SV
one swallow does not a summer make una sola golondrina no hace el verano
one swallow does not a summer make una abeja no hace colmena
one swallow does not make a summer una abeja no hace colmena
swallow one's pride dar las nalgas [v] MX
swallow hole sumidero [m]
barn swallow golondrina [f]
swallow up fagocitar [v]
ethiopian swallow golondrina etiópica
tree swallow golondrina arbórea
wire-tailed swallow golondrina de smith
red-rumped swallow golondrina dáurica
barn swallow golondrina común
cliff swallow golondrina risquera
Marine Biology
swallow-fish golondrina [f]
swallow (a small long-winged songbird) avión [m]
swallow-tailed kite (elanoides forficatus) halcón tijereta [m] AR UY
swallow-tailed kite (elanoides forficatus) tijeretero [m] PE
lesser swallow-tailed swift macuá [m] NI CR PA CO
nest of the lesser swallow-tailed swift macuá [m] NI CR PA CO
lesser swallow-tailed swift pájaro macuá [m] NI CR PA CO:N
lesser swallow-tailed swift macuá [m] CR
barn swallow (hirundo rustica) progne [m]
white-winged swallow (tachycineta albiventer) golondrina de agua [f] VE
cave swallow (petrochelidon fulva) golondrina de cueva [f] DO
barn swallow (hirundo rustica) golondrina de horquilla [f] VE
american cliff swallow (petrochelidon pyrrhonota) golondrina risquera [f] VE
golden swallow (kalochelidon euchrysea) golondrina verde [f] DO
swallow-tailed kite (elanoides forficatus) tijerachupa [f] PE
swallow-tailed nightjar chotacabras golondrina [m/f]
tree swallow golondrina bicolor
white-thighed swallow golondrina patiblanca
white-throated swallow golondrina gorgiblanca
red sea cliff swallow golondrina del mar rojo
angolan swallow golondrina angoleña
black-capped swallow golondrina cabecinegra
wire-tailed swallow golondrina colilarga
swallow-tailed kite elanio tijereta
streak-throated swallow golondrina india
chestnut-collared swallow golondrina cuellirrufa
west african swallow golondrina africana
preuss's cliff swallow golondrina de preuss
forest swallow golondrina selvática
pied-winged swallow golondrina alipinta
swallow-tailed cotinga cotinga tijereta
white-bibbed swallow golondrina negrita
black-and-rufous swallow golondrina rojinegra
south african swallow golondrina sudafricana
cave swallow golondrina pueblera
red-throated cliff swallow golondrina gorgirroja
white-throated blue swallow golondrina negrita
grey-rumped swallow golondrina culigrís
cliff swallow golondrina risquera
northern rough-winged swallow golondrina aserrada
mangrove swallow golondrina de manglar
mosque swallow golondrina senegalesa
violet-green swallow golondrina verdemar
white-backed swallow golondrina dorsiblanca
swallow-winged puffbird buco golondrina
preuss's swallow golondrina de preuss
american cliff swallow golondrina risquera
greater striped swallow golondrina cabecirrufa
swallow-tailed bee-eater abejaruco golondrina
southern rough-winged swallow golondrina gorgirrufa
swallow tanager tangara golondrina
welcome swallow golondrina australiana
pale-footed swallow golondrina paticlara
tumbes swallow golondrina de tumbes
rufous-bellied swallow golondrina ventrirrufa
white-banded swallow golondrina fajiblanca
red-breasted swallow golondrina pechirrufa
bahama swallow golondrina de las bahamas
swallow-tailed hummingbird colibrí golondrina
blue swallow golondrina azul
white-tailed swallow golondrina coliblanca
tawny-headed swallow golondrina cabecicastaña
red-throated swallow golondrina gorgirroja
rufous-chested swallow golondrina pechirrufa
blue-and-white swallow golondrina barranquera
lesser striped swallow golondrina abisinia
african swallow-tailed kite elanio golondrina
black-collared swallow golondrina acollarada
pacific swallow golondrina del pacífico
striated swallow golondrina estriada
american swallow-tailed kite elanio tijereta
andean swallow golondrina andina
ethiopian swallow golondrina etiópica
brown-bellied swallow golondrina ventriparda
rufous-bellied swallow golondrina entrirrufa
red sea swallow golondrina del mar rojo
golden swallow golondrina dorada
montane blue swallow golondrina azul
great swallow-tailed swift vencejo tijereta grande
pearl-breasted swallow golondrina perlada
hill swallow golondrina de cabaña
swallow-tailed gull gaviota tijereta
lesser swallow-tailed swift vencejo tijereta chico
red-chested swallow golondrina de guinea
south african cliff swallow golondrina sudafricana
white-winged swallow golondrina aliblanca
chilean swallow golondrina chilena
white-rumped swallow golondrina cejiblanca
swallow hole pozo absorbente [m]
swallow hole foso absorbente [m]
swallow hole sumidero [m]
swallow hole foso de absorción [f]
tongue-thrust swallow deglución con proyección lingual [f]
visceral swallow deglución visceral [f]
somatic swallow deglución somática [f]
visceral swallow deglución visceral [f]
barium swallow toma de bario
swallow nest nido de golondrina
swallow syncope síncope por deglución
swallow syncope síncope deglutorio
barium swallow dosis de bario que se traga
swallow-tail cola de milano
swallow-tail cola de milano
swallow-tail cola de pato
swallow dive salto de ángel
red-rumped swallow golondrina daúrica
barn swallow golondrina común
bank swallow avión zapador
swallow hole pozo de infiltración
(fig) to swallow sorber [v]
white swallow-wort (vincetoxicum hirundinaria) vencetósigo [m]
white swallow-wort (vincetoxicum hirundinaria) vencetósigo [m]
swallow-wort asclepiadea [f]
white swallow-wort (vincetoxicum hirundinaria) berza de perro [f]
white swallow-wort (vincetoxicum hirundinaria) berza perruna [f]