off - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "off" in Spanish English Dictionary : 79 result(s)

English Spanish
off apagado [adj]
off estadizo [adj]
off estropeado [adj]
off libre [adv]
off estadizo [adj]
off libre [adj]
off desconexión [f]
off cancelado [adj]
off cerrado [adj]
off pasadora [adj]
off suspendido [adj]
off de [prep]
off cortado [adj]
off fuera [adv]
off a la derecha (un vehículo) [adj]
off de fiesta [adj]
off de asueto [adj]
off errado [adj]
off equivocado [adj]
off más distante [adj]
off más lejano [adj]
off emparedar [v]
off tapiar [v]
off fuera de aquí [adv]
off lejos [adv]
off a distancia [adv]
off por arriba [adv]
off enteramente [adv]
off completamente [adv]
off del todo [adv]
off a mayor distancia [adv]
off ¡fuera! [interj]
off ¡vaya! [interj]
off ¡fuera de aquí! [interj]
off ¡anda! [interj]
off ¡vete de aquí! [interj]
off ¡anda a paseo! [interj]
off lejos de [prep]
off desde [prep]
off chuco [adj] MX CAM
off bombo [adj] CU
off apagada [adj/f]
off chuca [adj/f] MX CAM
off estadiza [adj/f]
off estropeada [adj/f]
off bomba [adj/f] CU
off cerrada [adj/f]
off suspendida [adj/f]
off errada [adj/f]
off equivocada [adj/f]
off a trasmano
off dar boleta a alguien [v]
off dar la boleta a alguien [v]
off vendimiar [v]
off ventilarse [v]
off hacer boleta a alguien [v] AR UY
off cancelada [v]
off con descuento
Ios Terms
off desactivar [v]
off período de bloqueo
off período de corte
off desconexión [f]
off inactivo [adj]
off apagado [adj]
off cerrado [adj]
off no de turno
off fuera de
off tomar el largo [v]
off narrar [v]
off reducción [f]
off rebaja [f]
off malo [adj]
off desactivado [adj]
off desconectado [adj]
off a la altura de [prep]
off frente a [prep]
off reducción [f]
off desconexión [f]
off apagado [adj]

Meanings of "off" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
switch off apagar [v]
pay off saldar [v]
shut off cortar [v]
turn off apagar [v]
drop-off disminución [f]
give off emitir [v]
cut off cortar [v]
buy off comprar [v]
pay off liquidar [v]
go off explotar [v]
take (away, from, off) (to make less by a certain amount) restar [v]
blank off tapado [m]
paying off desarme [m]
breaking-off ruptura [f]
show-off fanfarrona [f]
cut-off incomunicado [adj]
off balance desajustado [adj]
take off descalzar [v]
wipe off enjugar [v]
put off reservar [v]
take (time) off tomarse días libres [v]
show off presumir [v]
take off quitarse [v]
set off desatar [v]
shake off sacudir [v]
finish off rematar [v]
auction off subastar [v]
shut off apagar [v]
take off despegar [v]
show off lucir [v]
take off one's shoes descalzarse [v]
raffle off rifar [v]
pay off something saldar [v]
see off despedirse [v]
put off aplazar [v]
cut off recortar [v]
cut off seccionar [v]
cut off economizar (gastos) [v]
breaking-off rompimiento [m]
roll-on/roll-off ferry ro-ro [m]
write-off saneamiento [m]
play-off play-off [m]
blast-off despegue [m]
turn-off salida [f]
sending-off expulsión [f]
off-spring progenie [f]
sawn-off shotgun recortada [f]
play-off repesca [f]
well-off acomodado [adj]
far-off distante [adj]
levelled off igualado [adj]
leveled off [us] igualado [adj]
cut off incomunicado [adj]
on-off intermitente [adj]
switched off apagado [adj]
sealed off precintado [adj]
off-the-peg pret-a-porter [adj]
off-the-rack [us] pret-a-porter [adj]
off-centre descentrado [adj]
off-center [us] descentrado [adj]
off-white blancuzco [adj]
off-white blanquecino [adj]
far-off remoto [adj]
put off retrasar [v]
take off despojarse de [v]
give off desprender [v]
come off desprenderse [v]
chop off destroncar [v]
branch off desviarse [v]
seal off hermetizar [v]
go off the boil dejar de hervir [v]
finish off acabar con [v]
break off romper [v]
give off difundir [v]
number off numerarse [v]
scale off hojear [v]
go off dispararse [v]
sell off saldar [v]
set off for salir para [v]
come off salir [v]
come off salirse [v]
come off saltar [v]
fly off saltar [v]
go off saltar [v]
come off saltarse [v]
fly off saltarse [v]
write off sanear [v]
drain off sangrar [v]
level off igualar [v]
dry off secarse [v]
show off ostentar [v]
cut off segar [v]
seal off sellar [v]
pay off pagar [v]
cut off incomunicar [v]
saw off serrar [v]
saw off serruchar [v]
cut off parar [v]
ward off parar [v]
pair off parearse [v]
show off ahuecarse [v]
frighten off ahuyentar [v]
keep off ahuyentar [v]
set off partirse [v]
wear off pasar [v]
pass oneself off as hacerse pasar por [v]
pass off pasar [v]
show off pasear [v]
spark off encender [v]
show off pavonearse [v]
cast off soltar [v]
run off soltar [v]
give off soltar [v]
cool off enfriarse [v]
come off soltarse [v]
reel off enjaretar [v]
blow off soplar [v]
seal off enquistar [v]
stop off hacer un alto [v]
get off enrollarse [v]
reel off ensartar [v]
run off with alzarse con [v]
cut off interceptar [v]
write off perdonar [v]
cool off entibiarse [v]
round off perfilar [v]
cut off entrecortar [v]
round off epilogar [v]
call off suspender [v]
go off andarse [v]
split off escindirse [v]
pension off jubilar [v]
go off at a tangent salirse por la tangente [v]
sneak off escurrirse [v]
be off estar apagado [v]
turn off ladeado [v]
get off apearse [v]
give off espirar [v]
trim off podar [v]
skim off espumar [v]
chip off lascar [v]
go off estallar [v]
come off levantarse [v]
peel off levantarse [v]
ward off conjurar [v]
go off estropearse [v]
file off limar [v]
stave off precaver [v]
wipe off limpiar [v]
clean off limpiar [v]
seal off precintar [v]
sell off liquidar [v]
give off exhalar [v]
show off exhibir [v]
go off torcerse [v]
put off torear [v]
send off expulsar [v]
cut off copar [v]
go off cortarse [v]
spark off provocar [v]
cut off tronchar [v]
square off cuadrar [v]
take off cuajar [v]
come off cuajar [v]
show off florearse [v]
set off ponerse en marcha [v]
take off quitar [v]
ward off quitar [v]
scrape off raer [v]
level off raer [v]
show off vacilar [v]
be off sick estar de baja [v]
get off bajar [v]
get off bajar de [v]
get off bajarse de [v]
scrape off rascar [v]
scrape off raspar [v]
sell off realizar [v]
slice off rebanar [v]
ward off rebatir [v]
knock off rebatir [v]
glance off rebotar de [v]
saw off recortar [v]
drain off desaguar [v]
show off garbear [v]
round off redondear [v]
spark off desatar [v]
take off one's shoes descalzarse [v]
flake off descamarse [v]
scale off descamarse [v]
drop off descender [v]
slacken off relajarse [v]
let off descerrajar [v]
strip off desconchar [v]
chip off desconchar [v]
turn off desconectar [v]
switch off desconectar [v]
finish off remachar [v]
round off rematar [v]
take off descontar [v]
call off desconvocar [v]
dust off desempolvar [v]
set off desencadenar [v]
blow off volarse [v]
fly off volarse [v]
run off volarse [v]
go off volverse [v]
tear off desgajar [v]
come off desgajarse [v]
break off desgajarse [v]
slip off zafarse [v]
come off zafarse [v]
dry off resecar [v]
cool off resfriarse [v]
lay off despedir [v]
blast off despegar [v]
strip off despelotarse [v]
wipe off borrar [v]
off key desafinadamente [adv]
off-key desafinado [adj]
chop off cercenar [v]
cast off amarras [v]
check off puntear [v]
show off darse farol [v]
mark off deslindar [v]
take the top off destapar [v]
trigger off provocar [v]
cordoning off acordonamiento [m]
fencing off acotado [m]
closing-off acotado [m]
fenced off plot of land acotado [m]
fencing off acotamiento [m]
dozing off adormilamiento [m]
taking off clothes ahorramiento [m]
taking off clothes ahorro [m]
coarseness of a closed off society aldeanismo [m]
easing off amaine [m]
scaring off of flies amoscamiento [m]
turning off apagado [m]
turning off apagamiento [m]
pull-off apartadero [m]
pulling off arrancamiento [m]
tearing off arrancamiento [m]
cutting off arrancamiento [m]
day off asueto [m]
scaring off azaramiento [m]
showing-off boato [m]
nodding off cabeceamiento [m]
nodding off cabeceo [m]
walling off cercamiento [m]
closing off cerramiento [m]
sealing off cerramiento [m]
off-color joke chiste verde [m]
run off derrame [m]
throwing off a cliff derrocamiento [m]
knocking off derrumbe [m]
cutting off desbarate [m]
cutting off desbarato [m]
breaking the head off descabezamiento [m]
taking off the cowl, hood or hunting-cap descaperuzo [m]
cut the crust off descortezo [m]
letting off desfogue [m]
breaking off of a tree branch desgajamiento [m]
tearing off desgajamiento [m]
breaking off desgajamiento [m]
breaking off of a tree branch desgaje [m]
tearing off desgaje [m]
breaking off desgaje [m]
marking off deslinde [m]
taking the shine off deslustre [m]
shaking off one’s opponent desmarque [m]
paring off a horse's hoof despalme [m]
take off despegue [m]
taking off despegue [m]
throwing off a precipice despeñamiento [m]
falling off a precipice despeñamiento [m]
throwing off a precipice despeño [m]
falling off a precipice despeño [m]
laying off despido [m]
stripping off destape [m]
cutting off destroncamiento [m]
day off día feriado [m]
taking the edge off something engaño [m]
sneaking off escabullimiento [m]
making off with escamoteo [m]
show-off fanfarrón [m]
hiving off fraccionamiento [m]
rip-off fraude [m]
show-off gallito [m]
veering off course ladeamiento [m]
veering off course ladeo [m]
showing off lucimiento [m]
coming off with flying colors lucimiento [m]
piece bitten off mordisco [m]
bounce the soccer ball off the goal post palo [m]
rip-off petardo [m]
day off puente [m]
flipping off rabotazo [m]
cooling off refrescamiento [m]
telling off regañamiento [m]
brush-off reherimiento [m]
finishing off rematamiento [m]
killing off rematamiento [m]
finishing off remate [m]
trimming off retaceo [m]
telling off reto [m]
off-grid person robinsón [m]
off-grid living robinsonismo [m]
drop-off rodadero [m]
kick off saque de esquina [m]
throw off saque de esquina [m]
drop-off talud [m]
rip-off artist timador [m]
taking one's mind off amenización [f]
sign off antefirma [f]
pulling off arrancadura [f]
tearing off arrancadura [f]
cutting off arrancadura [f]
off-shore shoal arribazón [f]
pay off belle époque [f]
showing-off boconada [f]
telling-off bronca [f]
nod-off cabezada [f]
dozing off cabezada [f]
off-billet cincha de brida [f]
part of a forest off limits concia [f]
slacking off desaplicación [f]
act of taking off locks or bolts descerrajadura [f]
switching off desconexión [f]
stripping off a cloak desencapotadura [f]
breaking off of a tree branch desgajadura [f]
write-off desgravación [f]
slacking off desligadura [f]
paring off a horse's hoof despalmadura [f]
send-off despedida [f]
levelling off estabilización [f]
rip off estafa [f]
cutting off evitación [f]
run-off plate fallanca [f]
day off feria [f]
ticking-off fraterna [f]
telling-off fraterna [f]
rip-off fraudulencia [f]
flour falling off the kneading trough harina abalada [f]
day off holganza [f]
off-peak time hora valle [f]
sealing off impermeabilización [f]
play-off competition liguilla [f]
telling-off mano [f]
take-off parodia [f]
get off tone pitada [f]
cooling off refrescadura [f]
gnawed off portion roedura [f]
chewed off portion roedura [f]
telling off ronca [f]
boiled-off silk seda cocida [f]
calling off suspensión [f]
off season temporada baja [f]
time off vacación [f]
pushing off zarpa [f]
well-off acaudalado [adj]
well-off acomodado [adj]
far off ajeno [adj]
give off light alumbrador [adj]
easing off amollador [adj]
slacking off amollador [adj]
turning off apagador [adj]
off the beaten path apartado [adj]
tearing off with pliers atenazador [adj]
knock-off bis [adj]
off-white blanquizco [adj]
showing-off blasonador [adj]
living off the land campesino [adj]
going off cedizo [adj]
cutting off desbaratador [adj]
off center descentrado [adj]
off-guard descuidado [adj]
throwing off a precipice despeñadizo [adj]
falling off a precipice despeñadizo [adj]
far off distante [adj]
making off with escamoteador [adj]
levelling off estabilizador [adj]
levelling off estabilizante [adj]
show off gallito [adj]
off-beat incatalogable [adj]
far off lejas [adj]
sneaking off perdidizo [adj]
paying off redentor [adj]
finishing off rematador [adj]
far-off remoto [adj]
off the beaten path repuesto [adj]
cooling off resfriador [adj]
written-off saneado [adj]
well-off sobrado [adj]
with fur rubbed off from the hobble trabado [adj]
fence off cercar [v]
write off amortizar [v]
pay off amortizar [v]
pull off arrancarse [v]
cut off bloquear [v]
block off bloquear [v]
get off abajar [v]
mark off with abalizar [v]
pay off abonar [v]
slack off abrirse [v]
tell off abroncar [v]
face off against acarear [v]
face off acarear [v]
cordon off acordelar [v]
mark off with rope acordelar [v]
tie off acordonar [v]
cut off acortar [v]
fence off acotar [v]
set off to aderezarse [v]
set off for aderezarse [v]
doze off adormecerse [v]
doze off adormilarse [v]
doze off adormirse [v]
doze off adormitarse [v]
shave off afeitar [v]
stop off aguardarse [v]
give off smoke ahumar [v]
live off nothing vivir del aire [v]
show off alardear [v]
scare off alejar [v]
piss off alterar [v]
tick off alterar [v]
cheese off alterar [v]
get pissed off alterarse [v]
ease off amainar (catalán) [v]
take one's mind off amenizar [v]
frighten off amontar [v]
run off amontar [v]
get paid off amortizarse [v]
be turned off apagarse [v]
put off aparcar [v]
go off apartarse [v]
finish off apurar [v]
make off with arramblar con [v]
make off with arramplar [v]
tear off arrancar [v]
pull off arrancar [v]
start off arrancar [v]
carry off arrapar [v]
fall off a cliff arriscarse [v]
give off arrojar [v]
run off atajarse [v]
tear off with pliers atenacear [v]
tear off with pliers atenazar [v]
set off crackers atronerar [v]
give off steam avahar [v]
be giving off steam avaharse [v]
branch off bifurcarse [v]
wipe off borrar [v]
work one's tail off bregar [v]
give off brotar [v]
throw off brotar [v]
chip off cachar [v]
fall off caer [v]
fall off caerse [v]
go off cantar [v]
brush off carear [v]
face off against carear [v]
face off carear [v]
close off cegar [v]
be closed off cegarse [v]
brush off cepillarse [v]
clean off cepillarse [v]
sweep off cepillarse [v]
flap wings for take off cernerse [v]
close off cerrar [v]
become closed off cerrarse [v]
turn off cerrar [v]
be turned off cerrarse [v]
give off sparks chispear [v]
buy off comprar [v]
close off condenar [v]
ward off conjurar [v]
elevate off the ground coronar [v]
cut off cortar [v]
be cut off cortarse [v]
finish off a side costear [v]
go running off after being tazed with a cattleprod cucar [v]
cut off at the knees degollar [v]
live off depender [v]
throw off a cliff derrocar [v]
get off course derrotarse [v]
throw off a cliff derrumbar [v]
cool off desacalorarse [v]
take off a packsaddle desalbardar [v]
drive off desaparcar [v]
hit off aim desapuntar [v]
shoot off target desapuntar [v]
buck-off desarzonar [v]
strip off ornaments and decorations desataviar [v]
go off desatinar [v]
let off steam desavaharse [v]
cut off desbaratar [v]
break the head off descabezar [v]
cut off the loose threads of the warp descadillar [v]