beat - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "beat" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 272 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
beat latido [m]
beat toque [m]
beat latir [v]
beat ganar [v]
beat vencer [v]
beat golpear [v]
beat golpetear [v]
beat machacar [v]
beat machucar [v]
beat palpitar [v]
beat repiquetear [v]
beat sacudir [v]
beat superar [v]
beat tamborilear [v]
beat tundear [v]
Irregular Verb
beat beat - beaten/beat [v]
beat tantarantán [m]
beat compás [m]
beat tictac [m]
beat ronda [f]
beat pulsación [f]
beat ojear [v]
beat sobrepasar [v]
beat tascar [v]
beat hacer tictac [v]
beat levantar [v]
beat manguear [v]
beat pulsar [v]
beat tundir [v]
beat cuerear [v]
beat fregar [v]
beat vapulear [v]
beat varear [v]
beat derrotar [v]
beat vibrar [v]
beat montar [v]
beat zumbar [v]
beat dar una paliza [v]
beat batir [v]
beat latido [m]
beat pulsamiento [m]
beat retoque [m]
beat ritmo [m]
beat palpitación [f]
beat pulsación [f]
beat trabajado [adj]
beat abatanar [v]
beat abrir [v]
beat acocotar [v]
beat acogotar [v]
beat agramar [v]
beat apalear [v]
beat aplastar [v]
beat aporrear [v]
beat apuñar [v]
beat arrollar [v]
beat atarugar [v]
beat azotar [v]
beat batanar [v]
beat deshacer [v]
beat golpear [v]
beat hundir [v]
beat latir [v]
beat levantar [v]
beat macear [v]
beat machacar [v]
beat palpitar [v]
beat percutir [v]
beat poder [v]
beat pulsar [v]
beat redoblegar [v]
beat repiquetear [v]
beat sacudir [v]
beat tascar [v]
beat tundear [v]
beat vapulear [v]
beat vencer [v]
beat zaminar [v]
beat batida [f]
beat padecer [v]
beat solfear [v]
beat deslomar [v]
beat calentar [v]
beat mosquear [v]
beat sobar [v]
beat pelar [v]
beat arquear [v]
beat revolver [v]
beat rebasar [v]
beat aventajar [v]
beat ser mucho mejor que [v]
beat batir (alas/huevos/mantequilla) [v]
beat golpear (cosa) [v]
beat golpear (lluvia) [v]
beat latir (corazón/pulso) [v]
beat percusionar [v]
beat batir [v]
beat batido [m]
beat ritmo [m]
beat marcar [v]
beat atracar [v]
beat dar [v]
beat combatir [v]
beat bordonear [v]
beat cutir [v]
beat fajar [v]
beat pegar [v]
beat percutir [v]
beat pisar [v]
beat palear [v]
beat trillar [v]
beat verberar [v]
beat zurrar [v]
beat espantar [v]
beat arrollar [v]
beat barrer [v]
beat mezclar [v]
beat redoble [m]
beat toque de tambor [m]
beat quiebro (de la voz) [m]
beat sonido repetido [m]
beat ronda (de policía) [f]
beat palpitación [f]
beat golpeado [adj]
beat arrojado [adj]
beat apaleado [adj]
beat abatido [adj]
beat lanzado (contra) [adj]
beat derrotado [adj]
beat vencido [adj]
beat derribado [adj]
beat asendereado [adj]
beat trillado [adj]
beat exceder [v]
beat dar golpes [v]
beat abatir [v]
beat dar una batida [v]
beat deprimir [v]
beat empujar con violencia [v]
beat agramar [v]
beat majar [v]
beat agitarse [v]
beat estrellarse [v]
beat echarse sobre [v]
beat moverse con pulsación [v]
beat toquido [m] MX
beat acordanza [f] disused
beat afligir [v] LA
beat bejuquear [v] MX GT NI PR
beat surumbiar [v] rare AR
beat tanganear [v] CAR
beat abarrar [v] disused
beat cutir [v] disused
beat fundir [v] disused
beat macanear [v] MX HN DO PR
beat molonquear [v] SV
beat pambacear [v] MX
beat percutar [v] rare
beat profligar [v] disused
beat revencer [v] disused
beat sobreganar [v] disused
beat somatar [v] GT HN SV
beat tostar [v] PR CL
beat cascundear [v] CAM
beat golpeada [adj/f]
beat apaleada [adj/f]
beat abatida [adj/f]
beat derribada [adj/f]
beat arrojada [adj/f]
beat derrotada [adj/f]
beat asendereada [adj/f]
beat vencida [adj/f]
beat trillada [adj/f]
beat dar palos [v]
beat arrimar candela a alguien [v]
beat hacer morder el polvo [v]
beat alcanzar de cuenta a alguien [v]
beat no haber lanza enhiesta [v]
beat no quedar lanza enhiesta [v]
beat hacer morder el polvo a alguien [v]
beat hacer morder la tierra a alguien [v]
beat hacer batería [v] rare
beat hacer sonar [v] CL
beat dar de palos [v]
beat molido [adj]
beat reventado [adj]
beat hecho polvo [adj]
beat destrozado [adj]
beat hostiar [v]
beat sotanear [v]
beat cascar [v]
beat batanear [v]
beat hacer polvo [v]
beat acollonar [v]
beat acoquinar (francés) [v]
beat batanear [v]
beat molerle a alguien los huesos [v]
beat romperle a alguien los huesos [v]
beat merendarse [v]
beat poder [v]
beat hacer a alguien polvo [v]
beat sacudir el polvo a alguien [v]
beat sobar [v]
beat sopapear [v]
beat sotanear [v]
beat tumbar [v]
beat tundir [v]
beat zamarrear [v]
beat zurrar [v]
beat humear [v] MX
beat afuetear [v] LAM
beat apuñear [v] disused
beat dar caña [v] ES
beat cargar [v] VE
beat apalizar [v] ES
beat moronguear [v] GT SV
beat penquear [v] HN SV
beat siquitrillar [v] VE
beat levantar [v] CO
beat envesar [v] delinq.
beat golpear con el batán [v]
beat impeler [v]
beat batido [m]
beat pulsación [f]
beat pulsación [f]
beat generar [v]
beat ritmo [m]
beat batido [m]
beat oscilación [f]
beat interferencia [f]
beat vibración [f]
beat bordada [f]
beat pulsación [f]
beat batir [v]
beat oscilación [f]
beat vibración [f]
beat pulsación [f]
beat afloramiento [m]
beat latido [m]
beat latir [v]
beat pulsación [f]
beat llevar el compás [v]
beat fluctuar [v]
beat tocar el tambor [v]
beat espadillar [v]
beat rebajar [v]
beat bracear [v]
beat sufrir [v]
beat empujar [v]
beat guardar relación
beat sector de vigilancia
beat frecuencia de interferencia
beat frecuencia resultante
beat tomar una marcación
beat estar orientado
beat voltejear [v]
beat ganar el barlovento [v] rare
beat batido [m]
beat barloventear [v]
beat pulsación [f]
beat ceñir [v]
beat moler [v]
beat romper [v]
beat montar [v] ES
beat marcar (el compás) [v]
beat compás [m]
beat tocar (un tambor) [v]
beat compás [m]
beat tiempo [m]
beat zapatear [v]
beat concertar [v]
beat herir [v]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "beat" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
I beat bato [v]
(latin a) to beat mercilessly festejar [v]
beat another vencer [v]
beat (hearth) golpe [m]
beat about the bush andarse con rodeos [v]
beat up dar una paliza [v]
beat (drum) tocar [v]
beat up fajar [v]
beat time marcar el compás [v]
beat (tempo) tiempo [m]
slow danceable song originally from cuba, popular in the caribbean, with a two-by-four beat and melancholic lyrics bolero [m]
heart beat golpe [m]
drum beat redoble [m]
beat up fajado [adj]
off-beat incatalogable [adj]
beat to degrease abatanar [v]
beat up mochar [v]
beat down aniquilar [v]
beat a confession out of atormentar [v]
beat with a weapon atormentar [v]
beat repeatedly baquetear [v]
beat with a cane bastonear [v]
beat up batanar [v]
beat up batir [v]
beat violently batir [v]
beat with a cane bordonear [v]
beat with a cane cañaverear [v]
beat against combatir [v]
beat on combatir [v]
lose the beat descompasarse [v]
beat someone in the ribs descostillar [v]
beat down doblegar [v]
beat around the bush errar [v]
beat hemp espadar [v]
beat up golpetear [v]
beat with a sledgehammer marrear [v]
beat up moler [v]
beat the egg white, or cream, until it is fluffy montar [v]
beat for game ojear [v]
beat repeatedly paporrear [v]
beat up paporrear [v]
beat up porracear [v]
be all beat up quebrantarse [v]
beat down rebajar [v]
beat again rebatir [v]
beat a lot rebatir [v]
beat around the bush rodear [v]
beat up trillar [v]
beat up trompear [v]
beat black and blue tundear [v]
beat oneself up vapulearse [v]
beat with a stick varear [v]
beat with a stick verguear [v]
beat with a shoe zapatear [v]
beat generation generación beat (movimiento literario) [f]
beat-up boat lancha vieja [f]
beat for game ojear [v]
beat up atizar [v]
beat about rodear [v]
beat about the bush garabatear [v]
beat it largarse [v]
beat up moler a palos [v]
beat with a stick varear [v]
beat to windward bordear [v]
(heart) to beat latir (el corazón) [v]
(creditors) beat one's door down tirar la puerta abajo (los acreedores) [v]
beat upon azotar [v]
beat down chalanear [v]
beat up aporrear [v]
beat down on batir [v]
beat up apalear [v]
beat up destartalar [v]
beat up baquetear [v]
beat up vapulear [v]
beat about the bush andarse por las ramas [v]
miss the beat perder el ritmo [v]
beat a team imponerse a un equipo [v]
lose the beat perder el compás [v]
beat a retreat emprender la retirada [v]
beat against golpear contra [v]
beat an egg batir un huevo [v]
beat a retreat batirse en retirada [v]
beat the record batir la plusmarca [v]
beat the record batir el record [v]
beat an enemy sobreponerse a un enemigo [v]
beat a record batir una marca [v]
beat a record mejorar una marca [v]
beat a record superar una marca [v]
beat a record establecer una marca [v]
beat up somantar [v]
beat around the bush andar con tapujos [v]
beat a child dar una paliza a un niño [v]
begin beat empezar algo [v]
beat a child apalizar a un niño [v]
beat a charge derrotar [v]
beat one's chest golpearse el pecho [v]
beat with a mallet golpear con un mazo [v]
beat on the door golpear la puerta [v]
beat at the door golpear la puerta [v]
beat with a hammer golpear con un martillo [v]
beat a path hacer un camino [v]
beat a path abrir un camino [v]
beat out the dust quitar el polvo [v]
beat off the attack contrarrestar el ataque [v]
beat off an attack contrarrestar un ataque [v]
beat all hollow superar con creces [v]
beat at the door llamar a la puerta [v]
beat easily dar barraca [v]
beat each other aporrearse [v]
let's not beat around the bush ¿para qué estamos con cuentos? [expr] CL
beat of the music ritmo de la música
beat jack out of doors tipo de juego de cartas
heart-beat golpe [m]
beat/throb of the heart latido [m]
pulse-beat pulso [m]
drum-beat rataplán [m]
double drum-beat tantarantán [m]
beat of kettle-drum timbaleo [m]
beat of drums summoning to attack the enemy resolutely calacuerda [f]
beat down acamar [v]
beat/full (cloth) abatanar [v]
beat black and blue acardenalar [v]
beat wool arcar [v]
beat wool arquear [v]
beat down (fruit) with a pole apalear [v]
beat (clothes) apalear [v]
beat about a spot desempedrar [v]
beat iron on the flat and side alternately contraforjar [v]
beat with a stick bastonear [v]
beat time batir [v]
beat down the fruit of a tree batojar [v]
beat down hundir [v]
roll/beat metal into sheets laminar [v]
beat/drive with a mallet macear [v]
beat a wood montear [v]
beat up mullir [v]
beat with a rod verguear [v]
beat the labour tamborilear [v]
beat down fruit varear [v]
beat up batir [v]
beat up vencer [v]
beat up zurrar [v]
beat up derrotar [v]
beat up moler (a golpes/palos) [v]
beat to death acogotar [v]
beat down (the price) regatear [v]
beat down (the price) rebajar [v]
beat to death herir de muerte [v]
beat a carpet sacudir un tapiz [v]
beat black and blue moler a palos [v]
beat one's way abrirse camino [v]
beat a retreat tocar retirada [v]
beat in hundir [v]
beat back reverberar [v]
beat into introducir [v]
beat off arrojar [v]
beat out lanzar [v]
beat into hacer entrar [v]
beat out arrancar [v]
beat up alarmar [v]
beat up batir (huevos) [v]
beat the record batir el récord [v]
drum beat borocotó [m] UY
drum beat borocotó chas chas [m] UY
popular music based on cumbia where women keep the beat with the palm of their hands bullarengue [m] CU CO
popular music based on cumbia where women keep the beat with the palm of their hands bullerengue [m] CU CO
person who was beat up cabro vergueado [m] SV
typical dance performed in pairs in a circle moving clockwise to the beat of a band fandango [m] CO
male dead-beat incumplido [m] MX NI CR CO VE BO
long stick used to beat a rhythm, very used by the chaco indigenous people kahuis [m] PY
dead beat mantenido [m] GT
easily beat player pichón [m] MX
beat police officer punto [m] VE
strong heart beat tucutú [m] PR
strong heart beat tucutucu [m] PR
skip a heart beat tuque tuque [m] PR
large heart beat tuque tuque [m] PR
female dead-beat incumplida [f] MX NI CR CO VE BO
easiest to beat papa [f] MX DO
beat of the drum llamada [f] UY
beat up abollado [adj] US rare
beat up abollado [adj] CU DO VE
beat up abombado [adj] HN
beat-up (thing) desguabinado [adj] CU PR
beat-up (thing) esguabinado [adj] PR
beat-up carcachento [adj] CL derog.
beat-up catreco [adj] HN
beat-up embromado [adj] MX DO VE
relating to a carnival group of black people and white people in black face dancing to the beat of tabors lubolo [adj] UY
all beat up matado [adj] GT PE rur.
beat-up despetroncado [adj] CU
beat up moreteado [adj] CL cult
beat up moreteado [adj] MX GT SV NI CR PA CU DO CO:N,Ne VE PE BO:W PY AR:W,Nw EC
marching to the beat of their own drum pelacable [adj] CL
having been beat up penqueado [adj] GT HN SV NI
beat up penqueado [adj] GT HN SV NI
beat-up carcachento [adj] CL derog.
beat-up descuacharrangado [adj] MX
flop (beat, flap, flitter, flutter) batir [v]
beat up cajear [v] CAM
beat mercilessly festejar [v] LAM
beat/clean hemp farachar [v] ARA
beat with violence contramatarse [v] PA
beat with violence contramatarse [v] PA
beat up porracear [v] MX
beat someone alumbrar [v] VE
beat someone arremangar [v] GT
beat someone down agolpear [v] PR
beat someone with a strap barzonear [v] MX SV NI rur.
beat by a landslide basurear [v] BO PY AR UY
beat someone amasijar [v] PY AR UY
beat someone up cachimbear [v] GT HN SV NI
beat someone in a competition cachimbear [v] HN SV NI
badly beat someone abimbar [v] US rare
(piston) to beat due to wear or a fault in adjustment that generates a slight clearance campanearse [v] MX
beat someone viciously desconflautar [v] CU
beat someone clavar [v] HN
beat something to the point of nearly destroying it descoñetar [v] PR VE
beat someone to the point of leaving them injured despaletillar [v] CU
beat someone viciously leaving them seriously injured despatarrar [v] CU
beat someone viciously despatillar [v] CU
beat someone (leaving them injured) desarbolar [v] CU
beat someone (leaving them injured) desbaratar [v] CU
beat someone viciously leaving them seriously injured desgonzar [v] CU
beat someone desconocer [v] SV
beat someone viciously leaving them seriously injured desguañingar [v] CU
beat someone (leaving them injured) descangañar [v] CU
beat someone deshuesar [v] PR
beat someone to the point of breaking bones desmambichar [v] NI
beat someone with one's fists challpar (del quechua) [v] BO:W,C,S
beat around the bush florear [v] CU PE BO PY
beat someone up esmongar [v] PR
beat someone estoltusar [v] PR
beat someone up desmongar [v] PR
beat up estromparse [v] VE
beat someone fajar [v] EC rare
beat or lash someone with a belt fajear [v] HN NI CR
beat someone cascarear [v] CR rare
beat someone ajustar [v] GT SV CU PE BO
beat around the bush caretear [v] AR
beat someone catanear [v] PE rare
beat someone up catear [v] MX
beat someone catear [v] GT SV
beat someone catorrear [v] SV NI
beat someone frisquear [v] CL
beat with a club garrotear [v] GT NI CR CO EC BO PY
beat someone by a wide margin guaraquear [v] CL
beat someone in response to a betrayal gorrear [v] CR
beat someone guasmear [v] NI disused
beat someone grenchar [v] SV
beat a person or animal conectar (inglés) [v] CR CU
beat someone huevacear [v] GT
beat someone latear [v] DO
beat someone leñacear [v] GT
beat around the bush enfrijolarse [v] MX
beat around the bush caramelear [v] CO
beat someone machetear [v] PE
beat someone maletear [v] BO:C,W,S
savagely beat malmatarse [v] HN SV NI
beat someone marimbear [v] HN SV
beat up macetear [v] HN NI
beat up madurar [v] CU
beat up masetear [v] PR
soundly beat matar [v] AR
beat someone molonquear [v] GT SV
beat someone monacear [v] SV
beat someone up molonquear [v] GT SV
beat someone up monacear [v] SV
beat someone montar [v] HN
beat with a paddle paletear [v] EC
beat a political opponent for a position planchar [v] PA
beat someone petaquear [v] SV
beat someone petatear [v] HN SV
beat someone petatear [v] SV NI
beat up pichacear [v] CR
beat someone penquear [v] GT HN SV NI
beat up pelar [v] MX disused
beat up pelar [v] PR
beat up pijiar [v] GT HN SV NI
beat to it primerear [v] AR UY
beat someone puñetear [v] MX GT HN SV BO CL
beat to the punch primerear [v] AR UY
beat up sazonar [v] CU
beat up zangarrear [v] SV
beat up surtir [v] AR
beat up tamborear [v] SV
beat up tanatear [v] HN SV
beat down toletear [v] HN
beat up suipiar (inglés sweep) [v] DO
beat up tapesquear [v] SV
beat oneself up verduguearse [v] AR UY
beat up trampar [v] HN
beat up tapojiar [v] SV
beat up trancasear [v] GT
beat up abarrar [v] disused
beat against abatanar [v] rare
beat on abatanar [v] rare
beat up abatanar [v] rare
beat each other up abatanarse [v] rare
beat up amochar [v] ES local
beat with a nightstick aporracear [v] AL
beat with a strap barzonear [v] MX SV NI rur.
beat up coñacear [v] VE derog.
beat up estezar [v] AL
beat up fajar [v] LA CI
get beat up fajarse [v] LA CI
beat someone in response to a betrayal gorrear [v] CR
beat around the bush jerigonzar [v] disused
beat up macanear [v] GT SV
beat up malmatar [v] SV NI
beat up pambacear [v] MX
beat up quiñar (quechua) [v] PA
dead beat cansado en extremo [adj]
dead beat acabado [adj]
dead beat agotado [adj]
dead beat en bancarrota [adj]
dead beat consumido completamente [adj]
dead beat exhausto [adj]
dead beat muy cansado [adj]
dead beat muerto de cansancio [adj]
dead beat totalmente agotado [adj]
beat the gun adelantarse a algo [v]
beat the gun precipitarse [v]
beat swords into ploughshares convertir las espadas en arados [v]
beat the hell out of someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat the shit out of someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat the pants off (of) someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat the stuffing out of someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat the socks off (of) someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat the tar out of someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat to his knees avasallar [v]
beat the hell out of something avasallar a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone avasallar a alguien [v]
beat the socks off someone avasallar a alguien [v]
beat the shit out of someone avasallar a alguien [v]
beat the pants off someone avasallar a alguien [v]
beat the tar out of somebody avasallar a alguien [v]
beat the stuffing out of someone avasallar a alguien [v]
beat the tar out of someone avasallar a alguien [v]
be dead beat estar hecho polvo [v]
beat around the bush irse por las ramas [v]
beat around the bush marear la perdiz [v]
beat about the bush irse por las ramas [v]
beat it tomar las afufas [v]
beat about the bush andar con rodeos [v]
beat around the bush andar con rodeos [v]
beat one's head against the wall arar en el mar [v]
beat the air arar en el mar [v]
beat it apretar las calzaderas [v]
beat it echar a correr [v]
beat it poner pies en polvorosa [v]
beat it correr rápidamente [v]
beat it salir arreando [v]
beat it huirse [v]
beat feet apretar las calzaderas [v]
beat feet echar a correr [v]
beat feet poner pies en polvorosa [v]
beat feet correr rápidamente [v]
beat feet salir arreando [v]
beat feet huirse [v]
beat someone up arrimar candela a alguien [v]
beat up arrimar candela a alguien [v]
beat the crap out of someone arrimar candela a alguien [v]
beat around the bush andar en floreos [v]
beat about bush andar en floreos [v]
beat the bushes buscar con un candil [v]
beat one's brains comerse el coco [v]
beat one's brains out comerse el coco [v]
beat the bushes ir al rabo [v]
beat the bushes andar al rabo [v]
beat the bushes estar al rabo [v]
beat the bushes llevar al rabo [v]
beat the bushes tener al rabo [v]
beat about the bush andarse con tapujos [v]
beat about the bush andar por las ramas [v]
beat down (price) apretarse el cinturón [v]
beat down (price) ajustarse el cinturón [v]
beat around the bush andarse con tapujos [v]
beat around the bush andar por las ramas [v]
beat the air cavar en el mar [v]
beat the air ser una raya en el agua [v]
beat the air hacer trazar una raya en el agua [v]
beat the air trazar una raya en el agua [v]
beat a dead horse cavar en el mar [v]
beat a dead horse hacer trazar una raya en el agua [v]
beat a dead horse ser una raya en el agua [v]
beat a dead horse trazar una raya en el agua [v]
beat one's head against the wall cavar en el mar [v]
beat one's head against the wall hacer trazar una raya en el agua [v]
beat one's head against the wall ser una raya en el agua [v]
beat one's head against the wall trazar una raya en el agua [v]
beat the bushes buscar con candil [v]
beat/turn swords into ploughshares cambiar las espadas por arados [v]
beat around the bush andar con ambages [v]
beat around the bush ir por los cerros de úbeda [v]
march to the beat of a different drum marchar al ritmo de un diferente tambor [v]
beat around the bush irse por los cerros de úbeda [v]
beat around the bush andarse con rodeos [v]
beat around the bush darle vueltas al asunto [v]
beat to the punch ganar de mano [v]
beat to the punch anticipar [v]
beat around the bush dar muchas vueltas a un asunto [v]
beat about the bush dar muchas vueltas a un asunto [v]
beat someone darle a alguien sopas con honda [v]
beat a dead horse darse de cabeza contra la pared [v]
beat a dead horse darse con la cabeza contra la pared [v]
beat one's head against the wall darse de cabeza contra la pared [v]
beat around the bush decir verdades a medias [v]
beat about the bush decir verdades a medias [v]
beat around the bush andarse por las ramas [v]
beat around the bush andar con vueltas [v]
beat a dead horse arar en el mar [v]
beat a dead horse machacar en hierro frío [v]
not miss a beat no dejar pasar la oportunidad [v]
not miss a beat no perder puntada [v]
not miss a beat no vacilar [v]
not miss a beat no dudar [v]
not miss a beat no omitir nada [v]
not skip a beat no dudar [v]
not skip a beat no dejar pasar la oportunidad [v]
not skip a beat hablar con franqueza [v]
beat a dead horse gastar pólvora en gallinazos [v]
beat a dead horse gastar pólvora en zopilotes [v]
beat a dead horse gastar la pólvora en salvas [v]
beat one's head against the wall martillar en hierro frío [v]
beat one's head against the wall golpear en hierro frío [v]
beat one's head against the wall martillear en hierro frío [v]
beat the air martillar en hierro frío [v]
beat the air golpear en hierro frío [v]
beat the air martillear en hierro frío [v]
beat a dead horse martillar en hierro frío [v]
beat a dead horse martillear en hierro frío [v]
beat a dead horse golpear en hierro frío [v]
beat one's gums hablar de bueyes perdidos [v]
beat someone a frazzle hacer tortilla a alguien [v]
beat someone up hacer tortilla a alguien [v]
beat someone hacer tortilla a alguien [v]
beat down hacer morder el polvo [v]
beat or win over someone hacer morder polvo a alguien [v]
beat or win over someone hacer morder el polvo a alguien [v]
beat someone into a jelly hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat someone to a pulp hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the hell out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat someone to a pulp hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the hell out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat someone to a pulp hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the hell out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat someone to a pulp hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the hell out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat someone to a jelly hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the tar out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the tar out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the tar out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat someone into a jelly hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the tar out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the pants off someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the stuffing out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the stuffing out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the pants off someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat someone to a jelly hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat someone to a jelly hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the pants off someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat someone to a jelly hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the pants off someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the stuffing out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the stuffing out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the shit out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the shit out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the shit out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the shit out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat someone into something hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat someone into something hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat someone into something hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat someone into something hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat someone into a jelly hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat someone into a jelly hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat someone up to a pulp hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat someone up to a pulp hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the socks off someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the socks off someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the socks off someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the socks off someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat someone a frazzle hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat someone a frazzle hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat someone a frazzle hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat someone a frazzle hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat someone up to a pulp hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat someone up to a pulp hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the rap irse de rositas [v]
pound a beat hacer una recorrida de rutina [v]
pound a beat hacer siempre el mismo camino [v]