strip - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "strip" in Spanish English Dictionary : 191 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
strip tira [f]
strip faja [f]
strip franja [f]
strip desnudar [v]
strip despojar [v]
strip yermar [v]
Irregular Verb
strip stripped/stript - stripped/stript [v]
strip colgajo [m]
strip listón [m]
strip lista [f]
strip jira [f]
strip tirilla [f]
strip desempapelar [v]
strip deshacer [v]
strip despelotarse [v]
strip encuerar [v]
strip banzo [m]
strip colgajo [m]
strip desgarrón [m]
strip entredós [m]
strip jirón [m]
strip listón [m]
strip cinta [f]
strip ducha [f]
strip franja [f]
strip jira [f]
strip lista [f]
strip mediacaña [f]
strip raza [f]
strip tira [f]
strip tirilla [f]
strip viñeta [f]
strip zona [f]
strip decapar [v]
strip desconchar [v]
strip descoritar [v]
strip descoritarse [v]
strip desguarnecer [v]
strip desvestir [v]
strip quitar [v]
strip fleje [m]
strip entredós [m]
strip lonja [f]
strip lámina [f]
strip camiseta [f]
strip añada [f]
strip despoblar [v]
strip desmontar [v]
strip remover [v]
strip sacarse la ropa [v]
strip expoliar [v]
strip desvertebrar [v]
strip quitar (pintura/papel pintado) [v]
strip despojarse [v]
strip deshollejar [v]
strip desnudarse [v]
strip denudar [v]
strip desvestir [v]
strip desabrigar [v]
strip quitar [v]
strip robar [v]
strip desvestirse [v]
strip desgarrar en tiras [v]
strip dejar en cueros [v]
strip desgarrar en jirones [v]
strip ordeñar hasta agotar [v]
strip perder el hilo [v]
strip deschingar [v] CR
strip desguarnir [v] disused
strip deslinar [v] disused
strip despullar [v] disused
strip encuerar [v] LA AL
strip tirar [v] disused
strip despelotar [v]
strip tirajo [m] derog.
strip empiluchar [v] CL
strip fleje [m]
strip lanzar [v]
strip cordón [m]
strip fleje [m]
strip listón [m]
strip fleje [m]
strip brida [f]
strip banda [f]
strip lámina [f]
strip cinta [f]
strip regleta [f]
strip tira [f]
strip faja [f]
strip franja [f]
strip lista [f]
strip desguarnecer [v]
strip pelar [v]
strip pelar un cable [v]
strip quitar el aislamiento [v]
strip raspar el aislamiento [v]
strip retirar el aislamiento [v]
strip desencapillar [v]
strip desenyerbar [v]
strip desaparejar [v]
strip destapar [v]
strip limpiar [v]
strip listón fino
strip denudar [v]
strip despintar [v]
strip faja [f]
strip arrasar [v]
strip raspado [m]
strip desvenamiento [m]
strip desvenamiento [m]
strip flebectomía [f]
strip tira [f]
strip exprimir [v]
strip desagotar [v]
strip ordeñar [v]
strip listón [m]
strip fleje [m]
strip tabla [f]
strip banda [f]
strip tabla [f]
strip desencofrar [v]
strip descuello [m]
strip conicidad [f]
strip deslingotar [v]
strip desarmar [v]
strip descortezar [v]
strip desguamir [v]
strip cortar en tiras [v]
strip desmoldear [v]
strip destilar [v]
strip desforrar [v]
strip raspar [v]
strip desgalvanizar [v]
strip desborrar [v]
strip desnudar cables [v]
strip explotar a cielo abierto [v]
strip quitar el aislamiento [v]
strip desencofrar [v]
strip desamar [v]
strip jirón [m]
strip desguarnecer [v]
strip agotar [v] MX
Coil Minting
strip plancha metálica
strip tira de metal
strip tira metálica
strip pelar [v]
strip riel [m]
strip regleta [f]
strip pista [f]
strip pista [f]
strip pasarse la rosca
strip banda de aterrizaje
strip desencapillar [v]
strip lengüeta [f]
strip ordeñar [v]
strip faja [f]
strip rebanada [f]
strip trozo [m]
strip quitar la montera [v]
strip cinta [f]
strip franja [f]
strip tira [f]
strip faja [f]
strip desencofrar [v]
strip desmoldar [v]
strip quitar formas [v]
strip estropear [v]
strip descortezar [v]
strip estabilizar la destilación [v]
strip extraer la tubería y varillas de succión [v]
strip enjugar tubería [v]
strip agotar [v]
strip despojar [v]
strip fleje [m]
strip tira [f]
strip cubrejuntas [m]
strip pletina [f]
strip tira [f]
strip cinta [f]
strip quitar la pintura [v]
strip deshacer [v]
strip desnudar [v]
strip decapar [v]
strip vaciar [v]
strip quitar el barniz [v]
strip cinta de hielo
strip los colores del equipo
strip fleje [m]
strip banda [f]
strip conicidad [f]
strip arrancar [v]

Meanings of "strip" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
weather strip burlete [m]
strip cartoon historieta [f]
comic strip historieta [f]
strip off desconchar [v]
strip bare desguarnecer [v]
strip down desguarnecer [v]
strip down desmantelar [v]
strip down desmontar [v]
strip off despelotarse [v]
strip the bark from descortezar [v]
strip of leaves deshojar [v]
long strip bocadillo [m]
comic strip cartoon (inglés) [m]
reed strip cincho [m]
strip the bark descortezo [m]
strip club estriptis [m]
long strip melindre [m]
strip of raw leather rejo [m]
strip show striptease (inglés) [m]
silk strip terciado [m]
pasture strip añada [f]
magnetic strip banda magnética [f]
linen or paper strip for binding single sheets cartivana [f]
strip of land parallel to the fronton court contracancha [f]
linen/paper binding strip escartivana [f]
wide strip faja [f]
strip of paper on an envelope faja [f]
strip of paper on the cover of a book faja [f]
strip of fabric put on a piece of clothing to widen hijuela [f]
cartoon strip historieta [f]
comic strip historieta [f]
jipijapa strip jipijapa [f]
strip of leather lengüeta [f]
narrow strip of cloth lienza [f]
long, narrow strip of land longuera [f]
wood strip mediacaña [f]
median strip mediana [f]
strip of paper pieza [f]
air strip pista [f]
dark dorsal strip on a horse raya de mulo [f]
power strip regleta [f]
cartoon strip tira [f]
comic strip tira [f]
cartoon strip tira cómica [f]
comic strip tira cómica [f]
strip of leather tórdiga [f]
strip of leather túrdiga [f]
comic strip artist cartonista [m/f]
comic strip creator historietista [m/f]
strip away cachar [v]
strip a room desalhajar [v]
strip off ornaments and decorations desataviar [v]
strip away necessaries or conveniences desaviar [v]
strip assets descapitalizar [v]
strip the bark from descorchar [v]
strip wallpaper desempapelar [v]
strip of fat desensebar [v]
strip of decoration desentoldar [v]
strip bare desguarnecer [v]
strip the leaves off deshojar [v]
strip oneself desnudarse [v]
strip, dislocate/break an animal's shoulder despaldillar [v]
strip, dislocate/break an animal's shoulder despaletillar [v]
strip away despoblar [v]
strip down jibarizar [v]
strip steel fleje [m]
power strip múltiple [m]
strip poker strip poker [m]
tool which is used to strip tubing separador [m]
edging strip borde [m]
median strip mediana [f]
strip of land tabla [f]
narrow strip tira [f]
strip of bacon for larding mecha [f]
magnetic strip banda magnética [f]
comic strip tira [f]
a strip cartoon/comic strip tira cómica [f]
a strip of esparto pleita [f]
power strip regleta [f]
blackhead strip tira limpiadora de barrillos [f]
blackhead strip tira limpiadora de puntos negros [f]
edging strip tira para bordes [f]
edging strip ribete [f]
strip the paint off despintar [v]
(screw) to strip pasarse de rosca (un clavo) [v]
strip assets descapitalizar [v]
strip the bark off descortezar [v]
strip down desestructurar [v]
strip apart desmontar [v]
strip off despelotarse [v]
strip down desnudar [v]
strip skin off despellejar [v]
strip skin off desollar [v]
strip the thread pasarse de rosca [v]
comic strip viñeta
aragon strip franja de aragón
gaza strip franja de gaza
möbius strip banda de möbius
möbius strip cinta de möbius
strip cartoon tira cómica
landing strip pista de aterrizaje
aragon strip aragón oriental
strip cartoon [uk] historieta tira cómica
strip lighting alumbrado fluorescente
strip of film tira de película
comic strip tira cómica
magnetic strip tira magnética
strip of land banda de tierra
strip of rawhide used as a cinch cinchón (río de la plata) [m]
weather-strip burlete [m]
weather-strip gualdrín [m]
door strip covering joint with wall tapajuntas [m]
strip used for ceilings teguillo [m]
linen or paper strip for binding single sheets cartivana [f]
narrow strip of cloth lienza [f]
strip of cloth lista [f]
strip of ground mielga [f]
long, narrow strip of land longuera [f]
strip of land between a row of trees tabla [f]
strip of hide/new leather túrdiga [f]
strip a wall of paper desempapelar [v]
strip someone of a coat desencapotar [v]
strip of fat desensebar [v]
strip a vessel of sails desenvelejar [v]
strip off useless leaves or prune desfollonar [v]
strip of trimmings desguarnecer [v]
strip leaves deshojar [v]
strip tobacco despaldillar [v]
strip of branches desramar [v]
strip oneself denudarse [v]
strip/rob of a cloak capear [v]
strip a room or chamber desalhajar [v]
strip of furniture desamueblar [v]
strip of ornaments and decorations desataviar [v]
strip of necessaries or conveniences desaviar [v]
strip a tree of shoots descogollar [v]
strip off scales/shells desconcharse [v]
strip of glaze, plaster desconchar [v]
strip (bark) descortezar [v]
pluck/strip the feathers pelar [v]
strip of clothes desnudar [v]
strip of clothes dejar en cueros a alguien [v]
strip-cartoon cartón comico [m]
landing-strip pista de aterrizaje [f]
narrow strip tirita [f]
narrow strip tirilla [f]
strip completely no dejar ni un clavo en la pared [v]
strip off desnudar [v]
strip bare no dejar ni un clavo en la pared [v]
strip-cartoon dibujos (en periódicos) [m/pl]
machete used to fell and strip the bark of cinchona trees abuinche [m] CO
strip of agave leaf chilpe [m] EC
strip of cloth/leather tefe [m] CO
strip of savanna land between two rivers cajón [m] VE PE BO CL AR
strip of fiber from the trunk of the palm tree used for many purposes arique [m] CU
elevated strip of land between two furrows banco [m] PR
strip steak bife de chorizo [m] AR UY
strip of cloth used to tie a baby's umbilical cord amarradijo [m] HN derog.
strip of cloth used to tie a baby's umbilical cord fajuelo [m] HN
paper strip with the brand of the tobacco manufacturer anillo [m] MX CU
median strip camellón [m] MX
small whop made from a strip of leather extracted from the hide of a tapir cuero de danto [m] HN
anecdote or comic strip to make one laugh chascarro [m] CL
wide strip of leather that surrounds the body of the bull behind the front legs and serves to hold the one who rides in bull riding cincho [m] MX GT HN
strip of cloth or other material, generally elastic, that serves to fasten or tie the hair or as an ornament cintillo [m] MX HN NI CU CO:N VE PE BO CL PY
conical strip of leather that is put on the sole of athletic shoe toperol [m] BO CL
conical strip of leather that is put on the sole of athletic shoe estoperol [m] CL
band or strip of leather, which serves to hold a bundle cargador [m] CO
comic strip cartoon (inglés) [m] US:Se CU
median strip cantero [m] PY AR UY
strip of corn husk used to tie humitas or tamales huato [m] PE:S rur.
strip of corn husk used to tie humitas or tamales huato [m] AR
strip of corn husk used to tie humitas or tamales guato [m] AR:Nw
strip of corn husk used to secure humitas or tamales huato [m] AR:Nw
rubber motor strip hule [m] CR
strip of cloth used as an ornament on clothing guilindajo [m] VE
strip of cloth used as an ornament on clothing guirindajo [m] VE
horse with a white blaze, strip, or star on its forehead lucerillo [m] MX rur.
strip mall mall (inglés shopping mall) [m] US HN SV NI CR PA DO PR EC PE CL
comic strip muñe [m] CU
wide strip of rawhide to yoke oxen pegador [m] HN NI rur.
median strip separador [m] CU CO
power strip robacorriente [m] BO
rumble strip serrucho [m] AR
comic strip suplemento [m] NI VE
cotton strip head wrap tocoyal [m] GT
leather strip put on the sole of athletic shoes toperol [m] BO CL
strip steak solomito [m] CO:W
strip steak solomo [m] CO
strip of banana tree bark arique [m] ES local
strip of royal palm used to tie arique [m] CU
spring strip fleje [m] CO
strip of wood tablizo [m] ES local
thin strip of rawhide tiento [m] CL PY AR UY
leather strip arcionera [f] CL AR UY
wood strip for molding barbilla [f] MX
strip tease girl bataclana [f] MX PE CL AR UY
power strip calavera [f] HN SV NI
strip of any material used to tie/gird/hang something amarra [f] CR CL
long, thin strip of leather used to waterproof footwear cuerola [f] HN
strip of leather left on the top part of footwear chapeta [f] HN
leather or wool strip, which replaces the strap of a tack cinchana [f] AR:Nw
long strip of fabric used as a blanket to cover babies faja [f] EC disused
buckled leather strip used to fasten or cinch an article of clothing faja [f] HN NI CR CU
thin strip of filet (meat or fish) fajita [f] MX HN SV NI
thin strip of filet (meat or fish) fajita [f] EC rare
strip of land on a plain at the edge of a gorge ceja [f] BO
comic strip caricatura [f] NI PR
untanned strip of leather guasca [f] EC CL AR UY rur.
thin strip of leather guasquilla [f] AR UY rur.
strip of land extending from the foothills of a mountain costa [f] VE:W AR:Nw
strip of solid ground, sometimes arable, that surrounds a bog or swamp costanera [f] CU
strip or strap of natural leather used to tie oxen to their yoke coyunda [f] DO AR:Nw UY
ribbon or strip used as an ornament, especially on ponchos and saddle blankets guincha [f] BO rur.
strip of wool güincha [f] PE BO CL
lithographed strip that covers the edges of a cigar box habilitación [f] CU
median strip isleta [f] PA
strip of cotton güincha [f] PE BO CL
strip of land along a river ladera [f] CO EC
strip of fabric that is placed in the back of the sacks or coats at waist height for notching or as an ornament martingala (francés) [f] AR UY
strip of metal or plastic used to fasten pipes embasadura [f] PR
power strip piña [f] CU
strip of land between private property and a public road ronda [f] HN CR rur.
power strip with two or more plugs zapatilla [f] CL PY AR UY
strip of bacon with streaks of lean meat tocineta [f] NI CR PA CU DO PR CO EC BO UY
strip of wood tira [f] EC rur.
strong strip from toquilla palm plant leaves trencilla [f] EC
power strip calavera [f] SV
strip of meadow grass cut with a scythe cambada [f] ES local rur.
strip of land that extends along the foot of a mountain range costa [f] AR
strip of skin from a leg of a cow to make sandals estórdiga [f] ES local
long and narrow strip of land estórdiga [f] ES local
jipijapa strip jipa [f] CO
sole strip that shoemakers wrap their hands with manopla [f] ES local
power strip piña [f] CU
strip of bacon tocineta [f] CR PA AN CO VE
comic strip artist pintamonos [m/f] CL
(screw) to strip robarse (el tornillo) [v] AMER
strip of ornaments desentoldar [v] fig.
strip of clothes encuerar [v] AMER
strip down empelotar [v] LAM
strip the screw barrerse [v] MX
put a median strip in the middle of an avenue to divide traffic acamellonar [v] MX
place a strip of plaster along a wall to indicate the level when plastering a wall (bricklayers) fajear [v] SV
strip the bed destender [v] CR CO PE BO CL AR
strip down enllucharse [v] EC
strip down estartalar [v] PR
strip down empilucharse [v] CL
strip down pelarse [v] HN SV BO
strip (topsoil) desencapar [v] ES local
strip down encuerarse [v] LA AL
comic strip monitos [m/pl] CO BO
comic strip muñequitos [m/pl] NI CU PR
comic strip monitos [m/pl] MX
tear someone off a strip cantar las cuarenta a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip cagar a pedos a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip cantar la cartilla a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip leer la cartilla a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip cardarle la lana a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip dar un jabón a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip dar una soba a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip dar un meneo a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip dar un palo a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip dar una jabonadura a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip echar la gran bronca a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip poner a alguien de vuelta y media [v]
tear someone off a strip echar el broncazo a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip soltar la andanada a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip soltar una andanada a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip echar un rapapolvo a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip jabonar a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone cantar las cuarenta a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone cagar a pedos a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone cantar la cartilla a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone leer la cartilla a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone dar un jabón a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone cardarle la lana a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone dar una soba a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone dar un meneo a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone dar un palo a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone dar una jabonadura a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone echar la gran bronca a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone poner a alguien de vuelta y media [v]
tear a strip off someone echar el broncazo a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone soltar la andanada a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone soltar una andanada a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone echar un rapapolvo a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone jabonar a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip machacarle a alguien las liendres [v]
tear someone off a strip cascarle a alguien las liendres [v]
tear a strip off someone machacarle a alguien las liendres [v]
tear a strip off someone cascarle a alguien las liendres [v]
tear someone off a strip cantarle a alguien las cuarenta [v]
tear a strip off someone cantarle a alguien las cuarenta [v]
tear a strip off someone meter un paquete a alguien [v]
strip someone of immunity retirarle a alguien la inmunidad [v]
tear a strip off echar la bronca [v]
tear a strip off somebody echarle la bronca a alguien [v]
tear a strip off somebody reprender a alguien [v]
tear somebody off a strip echarle la bronca a alguien [v]
tear somebody off a strip reprender a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip echarle la bronca a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone poner a alguien como un cristo [v]
tear a strip off someone poner a alguien como un guiñapo [v]
tear someone off a strip poner a alguien como un pingo [v]
tear someone off a strip sacudirle leña a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip dar un metido a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip pegar un buen repaso a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip echar una reprimenda a alguien [v]
tear a strip off someone cuerear a alguien [v] CAR
tear a strip off someone dar con el hacha a alguien [v] SCN
tear someone off a strip dar con el hacha a alguien [v] SCN
strip down hacer fuerarropa [v] disused
strip down hacer fuera ropa [v] disused
strip off desnudarse [v]
strip out quitar [v]
strip out eliminar [v]
tear a strip off somebody [uk] dar con el hacha a alguien [v]
tear somebody off a strip [uk] dar con el hacha a alguien [v]
tear someone off a strip poner a alguien a caldo [v]
strip someone to the buff dejar a alguien en pelotas [v]
strip someone naked dejar a alguien en pelotas [v]
strip naked empelotarse [v]
strip of property desplumar [v]
be strip naked desnudarse de cintura para arriba [v]
strip completely no dejar estaca en pared [v]
strip tease bombón asesino [m] MX
strip of corn husk used to tie humitas or tamales huato [m] BO:W,C
strip the leaves off a plant hojear [v] BO:C
strip of their clothing despilchar [v] CL AR
strip down destartalar [v] MX HN DO PR PE BO CL PY AR:Nw
strip bare empelotar [v] CO
strip joint cabaré [m]
strip knives cuchillas de recorte
steel strip fleje de acero
filler strip listón de relleno
reinforcing strip listón de refuerzo
continuous hot strip mill tren continuo para banda caliente
weather strip burlete [m]
strip (of a dress) banda [f]
magnetic strip cinta magnética
frontier strip franja fronteriza
auditing strip tira de auditoría
strip search registro al desnudo
gaza strip franja de gaza
comic strip tira cómica
connecting strip nales [m]
strip cartoon tira cómica
magnetic strip tira magnética
strip ledger tarjeta con banda magnética
terminal strip regleta de conexión
legend strip faja de leyenda
terminal strip regleta de conexiones
magnetic strip pista magnética
bimetallic strip bimetal [m]
hot strip deflector de unidad luminosa [m]
fuse strip fusible de cinta [m]
strip-wound armature inducido del devanado en bandas [m]
bimetallic strip bimetal [m]
bimetallic strip elemento bimetálico [m]
transparency designation labelling strip banda de etiquetado de designación transparente [f]
fuse strip lámina de fusible [f]
transparent-designation labeling strip [us] banda de etiquetado de designación transparente [f]
transparent-designation labelling strip [uk] banda de etiquetado de designación transparente [f]
lamp strip regleta de lámparas [f]
magnetic strip banda magnética [f]
magnetic strip card tarjeta de banda magnética [f]
fuse strip lámina fusible [f]
chart strip gráfica en banda de papel [f]
chart strip gráfica de rollo [f]
chart strip banda de papel para registro gráfico [f]
bimetallic strip lámina bimetálica [f]
chart strip carta de rollo [f]
terminal barrier strip regleta de conexiones
chart strip gráfica en banda de papel
strip chart recorder registrador de banda de papel
chart strip rollo de papel gráfico
bimetallic strip lámina bimetálica
fuse strip regleta de fusibles
strip chart recorder registrador de papel continuo
bimetallic strip par bimetálico
strip terminal borne plano
strip line línea de cinta triplaca
starting strip banda de cebado
fuse strip lámina fusible
fuse strip fusible de cinta
terminal barrier strip bloque de terminales
strip line línea de cinta
strip chart recorder registrador de banda
chart strip carta de rollo
bimetallic strip elemento bimetálico
insulating strip tira aislante
terminal strip tira de bornes
strip fuse fusible de cinta
link or strip fuse fusible de cinta
earth strip brida de tierra
plug-in strip moldura para tomacorrientes
earth strip pletina de tierra
ground strip pletina de tierra
starting strip banda de cebado
wood strip listón [m]
flush-strip-flush lavado–desvestir–lavado [m]
coinage strip riel [m]
strip iron fleje [m]
metal strip fleje [m]
spring strip fleje [m]
digit key strip teclado [m]
if strip chasis de frecuencia intermedia [m]
nailing strip on i beam polín [m]
strip of wood girón [m]
seam strip cubrejunta [m]
weather strip gualdrín [m]
weather strip burlete [m]
cover strip platabanda [f]
butt-strip eclisa [f]
panel-strip cubrejunta [f]
rumble strip banda sonora [f]
butt-strip cubrejunta [f]
hook strip percha [f]
termination strip caperuza terminal [f]
crossed strip-line cavity cavidad de líneas de cintas cruzada [f]
pushbutton strip botonera [f]
cover strip platabanda [f]
limit strip banda límite [f]
strip-wound flexible metal hose manguera recubierta con tiras de metal flexible [f]
strip ingots deslingotar [v]
strip topsoil descapotar [v] CO
strip off desconchar [v]
strip bark descortezar [v]
strip (topsoil) desencapar [v]
strip off boards desentablar [v]
strip off roof tiles desentejar [v]
strip off fittings desguarnecer [v]
strip ironwork desherrar [v]
strip off laths/battens deslatar [v]
strip forms desmoldar [v]
strip (topsoil) despejar [v]
strip rigging desguarnir [v]
strip topsoil descortezar [v]
strip shim tiras de metal [f/pl]
edge strip cubrejunta longitudinal
bimetal strip lámina bimetal
earth strip brida de tierra
strip grazing pastoreo en franjas
strip of paper tira de papel
strip rolling mill laminador de fleje
reinforcing strip listón de refuerzo
bimetallic strip cinta bimetálica
steel strip lámina de acero
terminal strip regleta de terminales
locking strip lengüeta freno
strip rolling laminación de bandas
cord terminal strip regleta de terminales
filler strip tira de relleno
cant strip listón achaflanado
cut and strip corte y desprendimiento
strip material material en forma de cinta
black strip banda negra
strip-mounted set montaje sobre platina
strip-borer drill taladradora de zanjas
strip-chart recorder registrador de banda
terminal strip banda terminal
plain wood strip flooring entarimado a la inglesa
strip steel acero en bandas
fuse strip lámina fusible
magnetic strip hoja magnética
blonding strip banda de conexión
weather strip junta hermética
bearing strip pletina de apoyo
cover strip listón tapajunta
strip tillage labranza en franjas
magnetic strip banda magnética
strip sheet chapa en rollo
carpet strip felpudo de puerta
terminal strip regleta de bornes
strip chart gráfico de fajas
strip cropping cultivo en franjas de nivel
strip line línea de cinta
copper strip banda de cobre
tag strip regleta de conexiones
terminal strip regleta de conexiones
strip knives cuchillas de recorte
strip mining explotación a cielo abierto por excavadoras
steel strip cinta de acero
hot strip mill laminador de bandas en caliente
steel strip banda de acero
metal strip banda de metal
deicing strip solución de descongelación
fuse strip fusible de cinta
test strip tira de pruebas
copper strip cinta de cobre
móbius strip cinta de móbius
strip rolling laminación de flejes
terminal strip bloque de terminales
filler strip listón de relleno
strip cartoon tira de dibujos
guard strip tira protectora
cotton strip cordón de algodón
strip chart cinta de registro
parting strip zona de separación