cloth - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "cloth" in German English Dictionary : 38 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Wischlappen [m]
cloth Putzlappen [m]
cloth Lappen [m]
cloth Leinen (Bucheinband) [n]
cloth Tuch [n]
cloth Putztuch [n]
cloth Leinen [n]
cloth Stofftuch [n]
cloth Tuch
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Gewebe [n]
cloth Tuch [n]
cloth Lappen [m]
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Lappen [m]
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Lappen [m]
cloth Tuch [n]
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Tuch [n]
cloth Gewebe [n]
cloth Stoff
cloth Leinen
cloth Leinwand
Paper Terms
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Tuch [n]
cloth Gewebe [n]
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Wischlappen [m]
cloth Putzlappen [m]
cloth Gewebe [n]
cloth Wischtuch [n]
cloth Putztuch [n]
Book Terms
cloth Leinwand [f]
cloth Leinen [n]
cloth Stoff [m]
cloth Tuch [n]

Meanings of "cloth" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 387 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
whole cloth vollständig neu [adj]
pot cloth Topfhandschuh [m]
pot cloth Topflappen [m]
loin cloth Lendenschurz [m]
good drape (of a cloth) guter Fall (eines Stoffs) [m]
face cloth Waschlappen [m]
floor cloth Scheuerlappen [m]
floor cloth Aufnehmer [m]
floor cloth Fußbodenbelag [m]
dish cloth Spüllappen [m]
cloth shoe Stoffschuh [m]
cleaning cloth Scheuerlappen [m]
cleaning cloth Aufnehmer [m]
bark cloth tree Upasbaum [m]
wiping cloth Wischlappen [m]
twilled cloth Köper [m]
cleaning cloth Reinigungslappen [m]
cloth binding Leineneinband [m]
oven cloth Topflappen [m]
piece of cotton cloth Ballen Baumwollstoff [m]
back-cloth Hintergrund [m]
floor cloth Putzlappen [m]
floor cloth Feudel [m]
man of the cloth Priester [m]
man of the cloth Pfarrer [m]
cloth of state Baldachin [m]
cloth of state Thronhimmel [m]
a damp cloth ein feuchtes Tuch [m]
a damp cloth ein feuchter Lappen [m]
a heavy cotton cloth ein schweres Baumwolltuch [m]
cloth bag Stoffbeutel [m]
cloth bag Stoffsack [m]
cloth banner Stoffbanner [m]
damp cloth feuchter Lappen [m]
damp cloth befeuchteter Lappen [m]
grey cotton cloth grauer Baumwolllappen [m]
ground cloth Bodenbelag [m]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinwand [f]
cloth jacket Stoffjacke [f]
cloth nappy Stoffwindel [f]
cloth seal Tuchplombe [f]
bolting cloth Müllergaze [f]
saddle cloth Satteldecke [f]
table cloth Tischdecke [f]
bow of cloth or tape Bandschleife [f]
table-cloth Tischdecke [f]
plastic table cloth Kunststofftischdecke [f]
emery cloth Polierleinwand [f]
plastic table cloth Plastiktischdecke [f]
book cloth Buchbinderleinwand [f]
cloth bag Stofftasche [f]
cloth cap Leinenmütze [f]
cloth doll Stoffpuppe [f]
ground cloth Zeltunterlage [f]
polishing cloth Poliertuch [n]
press cloth Filtertuch [n]
multi-purpose cloth Allzwecktuch [n]
lie out of the whole cloth Lügengespinst [n]
loin cloth Lendentuch [n]
ink cloth Farbtuch (des Druckers) [n]
garnet cloth Granatschleifleinen [n]
hair-cloth Sacktuch [übertragen] [n]
cleaning cloth Scheuertuch [n]
cleaning cloth Reinigungstuch [n]
bookbinder's cloth Buchbinderleinen [n]
wire-cloth Drahtgewebe [n]
screen cloth Siebgewebe [n]
table cloth Tischtuch [n]
tea cloth Geschirrhandtuch [Dt.] [n]
tea cloth Abtrocknungstuch [Schw.] [n]
tea cloth Geschirrhangerl [Ös.] [n]
tea cloth Spültuch [Westdt.] [n]
tea cloth Geschirrtuch [n]
altar cloth Altartuch [n]
emery cloth Schleifleinen [n]
small cloth Läppchen [n]
floor cloth Wischtuch [n]
floor cloth Scheuertuch [n]
small cloth Tüchelchen [n]
back-cloth Prospekt / [n]
antistatic cloth Antistatiktuch [n]
wiping cloth Wischtuch [n]
muslin cloth Musselintuch [n]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
table-cloth Tischtuch [n]
alcohol-soaked cloth in Alkohol getränktes Tuch [n]
baby burping cloth Baby-Spucktuch [n]
baby burping cloth Spucktuch [n]
burp cloth Spucktuch [n]
cloth dyeing Färben von Stoffen [n]
cloth toy Stoffspielzeug [n]
coarse woolen cloth Filztuch [n]
damp cloth feuchtes Tuch [n]
damp cloth angefeuchtetes Tuch [n]
grey cotton cloth graues Baumwolltuch [n]
horse-cloth Pferdetuch [n]
impregnated cloth getränktes Tuch [n]
lay the cloth den Tisch decken [v]
perch cloth Stoff besehen [v]
full a cloth einen Stoff walken [v]
wipe the table with a cloth mit einem Lappen über den Tisch wischen [v]
to calender cloth Tuch rollen [v]
(a garment/cloth etc) be taken eingefallen sein [v]
(a garment/cloth etc) be taken geschrumpft sein [v]
(a garment/cloth etc) be taken verkleinert sein [v]
(cloth etc) be shrunken geschrumpft sein [v]
(cloth etc) be shrunken eingefallen sein [v]
(cloth etc) be shrunken verkleinert sein [v]
dye a cloth Stoff färben [v]
patterns of cloth Stoffmuster [pl]
men of the cloth Kirchenmänner [pl]
cloth nappies Stoffwindeln [pl]
cloth shoes Stoffschuhe [pl]
cloth seals Tuchplomben [pl]
oddments of cloth Stoffreste [pl]
cloth goods Tuchwaren [pl]
cloth gloves Stoffhandschuhe [pl]
terry cloth Frottee [m/n]
a dry cloth ein trockenes Tuch
a cloth with a gray stripe Tuch mit einem grauen Streifen
coarse cloth grobes Tuch
milled cloth gewalktes Tuch
moist ironing cloth feuchtes Bügeltuch
leather cloth Kunstleder auf Textilbasis
hair-cloth grobe Textilie aus Pferde-/Kamelhaar [übertragen]
rough cloth ungewalktes Tuch
albatross cloth nicht geköpertes Wollgewebe
cloth-bound in Leinen gebunden
table cloth Tischdecke
drop cloth Staubdecke
drop cloth Schutzbezug
albatross cloth dünnes
table cloth Tischtuch
gray cloth ungebleichter Baumwollstoff
suede cloth Velours
suede cloth Veloursstoff
(made up) out of whole cloth erlogen
(made up) out of whole cloth vollkommen ausgedacht
(made up) out of whole cloth erstunken und erlogen
a man of the cloth ein Mann Gottes
a man of the cloth ein geistlicher Herr
a man of the cloth ein Pfarrer
a man of the cloth ein Geistlicher
a man of the cloth ein Priester
be cut from the same cloth von gleicher Art sein
be cut from the same cloth aus dem selben Holz geschnitzt sein
be cut from the same cloth aus dem selben Holz sein
be cut from the same cloth aus derselben Familie sein
cloth ears stocktaub
out of whole cloth erstunken und erlogen
(need/have to) cut one's coat according to the cloth sich nach der Decke strecken (müssen) [übertragen] [v]
be cut from a different cloth aus einem anderen Holz geschnitzt sein [übertragen] [v]
be cut from the same cloth aus dem gleichen Holz geschnitzt sein [übertragen] [v]
British Slang
cloth-eared taub
cloth-eared schwerhörig
cloth-ears taub
cloth-ears schwerhörig
cleaning cloth Reinigungslappen [m]
pattern of cloth Stoffmuster [n]
oil cloth Wachstuch [n]
oil cloth Öltuch [n]
oil cloth Öltuch
Work Safety
cloth-tube dust arrester Schlauchfilter [m/n]
cloth-filter dust collector Gewebefilter [m/n]
cloth-filter dust collector Tuchfilter [m/n]
cloth-filter dust collector Stoff-Filter
cloth collar Kleiderkragen
cloth-board reel Wickelbrett
cloth clamp Stoffklammer
cleaning cloth Reinigungstuch
cloth inspection machine Warenschaumaschine
expanding cloth device Spreiztuchvorrichtung
saddle cloth Satteldecke
cloth tension Gewebespannung
abrasive cloth Schleifleinen
cloth holder Stoffhalter
cloth-holder Stoffhalter
cloth beam regulator Warenbaumregulator
cloth take-up motion Warenaufwickelvorrichtung
abrasive cloth Schleifleinen [m]
cloth factory Tuchfabrik [f]
cloth buff Schwabbelscheibe [f]
wire cloth Drahtgewebe [n]
laminated cloth Hartgewebe [n]
felt cloth Filztuch [n]
leather cloth Kunstleder [n]
filter cloth Filtertuch [n]
woven-glass-fibre cloth Glasfasergewebe [n]
felted cloth Filztuch [n]
wire cloth Siebgewebe [n]
glass cloth Glasfasergewebe [n]
glass cloth Glasgewebe [n]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
woven wire cloth Metallgewebe [n]
screen cloth Siebgewebe [n]
emery cloth Schmirgeltuch [n]
metal cloth Metallgewebe [n]
polishing cloth Poliertuch [n]
dish cloth Wischtuch [n]
emery cloth Schmiergelleinen [n]
abrasive cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
woven-metal wire cloth Metalldrahtgewebe [n]
filter cloth Filtergewebe [n]
cloth filter Tuchfilter
lint-free cloth fusselfreie Kleidung [f]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
filter-press cloth Filterpressenstoff [m]
filter cloth Filtergewebe [n]
filter cloth Filtriertuch [n]
sieve cloth Gesiebe [n]
sieve cloth Siebgewebe [n]
filtration cloth Filtertuch [n]
filter cloth Filtertuch [n]
cloth (spaceship) Stoffbespannung [f]
lens cloth Linsenreinigungstuch [n]
lens cleaning cloth Linsenreinigungstuch (Optik) [n]
spectacles cloth Brillenputztuch [n]
cloth seal Tuchplombe [f]
man of the cloth (formal) Kirchenmann [m]
man of the cloth Mann Gottes [m]
man of the cloth Geistlicher [m]
altar cloth Altardecke [f]
hunger cloth Fastentuch [n]
hunger cloth Hungertuch [n]
hunger cloth Passionstuch [n]
altar cloth Altartuch [n]
chalice cloth Kelchtuch [n]
corporal (cloth on which the chalice is placed) Korporale [n]
rabitz cloth lath Rabitzgewebe [n]
wire-cloth Drahtgewebe [n]
filter cloth Filterstoff [m]
cloth polisher Tuchpolierer [m]
bench cloth Ofenherdgewebe [n]
bolting cloth Siebtuch [n]
bonded glass cloth geklebtes Glasleinen [n]
laying on cloth Ablegen auf Stoff
woven wire cloth Drahtgewebe [n]
brattice cloth Wettergardine [f]
abrasive cloth Schleifleinen [m]
cleaning cloth Putzlappen [m]
abrasive cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
asbestos cloth Asbesttuch [n]
asbestos cloth Asbestgewebe [n]
cloth filter Tuchfilter [m/n]
anti-mist cloth Antibeschlagtuch [n]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
filtering cloth Filtriertuch [n]
Electrical Engineering
wire cloth Drahtgeflecht [n]
oven cloth Topflappen [m]
oven cloth Topfhandschuh [m]
sponge cloth (household cleaning) Schwammtuch (Haushaltsreinigung) [n]
cloth strainer Passiertuch [n]
cheese cloth durchsichtiges Gewebe
napless (cloth) glatt [adj]
napless (cloth) ungenoppt [adj]
napless (cloth) glatt (Tuch) [adj]
cloth-worker Tuchmacher [m]
cloth-shearer Tuchscherer [m]
cloth-weaver Tuchmacher [m]
crimp cloth Crimps (gekräuseltes Baumwollgewebe) [m]
crimp cloth Crimps [m]
grain (of the cloth) Fadenlauf [m]
packing cloth Verpackungsstoff [m]
shot cloth Changeant [m]
woollen cloth Wollstoff [m]
cloth piler Tafler [m]
zephyr cloth Zephir [m]
awning cloth Markisenstoff [m]
cloth fuller Tuchwalker [m]
coarse cotton cloth Nessel [m]
cloth beam Warenbaum [m]
face cloth Waschlappen [m]
face cloth Seifenlappen [m]
cloth roller Warenbaum [m]
casement cloth durchsichtiger Vorhangstoff [m]
cloth-finishing press Spanpresse [f]
enamelled cloth Wachsleinwand [f]
filter cloth Filtermatte [f]
grey cloth Stuhlware [f]
hemp cloth Hanfleinwand [f]
mixture cloth Melange [f]
patent cloth Wachsleinwand [f]
rotary cloth press Muldenpresse [f]
sett (of a cloth) (weaving) Schusszahl [f]
sett (of a cloth) (weaving) Schussdichte [f]
sett (of a cloth) (weaving) Schussfadenzahl [f]
waxed cloth Wachsleinwand [f]
American cloth Wachsleinwand [f]
strong cloth Peitschenschnur [f]
density of cloth Gewebedichte [f]
cloth face Oberseite [f]
top cloth Oberware [f]
cotton cloth Baumwollgewebe [n]
cotton cloth Baumwolltuch [n]
decating cloth Dekatiertuch [n]
decatizing cloth Dekatiertuch [n]
double cloth Doublegewebe [n]
enamelled cloth Firnistuch [n]
enamelled cloth Wachstuch [n]
filter cloth Filtertuch [n]
grey cloth Stuhltuch [n]
half cloth Halbleinen [n]
hemp cloth Hanfleinen [n]
kente cloth Kente [n]
lace cloth Spitzentuch [n]
linen (cloth) Leintuch [n]
linen (cloth) Leinentuch [n]
Oxford (cloth) Oxford (Gewebe) [n]
Oxford (cloth) Oxford [n]
patent cloth Wachstuch [n]
patent cloth Firnistuch [n]
pattern of cloth Stoffmuster [n]
twilled cloth Croisé [n]
scouring cloth Scheuertuch [n]
silky cloth Seidentuch [n]
waxed cloth Wachstuch [n]
waxed cloth Firnistuch [n]
all-cotton cloth reines Baumwollgewebe [n]
American cloth Firnistuch [n]
American cloth Wachstuch [n]
strong cloth kräftiges Tuch [n]
linen cloth Leinengewebe [n]
damask cloth Damasttuch [n]
filter cloth Filtergewebe [n]
tent-cloth Zelttuch [n]
tent cloth Zelttuch [n]
table cloth Tischtuch [n]
terry cloth Frottiergewebe [n]
double cloth Doppelgewebe [n]
sail cloth Segeltuch [n]
leader cloth Leittuch [n]
raising (cloth) Aufrauen [n]
ground cloth Grundgewebe [n]
raise (cloth) aufrauen [v]
cloth-finishing presses Spanpressen [pl]
rotary cloth presses Muldenpressen [pl]
terry cloth Frottee [m/n]
terry cloth Frottée [m/n]
double-faced cloth Doubleface [m/n]
top cloth das Obergewebe
tent-cloth die Zeltleinwand
filter cloth der Filterstoff
terry cloth der Frottierstoff
lint-free cloth fusselfreier Lappen
lint-free cloth flusenfreier Lappen
cloth hall Tuchhalle [f]
bark cloth tree Borneobaum [m]
bark cloth tree Ipobaum [m]
bark cloth tree Javanischer Giftbaum [m]
bark cloth tree Javagiftbaum [m]
bark cloth tree Borneobaum (Antiaris toxicaria) [m]
glass cloth Glastuch [n]
lee cloth Kojensegel [n]
wire cloth Siebgewebe [n]
Harpsichord Terms
touchrail cloth Stoff für die Prallleiste
half cloth Halbleinwand
triangular cloth Dreiecktuch [n]
back cloth Prospekt [m]
pressure cloth Spanntuch [n]
polishing cloth Putzlappen [m]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinwand [f]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
silicon cloth Silikontuch [n]
abrasive cloth Schleifleinen [n]
silicon cloth Silikontuch
polishing cloth Putzlappen
emery cloth Schmirgelleinwand
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen
abrasive cloth Schleifleinen
cloth-shearer Tuchscherer [m]
Paper Terms
felt cloth Filztuch [n]
wiping cloth Wischlappen [m]
cloth tape Gewebeband [n]
straining cloth Siebtuch [n]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
wiping cloth Wischtuch [n]
cloth tape Textilband [n]
Book Terms
half cloth Halbleinwand [f]
wire cloth Metalltuch [n]
cloth with diazo coating Gewebe Lichtpausschicht
Mechanical Engineering
crocus cloth Polierleinwand [f]
abrasive cloth Schleifleinen [n]
emery cloth Schmirgelleinen [n]
wire cloth Drahtgewebe [n]
Water Supply
filter cloth Filterstoff [m]
filter cloth Filtertuch [n]
union cloth Mischgewebe [n]