effect - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "effect" in Spanish English Dictionary : 60 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
effect efecto [m]
effect vigencia [f]
effect operar [v]
effect incidencia [f]
effect resultado [m]
effect eco [m]
effect efecto [m]
effect resultado [m]
effect vigor [m]
effect incidencia [f]
effect proyección [f]
effect resulta [f]
effect resultancia [f]
effect instrumento [m]
effect vigor [m]
effect fin [m]
effect sentido [m]
effect efectuar [v]
effect agenciar [v]
effect llevar a cabo [v]
effect pertenencias [f/pl]
effect impacto [m]
effect resulta [f]
effect hacer [v]
effect venir [v]
effect designio [m]
effect intento [m]
effect realidad [f]
effect substancia [f]
effect mira [f]
effect operación [f]
effect fuerza [f]
effect fin (más usado en masculino) [m/f]
effect efeto [m] disused
effect implicancia [f] NI CU DO VE EC PE BO CL PY AR UY
effect ejecutar [v]
effect poner algo en práctica [v]
effect efectuar [v]
effect impresión [f]
effect consecuencia [f]
effect regir [v]
effect realizar [v]
effect causar [v]
effect entrar en vigor
effect alcance [m]
effect acción [f]
effect trabajo útil
Marine Biology
effect documento [m]
effect tenor [m]
effect efecto [m]
effect en vigor
effect efecto [m]
effect efectividad [f]
effect verificar [v]
effect producir [v]
effect cumplimiento [m]
effect eficiencia [f]
effect ejecución [f]
effect realización [f]
effect consecuencia [f]

Meanings of "effect" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
in effect en efecto [adv]
force (effect) vigencia [f]
soft focus (effect) flou [m]
crowding out effect expulsión [f]
have an effect obrar [v]
take effect hacer efecto [v]
take effect tener efecto [v]
that effect en ese sentido [v]
put into effect realizar [v]
come into effect entrar en vigencia [v]
take effect entrar en vigencia [v]
take effect entrar en vigor [v]
put into effect poner en vigor [v]
that effect en tal sentido [adv]
to that effect al respecto [adv]
put into effect aplicar [v]
dramatic effect efectismo [m]
boomerang effect efecto bumerán [m]
domino effect efecto dominó [m]
greenhouse effect efecto invernadero [m]
dramatic effect golpe de efecto [m]
after-effect lacra [f]
lunar lunacy effect luna [f]
side effect secundario [adj]
have an effect actuar [v]
mix by the effect of water emborrachar [v]
have an effect on incidir [v]
have an effect obrar [v]
have an effect pegar [v]
be in effect regir [v]
for dramatic effect efectivamente [adv]
peltier effect pelton [m]
knock-on effect efecto dominó [m]
photoelectric effect efecto fotoeléctrico [m]
sound effect efecto sonoro [m]
placebo effect efecto placebo [m]
side effect efecto secundario [m]
domino effect efecto dominó [m]
doppler effect efecto doppler [m]
effect size tamaño del efecto [m]
butterfly effect efecto mariposa [m]
knock-on effect efecto secundario [m]
substance which has a laxative effect laxante [m]
greenhouse effect efecto invernadero [m]
big dictionary effect gran efecto de diccionario [m]
atmospheric greenhouse effect efecto invernadero de la atmósfera [m]
calming effect efecto calmante [m]
effect of growth efecto del crecimiento [m]
effect of inflation on accounting efecto de la inflación sobre la contabilidad [m]
effect of taxation on efecto de los impuestos sobre [m]
effect of inflation on efecto de la inflación sobre [m]
effect on employment efecto sobre el empleo [m]
effect of technological innovations on efecto de las innovaciones tecnológicas sobre [m]
base effect efecto de base [m]
base effect efecto básico [m]
base effect efecto base [m]
desired effect efecto buscado [m]
desired effect efecto deseado [m]
double effect of a single act carambola [f]
relation of cause and effect causalidad [f]
cause and effect causa-efecto [f]
effect of catalanizing catalanización [f]
for effect efectista [adj]
that causes body effect potente [adj]
opposite in effect or nature inverso [adj]
take effect act obrar [v]
have an effect on incidir [v]
(for a law) go in effect entrar en vigor (una ley) [v]
have a diminishing effect on descomponer [v]
have a diminishing effect on deteriorar [v]
have a diminishing effect on empeorar [v]
put something into effect hacer entrar algo en vigor [v]
have an effect on surtir efecto en [v]
have an effect on tener efecto en [v]
underestimate the effect of subestimar el efecto de [v]
bring something to effect llevar algo a la práctica [v]
take effect surtir efecto [v]
cause an effect provocar un efecto [v]
produce an effect causar un efecto [v]
cause an effect causar un efecto [v]
produce an effect producir un efecto [v]
have an effect surtir efecto [v]
have an effect tener efecto [v]
have an effect causar efecto [v]
put a plan into effect realizar su plan [v]
have effect ser gran cacao [v]
bring something into effect poner algo en vigor [v]
effect an insurance contratar un seguro [v]
give effect to aplicar [v]
side-effect efecto colateral
after effect efecto secundario
stroop effect efecto stroop
greenhouse effect efecto invernadero
effect size magnitud del efecto
special effect efectos especiales
the greenhouse effect el efecto invernadero
knock-on effect [uk] reacción en cadena
side effect efecto secundario
snowball effect efecto bola de nieve
domino effect efecto dominó
transitory effect efecto transitorio
momentary effect efecto momentáneo
effect on people efecto sobre la gente
boomerang effect efecto bumerán
boomerang effect efecto boomerang
act/effect of blackening atezamiento [m]
action and effect of dredging dragado [m]
general effect conjunto [m]
action and effect of hiccuping hipido [m]
act and effect of waxing paper enceramiento [m]
act or effect of staining, soiling or polluting ensuciamiento [m]
general effect of a picture tono [m]
act and effect of whirling volteo [m]
act and effect of tempering atemperación [f]
act and effect of drawing of lots desencantaración [f]
act and effect of making uneven desnivelación [f]
act or effect of flaying or skinning desolladura [f]
fruitage (a result or an effect) fruta [f]
effect of scratching escarbadura [f]
effect on flesh of an instrument that wounds it encarnadura [f]
moral/physical effect impresión [f]
action and effect of dyeing or tingeing tinción [f]
producing the opposite of the desired effect contraproducente [adj]
void of effect nulo [adj]
be the effect of consistir [v]
begin to take effect pegar [v]
mix colors with effect matizar [v]
in effect virtualmente [adv]
effect (the basic or general meaning; import) significado [m]
fruitage (a result or an effect) efecto [m]
take effect salir bien [v]
preach to no effect dar voces al lobo [v]
preach to no effect predicar en desierto [v]
give effect dar cumplimiento [v]
in effect efectivamente [adv]
action and effect of bartolear bartoleo [m] CL
remains/effect of an action dejo [m] fig.
anything which is the product or effect of another hijo [m] fig.
rooster with some defect in the commissure of the peak by effect of a blow boquijano [m] PR
rooster with some defect in the commissure of the peak by effect of a blow esboquillado [m] PR
effect produced by a set of white things blanquizal [m] PR
effect produced by drugs kike [m] PR drug
effect produced by drugs quique [m] PR
effect of the evil eye in children causing whimpering, straining but being unable to defecate, and general malaise pujo [m] HN SV NI CR CO:Sw
effect produced by drugs quique [m] PR
alteration from the effect of drugs or marijuana acelere [m] NI CO
boomerang effect efecto búmeran [m] MX EC AR
domino effect efecto dómino [m] PR
decrease of sea level due to a tidal effect bajante [f] EC:W
magical object, like an amulet, talisman, or fetish, used to counteract the effect of hexes, spells, or curses contra [f] NI CR CO VE CL AR:Nw
effect or consequence of eating or drinking excessively jartera [f] CU
effect or consequence of eating or drinking excessively jipatera [f] CU
effect caused by overeating or drinking jipatera [f] CU
effect from having consumed an excessive amount of drugs muerte blanca [f] NI CR
producing the opposite of the desired effect contraproducéntem [adj] disused
reduce the effect of palear [v] CL
calm the effect of spicy food desenchilarse [v] MX HN
come into effect aplicar [v] LA
begin to have an effect picar [v] disused
void of effect nula [adj/f]
have a bad effect (on someone) ser malo para alguien [v]
put something into effect poner algo en práctica [v]
put something into effect poner algo en vigor [v]
put something into effect poner algo en vigencia [v]
strain for an effect hacer un gran esfuerzo para lograr algo [v]
strain for an effect esforzarse para obtener un resultado [v]
produce an effect encontrar eco [v]
produce an effect despertar eco [v]
have a boomerang effect tener un resultado contraproducente/boomerang [v]
put into effect hacer efectivo [v]
take effect hacer efectivo [v]
take effect hacer efecto [v]
take effect hacer efecto [v]
put into effect llevar a efecto [v]
put into effect poner en efecto [v]
take effect surtir efecto [v]
have an effect on hacer mella [v]
having a knock-on effect en cascada [adv]
have an avalanche effect en cascada [adv]
in effect de hecho [adv]
a hypnotic effect un efecto hipnótico
the domino effect el efecto dominó
doing something knowing that it will not have any effect saludo a la bandera [m] VE EC BO CL
strain for an effect ponerle pino [v] SCN
take effect tomar efecto (inglés take effect) [v] US
i have that effect on people provoco ese efecto en la gente
come into effect comenzar a operar
come into effect entrar en vigencia
come into effect ser válido
come into effect surtir efecto
to this effect en este sentido [adv]
to this effect para ello [adv]
to this effect a este efecto [adv]
to this effect a tal efecto [expr]
in effect con efecto
to that effect en el mismo sentido
or words to that effect o con palabras a tal efecto
with effect from con efecto a partir de
with multiplier effect con efectos multiplicadores
cause and effect causa y efecto
something to that effect algo por el estilo
or something to that effect o algo por el estilo
or words to that effect o algo por el estilo
shall take effect entrará en vigor
act and effect of wedging atarugamiento [m]
have the effect desired cuajar [v]
take effect cuajar [v]
have taken effect cuajarse [v]
have no effect on someone resbalar [v]
a domino effect un efecto dominó
a snowball effect un efecto de arrastre
a ripple effect un efecto dominó
a snowball effect una bola de nieve
dramatic effect golpe de efecto
blow of effect golpe de efecto
effect of consuming drugs embolle [m] PR drug
effect of consuming drugs encampanamiento [m] PR drug
chewing coca leaves for their effect pijcheo [m] BO
pass out due to the effect of drugs gufearse (inglés) [v] PR teen
have no influence or effect ni pinchar ni cortar [v]
announcement effect efecto de anuncio [m]
knock-on effect repercusión [f]
legal effect vigencia [f]
effect payment pagar [v]
cease to have effect dejar de tener efecto [v]
cease to have effect dejar de tener vigencia [v]
put into effect llevar a efecto [v]
take effect entrar en vigencia [v]
effect a payment efectuar un pago [v]
take effect surtir efecto [v]
take effect entrar en vigor [v]
have the desired effect surtir efecto [v]
knock-on effect repercusiones [f/pl]
in full force and effect en plena vigencia
income effect efecto renta
tax effect efecto impositivo
put into effect poner en vigor
cause and effect relationship relación de causalidad
cause and effect relationship relación causal
threshold effect efecto de umbral
effect payment efectuar el pago
multiplying effect efecto multiplicador
remain in effect permanecer vigente
adverse social effect efecto social adverso
leverage effect efecto palanca
price effect efecto precio
greenhouse effect efecto invernadero
remain in effect permanecer en vigor
legal provisions in effect disposiciones legales vigentes
substitution effect efecto sustitución
remain in effect permanecer en vigencia
binding effect carácter vinculante
adverse economic effect efecto económico adverso
cause and effect relationship relación de causa y efecto
binding effect efecto vinculante
knock-on effect efecto secundario
knock-on effect reacción en cadena
effect a payment efectuar un pago
announcement effect efecto de anuncio
substitution effect efecto de sustitución
take effect surtir efecto
take effect entrar en vigencia
cumulative effect efecto acumulativo
multiplier effect efecto multiplicador
in effect en vigencia
income effect efecto de ingreso
cause and effect diagrams diagramas de causa y efecto
nullifying effect efecto anulatorio
halo effect halo positivo laboral
horns effect halo negativo laboral
overall effect efecto global
anti-dilutive effect efecto antidiluente
antidilutive effect efecto antidiluente
in effect en vigor
price effect efecto de precios
in effect en efecto
tax effect efecto contributivo
income effect efecto de ingreso
greenhouse effect efecto de invernadero
income effect efecto de la renta
substitution effect efecto de sustitución
deflationary effect efecto deflacionario
direct effect efecto directo
domino effect efecto dominó
financial effect efecto financiero
tax effect efecto impositivo
indirect effect efecto indirecto
immediate effect efecto inmediato
legal effect efecto jurídico
legal effect efecto legal
releasing effect of payment efecto liberatorio de pago
multiplier effect efecto multiplicador
cumulative effect efecto acumulativo
net effect efecto neto
retroactive effect efecto retroactivo
tax effect efecto tributario
ratchet effect efecto trinquete
clientele effect efecto de la clientela
wealth effect efecto de riqueza
collective effect efecto colectivo
fisher effect efecto de fisher
network effect efecto de red
in effect en vigencia
bandwagon effect comportamiento de rebaño
bandwagon effect comportamiento gregario
Foreign Trade
charges having equivalent effect exacciones de efecto equivalente
Quality Management
systematic effect efecto sistemático
Social Security Terms
trickle down effect efecto de filtración
Work Safety Terms
dramatic effect dramatismo [m]
cytotoxic effect citotoxicidad [f]
harmful effect nocividad [f]
carcinogenic effect carcinogenicidad [f]
carcinogenic effect cancerogenicidad [f]
mutagenic effect mutagenicidad [f]
masking effect efecto de máscara
healthy worker effect efecto del trabajador con buena salud
healthy worker effect efecto del trabajador sano
harmful effect efecto nocivo
dose-effect relationship relación dosis-efecto
narcotic effect efecto narcótico
carcinogenic effect poder cancerígeno
cytotoxic effect efecto citotóxico
carcinogenic effect efecto cancerígeno
masking effect efecto de enmascaramiento
mutagenic effect efecto mutagénico
carcinogenic effect acción cancerígena
biological effect efecto biológico
allergenic effect efecto alérgico
sensitising effect efecto sensibilizante
narcotic effect acción narcótica
mutagenic effect efecto mutágeno
teratogenic effect efecto teratógeno
cytotoxic effect acción citotóxica
cumulative effect efecto acumulativo
effect of exchange rate changes efecto de las variaciones de los tipos de cambio
tax effect efecto impositivo
effect of correction or errors ajustes por errores
effect of changes in accounting policies ajustes por cambios de criterio contable
threshold effect efecto umbral
first-round effect efecto inmediato
first-round effect efecto de primer orden
first-round effect efecto de primera ronda
overhang effect efecto de sobreendeudamiento
herd effect comportamiento de rebaño
herd effect comportamiento mimético
herd effect efecto de manada
herd effect efecto de arrastre
herd effect comportamiento gregario
balance-sheet effect efecto en el balance
balassa-samuelson effect efecto balassa-samuelson
first-order effect efecto inmediato
wealth effect efecto riqueza
perverse effect efecto perverso
network effect externalidades de red
first-order effect efecto de primer orden
redistributional effect efecto de redistribución
distributional effect efecto sobre la distribución del ingreso
first-order effect efecto de primera ronda
catalytic effect efecto catalizador
pigou effect efecto de saldos reales
ratchet effect efecto trinquete
real balances effect efecto de saldos reales
cliff effect efecto acantilado
hysteresis effect efecto de histéresis
redistributional effect efecto redistributivo
income effect efecto ingreso
competitiveness effect efecto en la competitividad
contagion effect efecto de contagio
stock effect efecto de sobreendeudamiento
cost effect efecto de costo
scale effect efecto de escala
crowding-out effect efecto de desplazamiento
crowding-in effect efecto de atracción
slutzky effect efecto slutzky
ratchet effect efecto irreversible
cliff effect efecto precipicio
wealth effect efecto de riqueza
perverse effect efecto pernicioso
income effect efecto renta
spread effect efecto de propagación
demonstration effect efecto de demostración
distributional effect efecto distributivo
substitution effect efecto de sustitución
multiplier effect efecto multiplicador
bandwagon effect comportamiento de rebaño
bandwagon effect efecto de arrastre
bandwagon effect efecto de manada
bandwagon effect comportamiento gregario
bandwagon effect comportamiento mimético
distributive effect efecto distributivo
distributive effect efecto sobre la distribución del ingreso
tequila effect crisis mexicana de 1994
cause-and-effect diagram diagrama de causa-efecto
tax effect efecto impositivo
cumulative effect efecto acumulativo
crowding in effect efecto de atracción
backwash effect efecto polarizador
crowding out effect efecto de exclusión
equivalent effect efecto equivalente
cascade effect efecto cascada
spread effect efecto de propagación
demonstration effect efecto demostración
balance sheet effect efecto hoja de balance
ground effect machine aerosustentador [m]
devolutive effect efecto devolutivo [m]
suspensive effect efecto suspensivo [m]
in effect en vigencia [f]
legal effect vigencia [f]
have effect tener efecto [v]
effect a change efectuar un cambio [v]
put into effect hacer valer [v]
to that effect a tal efecto [adv]
take effect surtir efecto
take effect empezar a regir
take effect entrar en vigor
effect (in) en vigor
have an effect on incidir en
retroactive effect efecto retroactivo
in full force and effect en plena vigencia
tutorship by effect of law tutela legal
in effect en vigor
to the effect that en el sentido que
tutorship by effect of law tutela legítima
suspensive effect efecto suspensivo
taking effect la entrada en vigor
nullifying effect efecto anulatorio
overall effect efecto global
in effect en vigor
greenhouse effect efecto de invernadero
halo effect halo positivo laboral
horns effect halo negativo laboral
ratchet effect efecto trinquete
into effect en efecto
full effect efecto completo
legal effect efecto jurídico
legal effect efecto legal
retroactive effect efecto retroactivo
cause and effect causa y efecto
force and effect of a decision fuerza de cosa juzgada
law in effect ley vigente
substitution effect efecto de sustitución
cumulative effect efecto acumulativo
in effect en vigencia
multiplier effect efecto multiplicador
effect a transaction efectuar una transacción
effect a payment efectuar un pago
net effect efecto neto
equal in effect de igual efecto
judicial decision having the same effect resolución judicial ejecutiva del igual fuerza
International Law
dampening effect efecto de amortiguación
adverse effect efecto negativo
adverse-effect discrimination discriminación indirecta
injurious effect efecto dañino
trade effect efecto sobre el comercio
direct trade effect efecto directo sobre el comercio
trade-distorting effect efecto de distorsión del comercio
disruptive effect efecto de desorganización
distorting effect efecto de distorsión del comercio
coming into effect entrada en vigor
negative effect efecto negativo
adverse effect efecto desfavorable
negative effect efecto desfavorable
trade effect efecto comercial
effect of invalidity in part efecto de invalidad parcial
effect of new charter on board of education efecto de la nueva carta constitutiva sobre la junta de educación
effect of redistricting on incumbents efecto de la nueva distribución de distritos sobre los titulares
effect of enactment on existing law and offices efecto de la promulgación sobre leyes y cargos existentes
effect of section on issuance of bonds efecto de la sección sobre la emisión de bonos
effect of violation on outcome of election efecto de la violación sobre el resultado de la elección
effect of ordinances efecto de las ordenanzas
effect of veto efecto del veto
fiscal effect efecto fiscal
effect on pension and retirement benefits efecto sobre los beneficios de pensión y jubilación
binding effect efecto vinculante
halo effect efecto de halo
after effect efecto consecutivo
suppressant effect efecto supresor
carry-over effect efecto de interacción
ceiling effect efecto máximo
cause-and-effect relationships relaciones de causa-efecto
effect size tamaño del efecto
environmental effect efecto ambiental
law of effect ley del efecto
main effect efecto principal
cohort effect efecto de cohorte
placebo effect efecto placebo
concreteness effect efecto de concreción
generation effect efecto de generación
age effect efecto de edad
side effect efecto colateral
sound effect efecto sonoro
field effect efecto de campo
field effect transistor transistor de efecto de campo
side effect efecto lateral
fet field-effect transistor transistor de efecto de campo
field effect transistor (fet) transistor de efecto de campo
rain barrel effect efecto de tamborileo
field-effect transistor transistor de efecto de campo
turnpike effect efecto de embotellamiento
magneto-strictive effect efecto magnetostrictivo