assistant - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "assistant" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 94 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
assistant asistente [m/f]
assistant asistente [adj]
assistant ayudante [m/f]
assistant auxiliar [adj]
assistant ayudante [adj]
assistant peón [m]
assistant pipa [m]
assistant lector [m]
assistant preparador [m]
assistant mancebo [m]
assistant coadjutora [f]
assistant preparadora [f]
assistant auxiliar [m/f]
assistant adjunto [adj]
assistant adjunto [m]
assistant socorredor [m]
assistant acorredor [m]
assistant adjutor [m]
assistant agregado [m]
assistant apadrinador [m]
assistant apéndice [m]
assistant auxiliador [m]
assistant ayudador [m]
assistant bordón [m]
assistant coadyutor [m]
assistant coadyuvador [m]
assistant continuo [m]
assistant secretario [m]
assistant segundo [m]
assistant socorredora [f]
assistant acorredora [f]
assistant adjutora [f]
assistant asistenta [f]
assistant auxiliadora [f]
assistant ayuda [f]
assistant ayudadora [f]
assistant pasante [m/f]
assistant subdelegado [adj]
assistant subjefe [m]
assistant azafata [f]
assistant ayudanta [f]
assistant coadyuvadora [f]
assistant secretaria [f]
assistant pasante [m/f]
assistant mozo
assistant coadjutor [m]
assistant adjutor [m]
assistant acólito [m]
assistant aliviador [m]
assistant auxiliador [m]
assistant coadyuvador [m]
assistant conllevador [m]
assistant padrino [m]
assistant colaborador [m]
assistant adjutora [f]
assistant colaboradora [f]
assistant aliviadora [f]
assistant coadyuvadora [f]
assistant conllevadora [f]
assistant auxiliadora [f]
assistant ayudadora [f]
assistant subjefa [f]
assistant auxiliar [m/f]
assistant subjefe [m/f]
assistant suplente [adj]
assistant auxiliador [adj]
assistant subalterno [adj]
assistant achichinque [m] HN derog.
assistant achichintle [m] MX SV HN derog.
assistant arrequín [m] MX CU CL
assistant dependiente [m] rare
assistant ladero [m] AR
assistant mancebo [m] rare
assistant petiso de los mandados [m] AR UY
assistant agregada [f]
assistant adjunta [adj/f]
assistant subaterna [adj/f]
assistant cirineo [m]
assistant cirineo [m]
assistant secre [m/f]
assistant secretario [m]
assistant asistente [m/f]
assistant ayudante [m/f]
assistant auxiliar [adj]
assistant auxiliar [m/f]
assistant vendedor [m]
assistant dependiente [m/f]
assistant asistente [m/f]
assistant trabajador [m]
assistant ayudante [adj]
assistant auxiliar [adj]
assistant soporte [m]
assistant subalterno [m]
assistant auxiliar [adj]

Sens de "assistant" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
assistant treasurer vicetesorero [m]
assistant manager subdirector [m]
physician's assistant practicante [m/f]
assistant secretary subsecretario [m]
assistant secretary subsecretaria [f]
assistant director subgerente [m/f]
medical assistant practicante [m/f]
assistant referee linier [m/f]
sales assistant dependiente [m/f]
shop assistant dependiente [m/f]
standard bearer's assistant abanderado [m]
ensign's assistant abanderado [m]
administrative assistant administrativo [m]
baker’s assistant anacalo [m]
technical assistant auxiliar técnico [m]
health assistant auxiliar sanitario [m]
assistant prison warden bastonero [m]
religious assistant capiller [m]
slaughterhouse assistant chulo [m]
butler's assistant collazo [m]
waiter's assistant comís (francés) [m]
knight commander's assistant encomendado [m]
bishop's assistant familiar [m]
official assistant in the ceremony of the imposition of the golden fleece grefier (francés) [m]
post of language assistant lectorado [m]
pharmacy assistant mancebo [m]
teacher's assistant monitor [m]
bullfighter's assistant mozo de estoques [m]
cacique's assistant nitaíno [m]
collegiate court assistant oficial de la sala [m]
assistant teacher pasante [m]
bull-fighter's assistant picador [m]
bull-fighter's assistant piconero [m]
shepherd's assistant ropero [m]
hunter's assistant secretario [m]
tithe collector's assistant sobredezmero [m]
kitchen assistant sollastre [m]
assistant steward sotaministro [m]
hunter's assistant sotamontero [m]
assistant steward in the royal palace sotayuda [m]
assistant captain subalterno [m]
assistant delegate subdelegado [m]
assistant manager subdirector [m]
assistant prefect subprefecto [m]
assistant brigadier subrigadier [m]
priest's assistant victimario [m]
baker’s assistant anacala [f]
social assistant asistenta social [f]
technical assistant auxiliar técnica [f]
health assistant auxiliar sanitaria [f]
female assistant ayudanta [f]
maid's assistant collaza [f]
prebendary assistant plegaria [f]
assistant manager subdirección [f]
assistant management subdirección [f]
assistant secretary subsecretaría [f]
assistant secretaryship subsecretaría [f]
assistant managership vicegerencia [f]
social assistant asistente social [m/f]
court assistant asistente a cortes [m/f]
office assistant ayudante [m/f]
teaching assistant ayudante [m/f]
assistant logger ayudante de montes [m/f]
civil engineer's assistant ayudante de obras públicas [m/f]
physician's assistant ministrante [m/f]
male kitchen assistant pinche [m/f]
physician's assistant practicante [m/f]
seminar assistant semanista [m/f]
assistant manager subjefe [m/f]
assistant manager vicegerente [m/f]
assistant director regidor [m]
assistant of the driver of a stagecoach zagal [m]
assistant director vicedirector [m]
assistant prefect subprefecto [m]
administrative assistant auxiliar administrativo [m]
pharmacist's assistant mancebo [m]
assistant chef subjefe [m]
assistant foreman asistente de capataz [m]
assistant director subdirectora [f]
shop assistant tendera [f]
assistant nun asistenta [f]
religious assistant capillera [f]
pharmacy assistant manceba [f]
kitchen assistant pincha [f]
physician's assistant practicanta [f]
shepherd's assistant ropera [f]
hunter's assistant secretaria [f]
assistant captain subalterna [f]
assistant manager subdirectora [f]
assistant manager subjefa [f]
assistant prefect subprefecta [f]
camera assistant maquinista [m/f]
surgeon's assistant instrumentista [m/f]
assistant manager gerente asistente [m/f]
physician's assistant ayudante de médico [m/f]
physician's assistant asistente de médico [m/f]
assistant teacher pasante [m/f]
food purchasing assistant asistente de compras de alimentos [m/f]
actor's assistant asistente del actor [m/f]
camera assistant asistente de cámara [m/f]
assistant cameraman ayudante de cámara [m/f]
assistant doctor ayudante médico [m/f]
camera assistant ayudante de cámara [m/f]
actor's assistant asistente personal de actor [m/f]
kitchen assistant ayudante de cocina [m/f]
shop assistant dependiente de comercio
assistant in a shop hortera (madrid)
language assistant auxiliar de conversación
assistant manager director adjunto
assistant manager directora adjunta
assistant acolyte cetre (provincial/salamanca) [m]
bullfighter's assistant chulo [m]
butcher's assistant chulo [m]
a matador's assistant who sticks the banderillas into the bull banderillero [m]
assistant tutor contutor [m]
assistant jail-keeper bastonero [m]
assistant judge conjuez [m]
official assistant in the ceremony of the imposition of the golden fleece grefier [m]
shop-assistant mancebo [m]
assistant director vicerrector [m]
assistant steward in the royal palace sotayuda [m]
assistant steward (in some convents) sotoministro [m]
assistant driver of a stage-coach zagal [m]
assistant inspector subinspector [m]
woman assistant ayudanta [f]
assistant superior in a convent vicaria [f]
assistant manager subdirectora [f]
assistant inspector subinspectora [f]
assistant chief subjefa [f]
assistant director vicerrectora [f]
assistant bishop at consecration of bishops asistente [m/f]
assistant chemist practicante [m/f]
doctor's/lawyer's assistant pasante [m/f]
assistant manager vicegerente [m/f]
assistant chief subjefe [m/f]
assistant judge juez asesor [m]
assistant secretary secretario auxiliar [m]
assistant teacher sotamaestro [m]
assistant teacher ayo [m]
assistant teacher aya [f]
assistant baker canastero [m] CL
assistant resident surgeon in a hospital tablajero [m] disused
surgeon's assistant arsenalero [m] CL
assistant manager assistant manager (inglés) [m] US PR
student assistant at a college or university getting an advanced degree agregado [m] UY rare
a man who performs the activities of an assistant in a trade, particularly in construction ayuco [m] BO:W,C
sorcerer's or healer's assistant alzador [m] PE
medicine store assistant botiquinero [m] VE disused
young boy working as assistant in banana offices boy (voz inglesa [m] HN:N rare
lower ranking assistant or worker borriguero [m] PA
public bus driver's assistant cacharpo [m] MX
tailor's assistant cachupín [m] BO
office assistant clerk (inglés) [m] PR
(in the game chingolingo) assistant to the owner who changes the darts that are lost chane [m] HN NI
assistant to a bricklayer, painter, or another person who works in construction chalán (francés) [m] MX
assistant construction foreman chalán (francés) [m] MX
truck driver assistant chulillo [m] PE
man serving in the military as an assistant to the police chúcaro [m] CO
soldier who plays the role of assistant in the different departments of a military unit estafeta [m] BO
hunter's assistant guatanero [m] VE:E
assistant chef galopín [m] MX
fisherman's assistant guatanero [m] VE:E
bus driver assistant gritón [m] GT
pastor's assistant (protestant church) copastor [m] HN PR
bus driver's assistant controlador [m] EC
assistant banker (casino) gurupié (francés) [m] DO
assistant researcher investigador auxiliar [m] CU
office assistant júnior (inglés júnior) [m] CL
salon assistant enrulador [m] BO EC rare
assistant at meeting edecán [m] MX HN SV DO
truck driver's assistant machetero [m] MX
bricklayer's assistant macuarro [m] MX
assistant at conference edecán [m] MX HN SV DO
police assistant mayor [m] GT
teaching assistant monitor [m] NI DO
mill assistant mico [m] SV
assistant horse trainer padrino [m] AR rur.
bus driver assistant pavo [m] PA
freelance assistant palito barquillero [m] CU
bus driver assistant pesero [m] NI
circus assistant tarugo [m] CU disused
surgeon's assistant arsenalero [m] CL
kitchen assistant auxiliar de cocina [m] EC
assistant to a bricklayer, painter chalán [m] MX
in the game of chingolingo, assistant who changes the dice chane (náhuatl) [m] HN
shepherd's assistant sarruján [m] ES local
quarry worker's assistant zaborrero [m] ES local
assistant baker canastera [f] CL
surgeon's assistant arsenalera [f] CL
office of the assistant major auxiliaría [f] GT HN
student assistant at a college or university getting an advanced degree agregada [f] UY rare
medicine store assistant botiquinera [f] VE disused
assistant chef galopina [f] MX
assistant researcher investigadora auxiliar [f] CU
salon assistant enruladora [f] BO EC rare
assistant at meeting edecana [f] MX HN SV DO
truck driver's assistant machetera [f] MX
assistant at conference edecana [f] MX HN SV DO
teaching assistant monitora [f] NI DO
bus driver assistant pesera [f] NI
surgeon's assistant arsenalera [f] CL
laboratory assistant laborante [m/f] CL
assistant who follows orders from his superior achichincle (del nahua) [m/f] MX GT SV
assistant major of a town that is not a municipality auxiliar [m/f] GT HN NI
medicine store assistant botiquín [m/f] VE
bus driver assistant guarda [m/f] PY AR UY
assistant referee guardalínea [m/f] CR EC BO CL PY
assistant referee guardalíneas [m/f] NI CR PE BO CL PY
assistant professor paradocente [m/f] PR
teacher's assistant paradocente [m/f] CL
assistant bus driver piche [m/f] DO
assistant at meeting edecán (francés) [m/f] MX SV
assistant at conference edecán (francés) [m/f] MX SV
assistant professor paradocente [m/f] CL
teacher's assistant paradocente [m/f] CL
personal assistant edecán (francés) [m/f]
driver's assistant machacante [m] CU
ruffian's assistant cañón [m] delinq.
executioner's assistant vigolero [m] delinq.
assistant cashier cajero adjunto [m]
assistant to a parish priest coadjutor [m]
assistant director subdirector [m]
assistant prosecutor teniente fiscal [m]
cashier assistant cajero auxiliar [m]
shop assistant empleado de tienda [m]
shop assistant corredor [m]
shop assistant dependiente [m]
shop assistant vendedor [m]
sales assistant vendedor [m]
assistant secretary subsecretario [m]
assistant administrator subadministrador [m]
assistant commissioner subcomisionado [m]
assistant controller subcontralor [m]
assistant director subdirector [m]
assistant secretary vicesecretario [m]
assistant treasurer subtesorero [m]
assistant cashier cajero asistente [m]
assistant manager's office subdirección [f]
assistant manager's office subgerencia [f]
assistant director vicedirectora [f]
assistant secretaryship vicesecretaría [f]
personal assistant (pa) ayudante personal [m/f]
assistant manager subgerente [m/f]
production assistant ayudante de producción [m/f]
sales assistant asistente de ventas [m/f]
personal digital assistant (pda) asistente digital personal [m/f]
personal assistant asistente personal [m/f]
personal assistant (pa ) asistente personal [m/f]
assistant manager ayudante de dirección [m/f]
shop assistant dependiente [m/f]
administrative assistant asistente administrativo [m/f]
assistant to the director asistente del director [m/f]
personal digital assistant asistente digital personal [m/f]
executive assistant asistente ejecutivo [m/f]
personal assistant asistente personal [m/f]
technical assistant asistente técnico [m/f]
assistant manager subgerente [m/f]
managerial assistant asistente administrativo [m/f]
sales assistant asistente de ventas [m/f]
pda (personal digital assistant) asistente digital personal [m/f]
assistant treasurer tesorero adjunto
assistant professor profesor auxiliar
assistant surveyor perito adjunto
assistant general manager subdirector general
assistant lawyer pasante de abogado
deputy assistant secretary of state subsecretario asistente de estado
assistant head director adjunto
shop assistant dependiente de tienda
assistant station master subjefe de estación
assistant manager administrador auxiliar
assistant operator operador auxiliar
assistant professor profesor agregado
assistant superintendent superintendente auxiliar
assistant chemist químico auxiliar
assistant editor redactor adjunto
shop assistant empleado de tienda
adg (assistant director general) director general adjunto
pda (personal digital assistant) pda
assistant official oficial asistente
executive assistant secretario ejecutivo
assistant director director adjunto
assistant director general director general adjunto
assistant officer oficial asistente
assistant supervisor supervisor asistente
assistant executive ejecutivo asistente
Work Safety Terms
shop assistant tendero [m]
assistant to the director asistente del director [m/f]
assistant to the secretary asistente del secretario [m/f]
personal assistant to the managing director asistente personal del director gerente [m/f]
special assistant to the deputy managing director asistente especial del subdirector gerente [m/f]
staff assistant asistente de secretaría [m/f]
assistant accountant ayudante de contador [m/f]
assistant director director adjunto
office assistant auxiliar administrativo
correspondent assistant asistente de corresponsal [m/f]
assistant principal (ap) subdirector [m]
assistant judge acompañado [m]
assistant lawyer acompañado [m]
assistant district attorney subprocurador [m]
assistant secretary vicesecretario [m]
assistant secretaryship vicesecretaría [f]
legislator's administrative assistant asistente administrativo del legislador [m/f]
legislative assistant asistente legislativo [m/f]
retired political assistant asistente político jubilado [m/f]
assistant lawyer pasante (asistente de abogados) [m/f]
legal assistant asistente legal [m/f]
executive assistant asistente ejecutivo [m/f]
personal assistant asistente personal [m/f]
personal digital assistant asistente digital personal [m/f]
judicial assistant asistente judicial [m/f]
assistant attorney general subprocurador general
assistant district attorney (ada) fiscal (ada)
assistant corporation counsel (acc) fiscal de corte de familia (acc)
assistant federal investigative fiscal prosecuting attorney's office subprocuraduria fiscal federal de investigaciones
assistant trial court administrator subadministrador de los tribunales de primera instancia
assistant county clerk secretario adjunto del condado
assistant district attorney fiscal auxiliar
assistant lawyer secretario legal
assistant attorney general for civil rights fiscal general adjunto para derechos civiles
assistant secretary secretario adjunto
legal assistant pasante de abogado
assistant secretary secretario auxiliar
assistant secretary sub-secretario
assistant administrator subadministrador
assistant commissioner subcomisionado
assistant judge juez asistente
assistant official oficial asistente
executive assistant secretario ejecutivo
shop assistant dependiente
assistant lawyer pasante de abogado
US congressman's assistant asistente del congresista de EE.UU. [m/f]
california speaker's assistant asistente del presidente de california [m/f]
assistant superintendent asistente del superintendente [m/f]
executive assistant asistente ejecutivo [m/f]
executive assistant city attorney asistente ejecutivo del abogado municipal [m/f]
assistant of voters asistente de electores [m/f]
assistant registrar of voters registrador adjunto del departamento de elecciones
assistant attorney general subprocuradora general
assistant united states attorney subprocuradora federal
assistant superintendent director auxiliar CU
assistant superintendent directora auxiliar CU
assistant united states attorney fiscal asistente federal CU
assistant attorney general fiscal asistente general CU
assistant superintendent superintendente auxiliar
assistant united states attorney subprocurador federal
assistant attorney general subprocurador general
assistant principal sub-director [m]
assistant professor profesor agregado [m] ES
assistant principal (ap) subdirectora [f]
assistant position adjuntía [f]
assistant professor profesora agregada [f] ES
physical therapist assistant asistente de terapeuta físico [m/f]
assistant teacher profesora ayudante [m/f]
education assistant asistente de educación [m/f]
marketing assistant asistente de mercadotecnia [m/f]
assistant to the superintendent asistente del superintendente [m/f]
teacher assistant asistente de maestro [m/f]
teacher assistant ayudante de maestro [m/f]
assistant teacher profesora adjunto
assistant teacher profesor ayudante
assistant teacher profesor adjunta
assistant teacher profesora adjunta
assistant teacher profesor adjunto
assistant superintendent superintendente auxiliar
assistant principal sub-directora
post of language assistant lectorado [m]
search assistant asistente de búsqueda [m/f]
assistant adviser subconsejero [m]
assistant architect aparejador [m]
engineering assistant ayudante técnico [m/f]
laboratory-assistant ayudante de laboratorio [m/f]
camera assistant ayudante de cámara [m/f]
teaching assistant ayudante docente [m/f]
intelligent assistant asistente inteligente [m/f]
personal digital assistant asistente personal digital [m/f]
assistant coach asistente [m/f]
research assistant ayudante de investigación [m/f]
personal digital assistant asistente digital personal [m/f]
second assistant engineer segundo maquinista
civil assistant agregado civil
laboratory-assistant preparador de laboratorio
laboratory-assistant auxiliar de laboratorio
assistant operator operador auxiliar
assistant manager administrador auxiliar
assistant foreman cabo de cuadrilla
assistant engineer ingeniero auxiliar
assistant inspector inspector adjunto VE
personal digital assistant auxiliar personal digital [m]
office assistant ordenanza [f]
dyeing assistant asistente de teñido [m/f]
dyeing assistant auxiliar del teñido
mercerizing assistant auxiliar de la mercerización
bleaching assistant auxiliar del blanqueo
mordanting assistant auxiliar del mordentado
Marine Biology
assistant treasurer subtesorero [m]
General Medicine
nurse's assistant auxiliar de enfermería
assistant registrar subregistrador [m]
assistant manager vicedirector [m]
nursing assistant ayudante de enfermería [m/f]
surgeon's assistant ayudante de cirugía (ac) [m/f]
physical therapist assistant asistente de fisioterapia [m/f]
certified occupational therapy assistant (cota) ayudante de terapia ocupacional titulado [m/f]
dietetic assistant ayudante dietetista [m/f]
dental assistant ayudante odontológico [m/f]
physician's assistant ayudante médico [m/f]
anesthesiologist's assistant ayudante de anestesiología (aa) [m/f]
personal assistant asistente personal [m/f]
physician's assistant (pa) asistente médico especializado [m/f]
physician assistant (p.a.) asistente médico [m/f]
certified dental assistant auxiliar de odontología certificado
foil assistant soporte de oro laminar
anesthesiologist's assistant auxiliar de anestesia (aa)
terminal assistant soporte terminal
primary assistant soporte primario
auxiliary assistant soporte auxiliar
multiple assistant soporte múltiple
intermediate assistant soporte intermedio
secondary assistant soporte secundario
certified nursing assistant (cna) asistente de enfermería certificada
assistant chief adjunto [m]
administrative assistant administrativo [m]
pa (physician assistant) asistente medico [m/f]
physician assistant asistente médico [m/f]
Nursing Terms
nursing assistant auxiliar de enfermeras [n]
assistant to the president vicepresidente [m/f]
dental assistant asistente dental [m/f]
dental assistant auxiliar dental
personal assistant personal de ayuda
personal care provider and personal assistant cuidadores y personal de ayuda
mason's assistant peón de mano [m]
assistant producer regidor [m]
assistant chief subjefe [m]
assistant engineer subingeniero [m]
assistant manager subadministrador [m]
assistant manager subgerente [m]
assistant chief engineer segundo ingeniero en jefe
assistant manager segundo administrador CU
assistant superintendent segundo superintendente
assistant superintendent superintendente auxiliar
assistant operator position puesto de operador auxiliar
aeronautical meteorological assistant ayudante de meteorólogo de aviación [m/f]
assistant engineer ingeniero ayudante [m/f]
engineering assistant ayudante técnico [m/f]
assistant secretary of defense (asd) adjunto del ministro de defensa
deputy assistant secretary of defense adjunto al secretario de defensa
assistant takeoff rocket cohete para ayudar al despegue
deputy assistant secretary of defense subsecretario de defensa
assistant secretary of defense subsecretario del ministerio de defensa
deputy assistant secretary of defense (dasd) subsecretario de defensa
deputy assistant chief of staff segundo jefe de estado mayor
deputy assistant chief of staff (dacos) segundo jefe de estado mayor
deputy assistant secretary of defense (dasd) adjunto al secretario de defensa
assistant secretary of the air force subsecretario del ejercito del aire
assistant program for logistics (apml) adjunto al jefe del programa para asuntos logísticos
supervisor-assistant colero [m] AMER
station assistant el auxiliar de estación
language assistant lector [m]
mine assistant colero [m] MX HN CU
assistant secretary subsecretario [m]
assistant manager subdirector [m]
assistant engineer subingeniero [m]
assistant chief subjefe [m/f]
assistant manager subgerente [m/f]
assistant- sub- [pref]
assistant driller perforador ayudante
assistant driller perforador asistente
assistant engineer ingeniero auxiliar
assistant superintendent segundo superintendente
assistant chief segundo en jefe
assistant manager gerente adjunto
line assistant shift supervisor ayudante al jefe de turno [m/f]
line assistant shift supervisor ayudante del jefe de turno [m/f]
assistant plant operator rondista [m/f]
shift supervisor assistant ayudante del jefe de turno [m/f]
assistant driller ayudante de perforador [m/f]
assistant plant operator (apo) operador ayudante
assistant plant manager subjefe de central
shift supervisor assistant jefe de sala de control
assistant plant operator operador ayudante
line assistant shift supervisor adjunto al jefe de turno
line assistant shift supervisor sub-jefe de turno
assistant engineer ingeniero auxiliar
assistant engineer ingeniero ayudante
assistant engineer segundo maquinista
assistant to the duty officer auxiliar del oficial de guardia
assistant to the operations duty officer auxiliar del oficial de guardia operativo
Naval Forces
medical assistant enfermero [m]
assistant editor ayudante de montaje [m/f]
assistant director asistente de dirección [m/f]
assistant art director ayudante del director artístico [m/f]
art department assistant asistente del departamento de arte [m/f]
assistant makeup artist ayudante de maquillaje [m/f]
assistant art director ayudante de director artístico [m/f]
assistant costume designer asistente al diseñador de vestuario [m/f]
personal assistant to ... personal ayudante de... [m/f]
assistant make-up artist maquillador ayudante [m/f]
costume assistant asistente de vestuario [m/f]
production assistant ayudante de producción [m/f]
assistant camera operator ayudante de operador [m/f]
assistant camera ayudante de fotografía [m/f]